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About Capenfer

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    DayZ, gaming, friends and such.

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  • Bio
    I'm a 17 year old from Norway.
  1. Capenfer

    Arma 2 free not on steam anymore?

    You can use the free version of ARMA 2 if I'm correct, however, you do need Operation Arrowhead.
  2. Capenfer

    The osprey adventures

    That's why you never get into a plane with a person you don't know, haha. Still, a bit of a dick move... Well, I could have done the same.
  3. Capenfer

    DayZ Bugs - Best Spawn EVER

    Same here, I was in a hero skin too... Might be the skins fault?
  4. Capenfer

    zombies need to be more realistic

    The zombies can hear you miles away if you shoot a makarov, that's not realistic enough for you? Anyways, yes, some forests the ZED's does actually spawn in, and yes, it is a good point. But the thing is, when you spawn a zombie, or a group away from a player, there's going to be lag (As this mod is now and the arma 2 configurations are), so everything would be a lagging mess.
  5. Capenfer

    DayZ Bugs - Best Spawn EVER

    Happens to me aswell.... Next time, try not to move at spawn (If you didn't, then I don't know.), not sure it'll fix it, but sometimes that work just not doing anything until you've properly spawned.
  6. Capenfer

    car covers for hiding your vehicle

    It does sound great indeed. If only it's possible with the ARMA engine though. Hopefully, it is!