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Everything posted by mansen

  1. mansen

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    I for one am not entirely thrilled having my side chat on a Danish server consisting of pure cyrillic characters. :dodgy: Or any other language than the host country language and english.
  2. mansen

    That Hearbeat Kind of music

    It's random - just turn it off. Most of it doesn't even make any sense. Metal clanging and swings swinging while you're in a forest. Just strikes my brain as stupid, not scary at all.
  3. mansen

    Safe lockers needed! (bank vaults)

    Heh - I like this. Saving your precious items in old tin cans and burying them sounds great. People would have to look for shallow graves to find items.
  4. mansen

    Not enough Blood..

    No mayor procedure difference. Find a vein, stab it, open the injector line, grab a magazine and wait about 20 minutes. (Girlfriend with a blood disease - I know the rodeo)
  5. mansen

    Not enough Blood..

    A strange rule I might add. Junkies seem perfectly able to administer injections to themselves after all.
  6. mansen

    Spawn hack. Need to ban a hacker.

    1. What server 2. What time 3. Where at
  7. mansen

    Safe lockers needed! (bank vaults)

    Let me get this straight - you're expecting a personal secure vault - in a zombie apocalypse wasteland? Do I really have to remind you how stupid that sounds? If anything loot should last forever in containers around the world - tents et cetera. Anyone can loot them but if you keep it safe, your items stay safe.
  8. Agreed - give them a magazine of sorts. It might not be pretty but the weapon is utterly useless right now. Give them bolts with flares on them for bonus points - perfect for luring away zed and confusing newbies in cherno.
  9. NO At least until we get some way to defend ourselves while completely unarmed. People are going to cry bloody murder if they can't fight off even a single zombie from the beginning - looting even a single abandoned house becomes a question of one mistake. Bit much for newcomers.
  10. mansen

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    Actually, Rocket NEVER mentions allowing admins to ban repeat offenders (or first time for that matter) of combat logging. All he mentions is implementing an "auto kill" feature if the master server detects too many log on/off attempts. So yeah... Admins be breaking dem rules (again again again...)
  11. Yup - one of the benefits of server hopping. You can appear in front of people and surprise them.
  12. mansen

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    Well in that case you're breaking the server admin rules.
  13. mansen

    DE7 Admin abuse

    It does clearly state "RULES" in the picture. Request or otherwise I think we can agree that it is misleading if anything, hehe.
  14. mansen

    DE7 Admin abuse

    The "No admin killing" rule is impossible to uphold - most servers don't have nametags and admins shouldn't be ingame at all anyway while "performing maintenance". If they have to log in and test anything they need to lock off the server, do their business, and the the players back in.
  15. mansen

    Confused about the game

    See here: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Status_Effects#Broken_Bones
  16. mansen

    Buying Arma II

    Yup - still works.
  17. mansen

    Confused about the game

    1. Beta patches remove the Side Chat (unless the server specifically says otherwise) Will be forced OFF soon so people are encouraged to use actual talking (voice and text) instead of using telepathic mind conversations. 2. Depends on the server - there is also a bug where players see different times of day. You may be on day while others on night. And vice versa.
  18. mansen

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    @Flevius: DayZ devs and Arma2 devs are one and the same. The company anyway. Rocket is an employee there - so he can definitely get it fixed if it turns out to be an engine issue.
  19. mansen

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    I'd love to see some official citation of the "combat logging" giving admins a carte blanche to ban people. I really would. Taken from the current rules thread:
  20. mansen

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Wow... Never had that problem, Wither. Mine is usually the other way - I tend to having to ignite flares in larger buildings (especially supermarkets) on the darker nights.
  21. mansen

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    It just hit me - I am running with fairly high settings. It's possible that lower configurations provide less ambient light at night? I'd test it but my graphics card is being repaired and I doubt my 2500K processor is any good at running Arma2 in "software" mode ;)