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Everything posted by mansen

  1. Well... I can certainly see why a chopper would fit into the theme. But finding parts for one sounds awfully easy for what you'd expect for an end of the world scenario. Could limit the number of choppers on a server/map to a set number and make choppers to back into a repairable state when destroyed - make parts harder to find.
  2. Soon' date=' they fixed the fuel leak problem. [/quote'] It's not only a fuel leak issue - vehicles are lagging up the servers like mad. The netcode needs work before they can reimplement them properly. (You're lucky land vehicles are there at all)
  3. mansen

    Q: how can i join a friend

    Using filters is a good way to find the same server if you're more than one player or if you want to become a regular on a specific server.
  4. mansen

    RELOAD tin can?

    Thanks Tan. Gave me a good chuckle ^_^
  5. mansen

    Spawning inland ?

    Either that or he's a hacker with a bit of self constraint.
  6. mansen

    Go INTO houses possible?

    As mentioned, the map wasn't designed specifically for DayZ and as a result most houses do not have an interior that you can enter. Basically if a door gives you the option of opening it, you're good to go - if not, move on.
  7. mansen

    Change Soundtrack?

    Doubtful considering the data file format as the game is right now - your best bet is to turn down the music completely and run something like Winamp or Windows Media Player with your soundtrack of choice instead. :-/
  8. mansen

    ATV floats away

    Oh DayZ - you so silly. :D
  9. mansen

    Liquid graphics?

    Record a quick clip of this behaviour? :)
  10. As mentioned vehicles and tents (anything bound to a server really) is currently buggy and unstable - this is very much work in progress territory.
  11. mansen

    Items fall into water?

    Feature/design choice - not a bug. This dates back to how ARMA2 functions. That being said, it is possible to disable the behaviour within the engine for DayZ if it becomes a meaningful feature.
  12. mansen

    Will Voice Chat attract Zombies?

    An interesting concept - could be a nice feature if the game client would send the volume of your voice along with the words for dynamic zombie aggro.
  13. mansen

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    They are still considered underpowered by professional standards - as designed as they are for such applications they still fall flat when compared to "PC" platforms when using the raw number crunching tools (rendering et cetera) And you are specifically talking about an iMac here - not the laptops, which are an entirely different beast.
  14. I woudln't recommend it - DayZ is pretty mean on low end hardware (which your Macbook is, sorry). It'll run hot - very hot. But yeah - Bootcamp is the only way to go.
  15. mansen


    Same argument - pagefiles. Go. My pagefile has been off for the better part of a year now, and I have never, not once had any issues with running out of memory, not even when handling quite big photos in Photoshop. It's all about the little performance improvements - disabling/moving pagefiles to an unused harddrive, not having system and games on the same drive, having an SSD. The harddrive always has and always will be the bottleneck in your system - treat it as such.
  16. mansen


    I assure it you it is working quite well - forcing the applications to actually use the RAM instead of being lazy with the pagefile increases loading speed. And for the record I have -NEVER- ran out of memory on my 8GB platform, even in bigger applications such as Photoshop. As for the 2GB limit that is simply not true anymore - a lot of modern games have extended RAM access. And a lot of the older ones can be hacked to allow for more than their 32bit limits with a 1 click tool. I fail to see any counter arguments as to why 8GB is a good idea - all you keep saying is "it's a waste, it's a waste" @WhiskyJak: Looks like you have a pretty decent budget so I'll ask you - what exactly do you plan on using your computer for? The i7 processors are overkill for gaming purposes and will only give you a speed boost in Benchmark applications and high end production applications (Photoshop, 3D rendering, that sort of stuff) If your goal is gaming I'd suggest something along the lines of the following instead which will also give you more gaming power since the 560TI is a bit too weak compared to the rest of the machine and will slow down the rest (bottleneck) Intel i5 3750K ASUS/MSI/GIGABYTE Motherboard from the Z77 generation (Cheapest ones work fine, the more expensive ones just add more features such as more USB ports and such. Just remember to get an ATX sized board, not the Micro-ATX and such - unless you're buying a tiny computer case) 8GB Corsair RAM (1600Mhz) nVidia GTX690 or a Radeon HD7870 - Both are about on par and it mostly depends on your preference. I have the 7870 and it is absolutely wonderful. (Used to have a 560TI) The EVO 212 looks quite fine for the job - even allows for some overclocking if you keep your case cool. 650W Corsair PSU - you really don't need more than this for a machine such as this as long as you buy a quality brand power supply. The Seagate harddrive is fine - you can consider a small SSD upgrade at a later point such as the M4 series from Crucial.
  17. mansen


    Why would you remove the pagefile? the pagefile is only used if its needed' date=' if you remove it all you're doing is ensuring that if an app does run out of memory it will crash. [/quote'] By removing it you force Windows to use the RAM for any caching.
  18. mansen

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    I certainly wouldn't recommend it - 85C is pretty high for a laptop longterm.
  19. mansen


    If you remove the pagefile the 8GB will make a lot more sense - a lot less harddrive caching. But mileage will vary from game to game.
  20. mansen

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    'ave fun. :D