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Everything posted by mansen

  1. mansen

    chat issues with some severs

    You'll need to update your ARMA using the beta patches (see the DayZ wiki) - Rocket has removed the "blue" chat, also known as Side chat. It hasn't been rooted out entirely however, and some servers are circumventing the change... for now. TLDR: You'll need VOIP to talk to an entire server at once - direct chat is replacing it.
  2. mansen

    HUD removing?

    Fret not - Rocket mentioned going in a design direction where the HUD is completely gone in favour of "audio and visual cues". Stomach grumbling when hungry - that sort of thing.
  3. Inside voice - You're making it seem like you have something valid to say when in fact you do not. Ssssssshh.... :sleepy:
  4. mansen

    225 km2

    No worries - Zombie earned himself a ban and won't be partaking in the discussion any more.
  5. You're* - If anything you seem to be simple minded. And if you missed the topic, the discussion was whether the 3rd person was forcibly disabled by Rocket - not whether it should be a server choice (which it won't be)
  6. Basic gameplay mechanic comprehension - you lack it.
  7. mansen

    225 km2

    Yes Zed - I think we pretty much have it nailed down by now, hehe ^^
  8. mansen

    225 km2

    *facepalm* You are of course completely right. I think this is all the proof I need for requiring some coffee before trying to recall basic math this early in the day.
  9. mansen

    225 km2

    Edit: Not enough coffee to discuss basic math. I fail.
  10. mansen

    225 km2

    Er... yeah.
  11. It is irrelevant to the topic of THIS thread you dolt. There are plenty of other threads on that particular subject you can participate in, but don't derail the thread by bringing in completely unrelated game mechanics into this one.
  12. Herp derp i pose a completely irrelevant counter argument to this other argument that I dislike. Atta boy - keep on trolling.
  13. mansen

    What expansions do you need?

    To play DayZ you need the following: Operation Arrowhead ARMA2 or ARMA 2: Free - The free version involves a bit of folder copying and the textures are horrendous. But it's slightly cheaper. If you own none of the ARMA2 titles at all, then you should buy Combined Operations, which is a combo pack of the two above (ARMA+OA)
  14. mansen

    No chat ?

  15. You charged... a guy with a shotgun... Well it's official - people are stupid! But what you just described is a horrible idea - and unrealistic. A zombie does not simply get stopped by a door. It will tear and beat it down if it has any sort of inclination to getting through - same thing for any other sort of barrier. They don't think - they have no fear - they just want to nom on you. Stop using the "Hurr durr these X aren't realistic so that invalidates your entire argument" card. The map is an ALPHA "PLAYGROUND". Would you rather they spend time on game mechanics or subtle flavour details? No I didn't think so either... :dodgy:
  16. mansen

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    Protip: Installing the beta patch isn't enough. You actually have to be running the beta patch exe for it to have any effect.
  17. The actual argument goes something along these lines in fact : No third person because you do not have goddamned telescope eyes that can extend magically so you can see around corners. Not to mention the fact that nothing could ever sneak up on a person with a camera following him from 5ft behind them. Brought to you by the valid argument society.
  18. Wallhacking has been fixed for zombies.