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Everything posted by mansen

  1. mansen

    Light fireplaces with Flares.

    4 couldn't google and never figured out how to open the map. He's lost somewhere in Sobor. 5 was spawnkilled by a bandit. 6 and 7 killed eachother in a supermarket when they saw each other coming around a corner. 9 was killed by a zed after he ate delicious food. :(
  2. Interesting - I never thought to try it :D (for obvious PvP reasons in Cherno/Elektro)
  3. mansen

    Chernarus is becoming stale. New map?

    Sure - it isn't as if 14? Kilometers for 50 players makes sure noone meets eachother unless they camp the NW Airfield or the coastal towns. If anything the game (longterm) needs to allow for building makeshift towns from scrap - persistent towns.
  4. Too bad you can't improvise using a flare or possibly one of those burning barrels in the towns. (Or be able to forage mushrooms and such from the woodlands - but that is best suited for a suggestion thread)
  5. Like B501 mentions, (sort of) you should get a hunting knife, a matchbox and a hatchet (or find a pile of wood). Hunt wildlife, cut their meat, make a campfire, cook the meat, enjoy 800BP food (a piece)
  6. Since players not actually in game don't lose anything with a kick (since their bodies are not ingame) I don't see why this wouldn't be condoned as per "the spirit of the server admin rules".
  7. mansen

    Ban this kid

    Oh how the mighty have fallen...:(
  8. mansen

    To whomever shot me in Cherno

    Log offs are log offs. End of rine.
  9. mansen

    Your stupidest death

    There was that one time when I didn't think properly and ran over the edge of the first floor of a barn thinking I could save a bit of time by landing on the bottom of the staircase. I broke my leg, a zombie outside heard me - seconds later I was zed lunch.
  10. mansen

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Oh god my sides... Hehehe
  11. It's a well known steam error. Try launching the game from its folder in your steam folder. It isn't steamworks required (that means you can run it without steam)
  12. mansen

    1.6.0 Clothing Change Swimming Bug

    Like I said - mods can't do anything. The staff can. Heh.
  13. mansen

    1.6.0 Clothing Change Swimming Bug

    Contrary to popular belief moderators cannot do anything server/game related. They are just that - moderators (on the forum)
  14. *cant pose counteraguments - goes for a bit of ad hominem instead* Classy, really classy sir.
  15. mansen

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    Now you're going off track - you discussing whether such a feature should be developed. I am arguing that there is no way of proving combat logging, and that admins are entirely too vigilante about the issue.
  16. Yeah - good luck with that.
  17. mansen

    go 2.0 Leave this sh*t alone for now

    People need to realise that features aren't really being added during betas. Alphas are the "lets go wild and experiment with crazy ideas" stage. Beta is for the long home stretch of balancing these and fixing bugs. If anything people should be thankful that the game is as stable as it is now.
  18. Not seeing an awful lot of proof here - okay. You're looking an unnamed dead body. With items. Where's the proof that the hacker was Glados?
  19. mansen

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    No real purpose aside from being the only dependable counterproof with all the vigilante banning going on at the moment you mean? heh
  20. mansen

    go 2.0 Leave this sh*t alone for now

    Good to hear we have so many developers from Bohemia here on the forums! /sarcasm
  21. mansen

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    I was referring to damage logs (if such are even available to the hosts - I don't host a DayZ server so what do I know) My point exactly - there is entirely too much "Trust me - I saw X do Y". Rocket already announced he would implement an automatic combat log(off) mechanic. I can only imagine it means your body stays ingame for a short while after you log off.