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About TeamMediocre

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    On the Coast

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  1. TeamMediocre

    Fallujah 1.1 Download?

    anyone? bueller?
  2. TeamMediocre

    HFB - Database connection error?

    same thing here
  3. TeamMediocre

    HFB Servers

    Seems all of their LA servers are having problems, as none appear to be online at the moment. I have LA 8 with HFB, and the server starts ok, but it must be having issues since nobody is playing on it from about midday the 4th onward. Not sure what the problem is(at work, can't join the server to check) but I finally took it down till it gets sorted out.
  4. TeamMediocre

    All dead

    They're dead...They're all dead. It happened on LA 8, about 6:40 pm Central time. (Side) Patrick: holy crap what was that? (Lobby) Wang Fire: wtf (Side) Patrick: someone have a tank? (Lobby) Stefan: what was that? (Lobby) Wang Fire: how did that happen (Side) Beinez: o.O (Side) Beinez: people getting pwned by something (Side) Beinez: hacker? P(Lobby) Wang Fire: admins being dicks? (Lobby) Darrell: the f#ck? (Lobby) Bane: Sigh, f#cking admins (Direct) A13C: Lol (Lobby) Erik: just a hacker being a c#nt (Lobby) Hussein: wtf (Lobby) Nandur: wtf? (Lobby) Tristan: wtf just happened (Lobby) Erik: not admins (Lobby) Bane: won't be back to this server (Lobby) Erik: dumbasses (Lobby) Stefan: seems that everybody got killed (Lobby) Blazebeard: wasnt the admin im prety sure it was a hacker (Lobby) DeadTurkey: yea I had nothing around me just dead (Lobby) Orian: Everyone be dyin'! (Lobby) Erik: if you think an admin did that youre retarded (Lobby) Darrell: this is bullshit! (Lobby) Blazebeard: we all did (Direct) A13C: Oh, Cmon first time playing and this happens. (Lobby) Erik: its a hacker crying out for attention (Lobby) Stefan: yeah i was in a house all alone (Lobby) Darrell: i had so much good stuff (Lobby) Tristan: sigh i finally had some good equipment too Thanks