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Everything posted by mansen

  1. mansen

    DE7 Admin abuse

    Pants on head retardation - but all you have is a nice story, no proof of any kind to back up your claim - as horrid as the admin abuse (possibly) was.
  2. mansen

    This is the MOST antisocial game ever

    *groan* It's a simulator - If you landed on the shores of russia during a zombie apocalypse and you don't speak a single word of russian while waving around a handgun, you're going to die. Horribly. Bonus : Humans are dicks. We wage wars, we ignore poverty and hunger and look out for ourselves. It's called nature.
  3. mansen

    Chernarus is becoming stale. New map?

    I'm not against suggestions at all (and I don't believe I ever claimed to be). However being allowed to pose suggestions doesn't give you a carte blance to suggest anything from sensible to completely out of this world. Considering the direction that the mod has taken according to recent E3 rumors and announcements (seperate official game engine, one central server et cetera) asking to change to an entirely new map (which offers no benefits in terms of testing features as far as I can tell) seems ... I shall call it badly thought out and let it be at that. Just arguing that this is really out far out of the scope right now. I also don't recall mentioning months - it will take days of work mapping and balacing the loot spawns - worktime that doesn't come out in the other end as an equal reward.
  4. mansen

    when does loot respawn?

    It also helps to remove loot from the spots from what I can tell and have heard.
  5. mansen

    Chernarus is becoming stale. New map?

    I love how quick people are to suggest new maps - I don't think they realize just how much work it is to rebrand an entire new map with zed, item spawns and whatnot.
  6. mansen

    CD Key is in use/Not Valid

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead Would be the default folder for OA.
  7. mansen

    Chernarus is becoming stale. New map?

    I think the optimal way to make the map less "same old same old" would be to change spawns to not just being on the coast. There is so much territory up north that players never see.
  8. Eve's tranquility servers also serve a much larger playerbase...heh
  9. mansen

    Guessing this Weapon is hacked

    Sorry where did he say this? I've looked at the files myself and can guarantee you that list is correct. It was mentioned in one of the "can I keep this items plox that I looted from a suspected hacker" threads. It was mentioned staff side that the loot charts were reverse engineered from the gamecode which wasn't accurate and that several items in the loot chart were in fact not in the game at all. Or something to that effect.
  10. Server hoppping could be fixed some time into the future - E3 rumors include changing the mod into a one server game. Similar to an MMO (like eve)
  11. mansen

    out of memory??

    OR move the swap file to your D drive. Your games will load a wee bit slower but it could/should fix your problem. See the guide below on how to change your swap file settings. http://mintywhite.com/vista/vmaintenance/performance-boost-move-page-file-to-another-physical-drive/
  12. mansen

    out of memory??

    Well - you probably have your answer right there then. You'll probably need to clean up your SSD. (This is why SSDs are a bad choice for gaming on laptops - you just don't have the room for proper gaming) Not sure if you can reduce the amount of data being loaded into the game from outside - turning down texture quality and such. Too tired to check.
  13. mansen

    Private servers (local dbase)

    -1 Defeats the spirit and theme of the game. Public servers with actual strangers would become desolate.
  14. mansen

    List of inverse time servers?

    Lag issues would probably ruin that quickly. :-/ Pretty sure Rocket intends the server time to be locked to the actual geographical region. So you'd never play at night unless logging on at nighttime. (Lacks a quote)
  15. mansen

    Guessing this Weapon is hacked

    The loot charts are NOT official - or accurate. As stated by Rocket. Never trust them completely.
  16. mansen


    Protip: Livestreams are a very real risk to your health. There are players actively searching for livestreams so they can sneak up and kill them. Recorded ones are much safer. Your choice though.
  17. Such a feature has been promised by Rocket for implementation - for now you'll just have to life with it.
  18. mansen

    Beta launcher sucks?

    1. No issues here. 2. See my reply in this thread regarding beta patches and side chat. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10234&pid=93337#pid93337
  19. mansen

    CD Key is in use/Not Valid

    OR - run the game without Steam. Good way to check whether it is indeed a steam error or not.
  20. mansen

    Lost side and global chat

    Yes - exactly this. Until servers start enforcing beta patches as a requirement some players still have the side channel ability. Just ignore the chatter and wait it out - soon the game will be realistic (as in no more telepathic chat channel in your mind). You'll have to actually "talk" with a range.
  21. mansen

    out of memory??

    1. Clean up your C drive. This error is basically telling you it cannot use the pagefile (a temporary spot for game data) 2. How much RAM does your gaming laptop have? 3. Are you running other programs while playing? 4. See 1 once more.
  22. mansen

    Soda tweak

    Don't really see why nerfing soda cans would affect anything - water bottles are easy to come by and just as easy to refill if you're not a complete woodland recluse (even then there are waterholes here and there) I only ever use soda when I see it drop and I'm partially thirsty - saves me having to spend a water bottle (and why do people guzzle down an entire bottle anyway?)
  23. 1. No matches. 2. Find wood. 3. Ignite wood with flares (You start with a few and matches are pretty rare) 4. ???????? 8. Delicious food. (In other words - let flares be able to ignite fireplaces - they aren't as rare as matches and the player would reveal their location for a short bit by lighting the flare. Good for starting players - incentive to get a matchbox)