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Everything posted by mansen

  1. No - you most certainly do not get to play anything, since you just ragequit over something as simple as view aspect.
  2. I make can also not making sense give replay - you play forum much too insted playing of game. You ragequit whine dine on forums not learn gaem by mistakes from learning your experience.
  3. Bye! You shan't be missed et cetera.
  4. mansen

    Lack of an Authentic World

    Map and items are placeholders at most at the moment. Assume reworking here.
  5. No - just because you can't deal with it, doesn't mean the rest of the player cannot. Learn, adapt, master.
  6. Yes - yes it is. And thank god for that.
  7. Just wait till Radios are reimplemented properly - so that people have their precious side channel back. But as a privilege - a rare one.
  8. mansen

    Direct chat glitch?

    All of you need to get the Beta patches for ARMA to fix some chat issues and such in DayZ.
  9. mansen

    DayZ totally free?

    You might want to re-read that one. You still need Operation Arrowhead (also mentioned in your link) which is most certainly not free. As I mentioned further up you can use OA with Free ARMA and save a bit of money (instead of having to buy OA and ARMA2 - also known as CO, Combined Operations), but the textures are very low res compared to CO.
  10. It isn't completely implemented - if server are circumventing the removal knowingly they are in violation of their server agreements. So you should probably remind them.
  11. *groan* Of course it is - you're not going anywhere near the Hive without a legitimate cd key.
  12. You shant be missed...
  13. mansen

    Internet fast enough?

    You're going to have to provide some actual numbers here... Do both of these tests and post your results and you'll have a fair approximation of your expected performance. http://www.speedtest.net/ http://www.pingtest.net/
  14. mansen

    Shader Model 3 and 896 MB VRAM ?

    In that case I'd suggest you get something ala. the nVidia 680 or the ATI 7870 - unless you really want to go overboard, hehe.
  15. mansen

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    That's what you get for playing on the job - or in any situation where you have a high risk of accidental disconnects. In an alpha specially so. Sit back - wait for the next patch (DayZ or ARMA - either one) and see if it fixes your....predicament.
  16. You're still missing the point of the alpha, Pinin - the point of Chernarus is to test game mechanics. Not to act as a permanent map.
  17. mansen

    No chat ?

    Global chat is/being removed - your only means of communication are direct "text" which extends to ... 40 meters? I think. And Direct Voice which extends to 80? (That means using a microphone by the way) Aside from that certain servers offer Teamspeak or Ventrilo servers for their members - those are allowed.
  18. mansen

    Shader Model 3 and 896 MB VRAM ?

    Ah - in that case you need to look at the specs for graphics cards you're looking at. The Shader model 3 should be pretty common these days but be sure to double check if your budget is very barebones. The 896MB VRAM is just referring to the amount of RAM on your graphics card. What you want is one with 1GB or more. (2GB doesn't make it "faster" persay, but it handles large texture - pretty ones better)
  19. mansen

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    Poetic justice as its finest.