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Everything posted by DelayedReaction

  1. DelayedReaction

    Why do YOU prefer SA over the mod?

    I prefer SA over the Mod purely because the mod is incredibly clunky on my machine (probably due to the amount of assets loaded from arma2:OA that aren't used) whereas SA runs quite well for me, that is pretty much the only thing (although I do miss the extra elements from the mod)
  2. DelayedReaction

    Your DayZ embarrassing moments.

    few weeks ago, me and some friends were doing the berezino rounds. My friend fell unconscious outside the docks and neither of us had an epi-pen so my friend decided to respawn and run back to get his stuff. I took up a position in the crane with my mosin and was scoping the area, I heard a gun-shot and hit 'x' to crouch (or so I thought)..... what I'd actually done is hit 'v' and climbed out of the crane and fell to my death on the 'legs' of the crane -.- my mate told me that he couldn't get to my body so I ran back, managed to climb over the fence and get to the legs of the crane, got all of my stuff back again but there was no way of getting down, I jumped down to the ground and died, got back to my corpse a second time and all my stuff was ruined :(
  3. DelayedReaction

    Will not be playing again until fire axe is un-nerfed

    When the 'new improved' zombies were brought in, I struggled with killing them. Then I re-read the changelog that stated "aim for the head", now I don't have any problems killing zombies in melee in either 1p or 3p views, you just have to adjust for your swing as opposed to where the crosshair is. I was running between elektro and cherno the other day and 3 times on that journey I get ambushed by at least 3 zombies, I just kept backtracking from them, waited for their attack animation and then ran in for a few chops with my machete, if you get a hit that send them to the floor, get a few extra hits in on them while they're down, then back up, rinse and repeat. It took me about 5 minutes to survive each encounter but I survived it by staying mobile and picking my moments. I'd lost a little bit of blood by the end of it but no biggie, 1 rag and a friendly survivor to give me a saline bag and i'm still surviving. edit:- I also read a post yesterday (can't remember where it was though) that was talking about being really close to fixing the wall-glitching zombies through using nav-mesh or something similar. Personally, I can't wait.
  4. DelayedReaction

    Zombies running through walls?

    A single zombie doesn't present a challenge if you aim for the head and keep attacking when they go down, multiple zombies pose more of a challenge (as they should) but can still be dealt with if you're careful
  5. DelayedReaction

    My DayZ experience

    so, as others have done before me, I thought i'd share some of my DayZ experiences... these all come from SA as the mod runs rather poorly on my system :(. PART 1. My first few days in Chernarus were uneventful, getting my bearings, dying to zombies; thirst/hunger, typical new player experiences in this game. A few days in, one of my friends and a couple of his colleagues decided to join me. We ended up in Berezina (I'd got confused on the map and thought I was down near cherno/elektro) and had split up to find some loot when I got into a tussle with a zombie, killed the zombie but was bleeding and had no bandages. As I ran into a house to find something, I heard a voice telling me to "Wait up!" I stopped... (I was already bleeding to death, what was the worst that could happen to me right?) a guy wearing full camo gear came into my room and bandaged me, offered me an axe and a load of food/drink then took me to a nearby well. I was starting to let my guard down when one of my new 'friends' pulled out a gun and fired a bullet into the ground in front of me, I shifted my position so I was behind some cover, at which point they started laughing at me. One of the guys kept trying to get behind me to push me back out into the open and so, well and truly spooked, I thanked them for their help and with my new backpack, shades, food, axe and a full belly of water, said that I'd be heading off to go and find my friends..... The reply from one of the guys was "You're not going anywhere!" and one of his friends ran at me with his axe raised, I stepped aside from his swing at which point a zombie aggroed them and came charging into the midst of us all, I took the opportunity to make a break for it, heard a couple of shots zing past me as I ran, heading back towards the coast and south. Feeling the adrenaline pumping and a feeling of elation at my escape, I failed to see the zombie right ahead of me and took a few hits causing me to start bleeding again... sadly I was still unable to find any bandages (and at this point I didn't know you could tear clothes up in to bandages) and bled out in a house in a small settlement just south of Berezina... PART 2. One of my colleagues (who has also posted in this forum) bought the game, and so we (finally) met up in Berezina, along with my other friend who had bought the game. We went to loot the police station and managed to get some good loot, as I was running out of the police station, I run into an incredibly hostile guy who just guns me down instantly, I start to respawn and can hear my mate exacting vengeance. luckily I respawn on the coast south of Berezina and start running frantically back to pick up the loot from my corpse. While this is going on, My friend guns down another 3 people who turn up and attempted to pick through my corpse, then my colleague arrives and just stands in the middle of the road looting my corpse, he gets shot but lives and my friend guns down another 2 people at which point we're both shouting at my colleague to 'get teh f*** off of the road!", As I was running back, I notice i'm being followed by a guy wearing a red hard hat who keeps trying to get my attention. Knowing that my friend is a bit trigger happy I warn the guy not to follow me any further as he is likely to die, he vanishes faster than football fans when their team are losing 3-0 with 10 minutes left to play. I get back to my corpse to find a lot of my stuff ruined but still enough stuff to keep me going, as well as a few other bits from the pile of corpses now littering the road outside the police station. PART 3. From Berezina we decided to head to the 'relatively' nearby airstrip to see what we can find, we get there with no further problems and loot the hangars, someone had already been here judging by the stuff laying around but we get a few bits of ammo/better backpacks etc and head up to the AT tower. while we're up there someone takes a shot at us causing us to hit the deck and after looking around for about 5 minutes, we are unable to locate the source of the shots so we proceed to check out the other building. Shots fired at us as we were moving, I see movement in the upper window and my friend opens fire, getting a lucky shot and killing the guy. we move in to the building and come across someone camping the stairs, my friend takes up a position to be able to move and shoot if the guy doesn't co-operate. I ask the guy to drop his weapon and we'll let him leave. He refuses, so we move up and kill him, my friend unfortunately takes a few bullets and goes down, I splint his leg, and go to give him a blood transfusion which turns out to be the wrong type of blood and he dies... just after that some guy wearing next to nothing walks through the doors exclaiming 'What the hell happened here!?" (there was blood spurting from various locations in the room). my colleague tells him to stand under the stairs while we clear out and he flips us the bird so I shoot him, at which point the server restarts and when we log back in he's gone so my colleague and I have a quick scout around the airstrip for any new lootz and head out to one of the nearby buildings. PART 4. I had been at work all day so my friends had been playing without me. My colleague had died several times so had absolutely nothing but he got lucky with a few decent loot spawns just before I logged in for the day. We met up and headed back to Berezina (we always seem to gravitate back there for some reason). My colleague came across a bambi being attacked by zombies and decided to help out, unfortunately he fell foul of one of the new super (read as "post patch") zombies and was lying unconcious in the middle of the road, The guy that he had tried to help came over to see if there was anything he could do, he didn't have an epi pen and the defib didn't work (I don't know if it should have, we were just trying everything we could) when my friend says "Oh, I have an epi pen", and proceeds to administer Morphine to try and wake him up..... (he got trolled hard for that for a few days) We asked the bambi to stay back if he didn't want to get shot and he moved back a bit, I think he just wanted to be near us so we could deal with zombies if anymore showed up, then my friend just decides to shoot him anyway.... -------------------------------------------------------------- So those are some of my experiences ingame so far. Some of them have been incredibly frustrating, but above all, they've been fun. Desync plagues us a lot of the time, I've been shot by my friends a few times during desync (he asks me where I am and I say i'm out by the hangar so he shoots the guy crouching in the fire station only to find out that it was me.....) I really enjoy DayZ and although the bugs can get a bit annoying, it's an alpha and I was aware of that when I paid for it so you won't find me complaining, The game can only get better in my opinion and i'm looking forward to the future updates :D Peace Out! DR
  6. DelayedReaction

    My DayZ experience

    Well the first people I ran into tried to kill me but I managed to get away, the last lot I have no idea why they didn't, maybe because I complied and didn't argue? Every other time ive just been shot on sight
  7. DelayedReaction

    My DayZ experience

    indeed I was lol. I should have come out with my best holly impression and said "Everybody's dead, Dave" but alas, hindsight is always better.
  8. DelayedReaction

    Changing the ridiculous loot spawns

    he wasn't even talking about you when he said "read the post #3" he'd quoted someone else in the thread :P at the present point in the games development, they are still testing things and trying to get things sorted, that is why loot is spawning in in random places, I'm sure it will all get sorted out soon
  9. DelayedReaction

    Can't Sprint

    I think it is, a friend of mine got the game at the same time as me, he didn't know about zig-zagging up hills whereas I knew about it from the mod, I was nearly to the top of the hill before he was even halfway up. it depedns on he incline of your zigzag
  10. DelayedReaction

    Cant change direction of running/walking

    have done this one a few times, double-clicking a lot of buttons will toggle them 'on' permanently, just double-tap the button again and you should be sorted, as the guy above me mentioned :)
  11. DelayedReaction

    Can't loot my corpse?

    somebody could have got to your corpse before you, and hidden the body (either after looting some stuff or finding out that the stuff was ruined and useless)
  12. DelayedReaction

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    the 30s combatlogout timer has been around since the mod, although in the mod you can't actually leave the game until at least the 30s are up (I've seen some mod servers that also implement an extra timer on top of that). In Standalone you can exit the game at any time, but your character will still wait out the 30s timer. It's a pita but if you make 100% sure that there is no-one around you should be fine. from what I understand of things (and my knowledge is flawed for definite), the current Standalone doesn't have any form of server logs that can track things, the game is in Alpha and as such we have an incredibly barebones server architecture that just about manages to run the game, enough that people can report issues in the bugtracker so that they can be seen/voted on and are then prioritized by order of severity/ease of fixing. Yes, the 'it's alpha' comment gets trotted out an awful lot, but a LOT of people that come here to the forum to complain about stuff do so in completely the wrong manner, they come in demanding that stuff gets fixed because they PAID for the game, what makes them any different from those of us that also PAID for the game but are content to let the devs do their thing and not harangue them with demands and expecting responses for some of the most inane things? If the devs replied to every single post demanding something of them then they would never get a chance to work on the game. Progress is slow, i'll grant you, I would expect that to pick up once the game reaches Beta as by then the main framework should be in place and it's time for balancing and bugfixing. Not a one of us works at Bohemia and so has absolutely no clue what is going on behind those doors.
  13. DelayedReaction

    No Servers!

    all of the servers are connected to the public hive, the hive goes down for maintenance every Wednesday so the servers have no database to read from, server owners may as well use that time to perform maintenance/let the servers cool and rest.
  14. DelayedReaction

    I run slower than everybody else and zombies

    I know that you say your pc can handle it just fine but try testing it with lower graphics settings. When I first tried to play the Mod, my graphics card wasn't fantastic and I would get low fps which would cause me to run slower than other people, even at a full sprint, I upgraded the graphics card and it sorted. SA isn't optimized so having an amazing rig is not guaranteed to give you the best performance possible, just give it a test with the lower settings and see if it makes a difference.
  15. DelayedReaction

    Spawn in water. Broken leg. Drown and die. No respawn.

    my bad, I misread what you had posted, I apologize. When you have created an account at the bugtracker and then logged in, there is a long list of links at the top of the page, one of them is titled "Report Issue" Edit: The list runs left to right along the top of the page double edit: Yes i'm aware of the irony.
  16. DelayedReaction

    Spawn in water. Broken leg. Drown and die. No respawn.

    quote from that page: How do we get your character unstuck? Please send us the following information when submitting an issue regarding stuck characters: Steam ID url. Example: "steamcommunity.com/id/xxxxxxxxxx/"Please let us know if the character is on a Regular/Hardcore server.
  17. DelayedReaction

    Spawn in water. Broken leg. Drown and die. No respawn.

    try reading replies to your posts before posting again. I have answered this problem in 2 threads that you've posted in (directly quoting you both times so you get a notification) and Boneboys has also posted the solution in this thread.
  18. DelayedReaction

    Spawn in water. Broken leg. Drown and die. No respawn.

    you have to create an account to use the bugtracker. I posted a reply to your post in the other thread you posted about the same issue, go to http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/190827-dayz-support/ and do what it says in there, this should get you respawned.
  19. DelayedReaction

    Strange immidiate one hit death in different circumstances

    1) if his shot hit your gear there's a chance it would be wrecked so he might not have been bothered about it. Also, if he was in a good sniper spot he might just have been there to get kills and not needed to go through your gear at that point, also consider that fact that a random dead body that hasn't been looted is a primo sniper trap; he just keeps his sights around the corpse, someone spots the corpse and goes over to loot it, BAM: another easy target.
  20. DelayedReaction

    "You are dead" can't respawn

    as was said, try using the search function first which will show up with this thread http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/190827-dayz-support/ everything you need is in that thread :)
  21. DelayedReaction

    How To Reveal invisible items - DayZ Standalone

    hmm, i've noticed occasionally that it won't let me put an item into an item slot but will let me put it into a different one so I assumed that it was something to do with game mechanics not letting you put certain items in certain clothes.
  22. DelayedReaction

    Bigger chat text and action bar icons 1-0

    Try adjusting the UI (interface) resolution in your graphics settings
  23. DelayedReaction

    KOS always!

    off-topic but what part of Leicester you in?
  24. DelayedReaction

    how do you join friends?

    try changing your server filters to remove the ping filter, your friends servers won't show up in your friends list if (at the point the master server database is queried) the servers ping exceeds your filter settings.
  25. DelayedReaction

    Dayz lags with good specs HELP

    you mean VSync, disabled :)