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Everything posted by pepo

  1. pepo

    Vehicles: For or against them?

    Without vehicles Dayz will definitely be incomplete. I don't wish and like the game to bend much to the simulation/PVE side of things. So I'd like Dayz SA to be more similar to the current Dayz Mod where tactics and skill is more important.
  2. 3rd person is a feature of the original and should stay. Many players like to see their character in action. I even think that forced first person only servers are unnecessary and splitting the population. Keep it like in the original Dayz mod.
  3. pepo

    Anyone seen an M4 lately?

    Balota barracks, zero M4's, even after 5 or 6 fresh server restarts. :( Good to hear that it is not completely removed. I'm sure they will balance it soon.
  4. pepo

    Anyone seen an M4 lately?

    Yes, did they remove the M4, the best weapon in the game? I also did not find any ammo for M4 yesterday.
  5. pepo


    Having to eat and drink every other minute and talking to himself about hunger and thirst constantly is just insane. Further, falling unconscious so easily and for longer than a minute is game-breaking. If these are no bugs and are thought out, planned features, then we have a huge problem here!
  6. We are quite new to DayZ and run a private server since a couple of days. The difficulty settings are a bit confusing for us. We were wondering if it is possible to set the difficulty so that players can only see their own location on the map without having a GPS, but no other player's location is shown (neither enemy nor friendly) ?