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joey (DayZ)

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Everything posted by joey (DayZ)

  1. joey (DayZ)

    Which Video card is better?

    You can get a 9800gtx on ebay for under 50 buks if you look around. I got mine for $48.
  2. joey (DayZ)

    No loot anywhere (

    I have found a bunch of loot. A double barrel shotgun, seen 3 makarovs, got an enfeild, all just in the first half of cherno. Unfortunately zombies were still able to see me through the walls. I don't know, seems as I was able to lose some, but others still see through walls. Also gotta love the one hit leg breaker from the zeds. The one thing I couldn't find was some morphine. Felt like a gimp crawling around till some zeds put me out of my misery.
  3. joey (DayZ)


    I think people are raging because they found an awesome game/mod, and they don't want to leave. They want it to be fixed. But if the game continues to go in a boring shitty direction then you will eventually get your wish and people will leave, and then you can forget about this ever becoming its own game.
  4. joey (DayZ)

    Hardcore fanboys Vs General gamers

    I agree, If Rocket wants to cater to the HARDCORE (overweight losers with no life, who want to live in a virtual reality), then so be it. He can do whatever he wants with his mod. But if he ever wants this to be a stand alone game, and be a successful one at that, then he needs to ease it up a bit. I'm going to be waiting for the next patch before I get back into it for now. Also it's not the "hardcore" of it that is turning me off, it's the fact that it's getting boring as hell. Crawling around for hours on end is not my idea of fun.
  5. joey (DayZ)

    Favorite youtuber for Dayz?

    Ripperx is my fav. All his game commentary is hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/user/TMRipper
  6. joey (DayZ)

    DayZ running slow. PLEASE HELP

    Adding 4gb ram I'm sure will help, but he can't do that until he gets a 64bit os. If able to upgrade to 64bit and then add the extra 4gb then I'd definetly do it.
  7. joey (DayZ)

    DayZ running slow. PLEASE HELP

    Man I don't know, you have a better cpu and card then me. Only difference with everything else is I run 64bit and have 8gbs ram. Oh and my hard drive (250gb) is pretty much empty except a couple games. I did notice when I was running xp and 4gbs on this computer I was getting some fps lag in games where as now I get none when I upgraded to 64bit and the 8gbs.
  8. joey (DayZ)

    DayZ running slow. PLEASE HELP

    Your internet seems alright. Are you playing on local servers?
  9. joey (DayZ)

    DayZ running slow. PLEASE HELP

    Your specs seem fine, I'm thinking your internet? What ISP you using, and whats your average MBPS? I run an i3, and a 9800gtx, and have never experienced fps lag. I'm no expert but will try to help to help a fellow joey out.
  10. joey (DayZ)

    Global and Side chat not available?

    Removing side chat just sucks. It makes the game world lonely and quite frankly boring. I know your going for hardcore realism, which is cool, but damn its getting boring.
  11. joey (DayZ)

    US60 just nuked?

    Same, don't know what server I was in, think Atlanta something. Everyone died.
  12. joey (DayZ)

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Freeze bitch! Drop your gun! Good, now drop your pants.
  13. Everyone has a bandit skin right now in my opinion. If you don't shoot first then your just dumb, and dead. Maybe have some blood splatter over your normal skin when you kill someone, that isn't visible from far away but up close is. After so long without killing someone it goes away, maybe after it rains or something.
  14. joey (DayZ)

    Forum / Security Notice - They trollinnnn

    He fucked DayZ, now he will get fucked by Big Bubba everyday in jail. Sweet justice :)