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Everything posted by mansen

  1. mansen

    The Ban TS3 thread!

    Impossible to administrate and keep safe - too many ways to obfuscate the program or just using other programs. And meta gaming is accepted. TLDR: No, because no.
  2. Stay on topic please - there is an entire forum for this kind of thing. :dodgy:
  3. mansen

    [VIDEO] no, no, no, no, no, no

    Jack : Any friendlies in Cherno? Bob : Nononononononononono Jack : Great! Meet me by the hospital!
  4. mansen

    many players are quitting

    The mod is free - It is aimed at people who own ARMA. If people want to play it and don't have ARMA it is still 100% their choice to buy the game to play the mod. Noone is demanding that people host servers either - these are volunteer projects, and as such server admins should stop feeling so (expletive) entitled to reserving slots and controlling core mod features as they see fit. It is a mod in development, it needs testing, it does not need just over 200k players - but it is certainly welcomed.
  5. mansen


    Welcome to the sad life of a gamer with an average payday. We're all broke bastards. :(
  6. A valid point - if these bans were in fact attempts to poke holes into DayZ specifically, which they are not. BE bans tools that try and circumvent the Arma 2 engine and other such weaknesses. The hackers you see running around in DayZ can do the same in any other Arma title since they share engines. DayZ is a mod for a game, not a mod in its own right. Try and exploit the way ingame items added by rocket works and report findings? Yes - that is alpha at its finest. Kill an entire server with an arma hack and claim it was for science and alpha testing? Not so much.
  7. mansen

    Torrent Help, Thank You.

    Well you're out of luck - there is no demo for DayZ - it's in development. The closest thing you're going to get is playing one of the Arma 2 games in singleplayer and see if you like the gameplay. Or find a friend who has DayZ. TLDR: NO DEMO.
  8. mansen

    Torrent Help, Thank You.

    Let me try and understand - you downloaded Combined Operations via Torrent? In other words you pirated it. There's your answer - you need to actually buy the game to play it. Only DayZ is free (since it is a mod, and the torrent is only a way to facilitate faster downloads with less bandwidth costs to the host)
  9. mansen


    Castle speaks wise words of truth - The only thing you can realistically salvage from such an old machine would be the harddrives (as temporary storage - these things break as well) and possibly your optical drive (they also wear down) Assemble a new one from scratch or buy a prebuilt one.
  10. I made it to page 11 and then I just couldn't take the trolling/retardation any longer. My advice? Lock the thread, keep it stickied, add specific information on what does NOT cause you to get globally banned (i.e. picking up hacked items - only getting banned for MAKING hacked items etc..) and then just purge the entire thread.
  11. mansen

    Can I run DayZ

    I'm going to have to say - No, you probably shouldn't expect to be able to play it. Mobile intel cards are horrific at best.
  12. mansen

    many players are quitting

    I don't know about you, but when I sneak around through forests and barren fields at night trying to make my way to a town for some food and supplies I feel very immersed. The dark night, the moon giving off a slight tint of light, seeing a few zombies and possibly a player emerge from the shadows shortly - it's all there. It's a real treat to pack up for the night, put down a fireplace and eat some meat.
  13. mansen

    Livestream of DAY Z Gaminginvaded

    Lemme just fetch my sniper rifle - see you on the other end of my scope.
  14. Running the dayZ beta with Steam overlays is easy enough. You just have to add the OA Beta exe as a nonsteam game and change the shortcut details to make it load up the DayZ mod files and have the "startin" folder be the OA main folder, not the beta (as far as I recall)
  15. mansen

    Daytime Only Server?

    Not possible - You're just going to have to live with the day/night transition or find a server that has daytime during your playing hours. Server admins are allowed to change the timezone for their server as they please.
  16. No Because no, if anything your screen should have a screen effect, not a sound (that makes no sense in the first place)
  17. mansen

    Infected Water

    With all due respect, would it kill you to read the responses before quoting an old reply? You are basically repeating my later response, heh :)
  18. mansen

    DayZ requirements

    No idea - That's outside of the scope of your question. It works with DayZ and that is what you asked. http://www.arma2.com/free
  19. mansen

    So.. I had no idea Nukes Existed?

    Hacker did it - nothing to see here, move along folk.
  20. mansen

    I believe Rocket should..

    Fun fact: Testing new features/changes actually require a certain number of people to get proper data. And an open alpha/beta works just fine for this. The fact that people can't seem to understand that they are TESTING a game is just down to human nature. They'd complain if access was closed, and complain if an open alpha didn't work exactly as intended. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  21. mansen

    DayZ requirements

    You can get DayZ to work with OA and the Free version of Arma 2 - look for a guide somewhere. It isn't as hard people make it out to be. The only downside is that the textures are fairly low res and ugly compared to having the "real" Arma 2, but it's cheaper.
  22. Certainly a good read - I think it needs some simplification for sure, but it's going the right direction. Reviving people shouldn't be as easy as "USE REVIVE ON TARGET".