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Everything posted by LancerG2

  1. I am an inspiring person!
  2. Time passes. Cause that's just wise to do and then you get every single zombie/bandit/sniper on you and you die, You think your being smart by going for an easy solution but have you actually tried that ingame? Prob's not.
  3. I'm going with that. I'm not good at maths, excuse me while I go have a sad just because you said my maths is bad, Pardon me even if you said you wheren't being rude but I tried, however though Pm me if possible, I could use some help, And I know your against the idea but perhaps some people might be into it and it's not worth leaving it a pile of trash for others.
  4. LancerG2

    Parasitic friendship

    I lol'd.
  5. LancerG2

    You NEED bandits like me

    Idiot meter has broken...
  6. LancerG2

    You NEED bandits like me

    *Cough* I think you're implying this as if it was instantaneous. Adolf Hitler was a bad man...
  7. LancerG2

    You NEED bandits like me

    Hmmm, I'll try another method next time, I'm going to do a deal for an AKM i saw with a player not long ago, he'll be "Really eager" to swap his AKM and all it's ammo for my Makarov without rounds. :ph34r: we are the wild humans and we make dayz REAL horror game experience for you For some reason KoS you remind me of this dude...
  8. LancerG2

    write on wall with victim blood

    Decorate the side of the road with skulls.
  9. LancerG2

    You NEED bandits like me

    [insert title] What do you mean bandits like "you"? What do you do that makes you different. I think you need more bandits like me, the kind that will rob you and leave you with a empty gun and a little food to start over, or that type that does "forced deals". A little story was along a road somewhere me and a friend stopped a car on the side of the road, to the left of the road where some trees and hills so he hid in the forest in his gillie suit and got his sniper out. When a passer by walked up to the car I popped up behind it from a shotgun, while pointing it at him I asked him if he wanted to trade, he said no. My friend and I where on private chat and I gave him permission to fire warnings when I give the Signal, I told him "You wouldn't want to leave now". *A shot fires near his foot* After we traded some items, he was really "generous" so he gave me some things, except I wanted something and he didn't, he told me he was going to leave, I said fine, walk away slowly or you will be shot on sight. He began walking away and I shot him in the back of the head. Ahh, good times.
  10. LancerG2

    Simple Suggestion - Drag Dead Zombies

    Solution, Daryl Dixon rides a "Yellow Horse" and shoots his crossbow to escape. Thats right Daryl, I know your secret. OT: Good Idea though, 1 can of beans coming your way.
  11. Hey you forgot to mention you can buy hipster music and those glasses without the lenses in em. Also a rare chance of infected macklemore spawning, kill him to stop his singing.
  12. I C WAT U DID THAR. I want to see a biker clubhouse, it has a low spawning chance of a motorcycle and you can find leather jackets or alcohol inside. Maybe you mind fight a handgun inside as well or a shotgun behind the bar table.
  13. LancerG2

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    1. I have but vun copi of arma tuh operwation arrahed 2. What are you Implying, no I am not most bandits 3. Look at my face. There, there, we all see something that gets to us.
  14. Hemophilia. You're welcome.
  15. LancerG2

    [SA] Unkown Objects

    How about a paradox Easter egg and a literal consumable Easter egg during Easter time, also during Easter rabbits will spawn with a red collar and bell around necks. THEN YOU FIND THE LITTLE FUCKER AND HACK IT WITH AN AXE AND STEP ON IT TO HOLD IT FIRMLY AND USING THE AXEHEAD YOU PULL OUT THE GUTS AND RIP ITS TONGUE OFF WITH YOUR TEETH! The paradox could be on some place far away... "This is not an Easter egg" And it could be hidden under a bridge.
  16. LancerG2

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    Sorry, I call that pussy, that is nothing compared to some of the stuff I see. If you really have balls, pm me.
  17. LancerG2

    jerry can + match + player = human torch

    I want to carves smiles into peoples faces. I want to hear screams that poison the air, if rocket stops climbing more mountains as a way to procrastinate I want to do this to some of the forum users, Boneboys is first. Your not going to be safe with 9 or so people on your ass.
  18. LancerG2


    Flies are mainstream. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1GadTfGFvU
  19. LancerG2

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    KOS in a nutshell...
  20. LancerG2

    jerry can + match + player = human torch

    Bitch please, aint nothing like getting into a bar fight with a drink spiker then pouring the drugs into the beer and smashing it over his head then ramming the back of his skull into that concrete wall, soon after knocking him over and putting your heels on his testicles until they break and bleed and then while he's screaming throw a bottle into his face and stomp it a few times before getting a knife, ripping they eye with some socket attached then stuffing it in his mouth. KoS, you may suggest all these gruesome Ideas but they aren't anything compared to what I release from my mind. Now, please excuse me while I roast puppies with a M2 flamethrower.
  21. LancerG2

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    Yeah then they poor out of the mouth is gallons. Hey if I was to get a player to have their back against a wall and have a car/truck ram into them would it kill them, just wondering on DayZ mechanics, also blood would come out of the mouth, like gushes and gushes.
  22. LancerG2

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    Even cooler, I want to see the crows pick out the eyes.
  23. LancerG2

    Mod suggestion: Player Model Zombies

    I just want to see more zombie clothing varieties. Like: Bondage Zombie Cop Zombie Comic con Zombie etc.
  24. LancerG2

    Ability to remove firing pin

    *Inception throws mind games* *OP's brain explodes*