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About Nerooni

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    On the Coast
  1. Nerooni

    AS50 vs SVD Camo

    Please. The SVD not only looks better it is much more accurate at medium to medium longer ranges because the chevrons have very sharp tips. Stick a post it note to your screen with the zeroing and bam. Killed a guy at 328m while he tried to hit me with his M4A1 CCO SD. Then took one of the three vehicles but that's another story. The rarity of ammo is what makes it a terrible weapon on MOST servers. I play on a server where I leave mags behind cause they're so common but I play Namalsk. Much more challenging. Again custom server but SVD will fuck you up way better at anything around or under 700m with a bit of practise. It's capable of 1000m but that's a stationary target with rangefinders and since statistically 80%-90% of kill occur within 100m, snipers are only if you go hunting in high traffic areas. Also has 180m zombie attraction range compared to 455m. To avoid hate I'd like to point out its a matter of personal choice and server type.