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Everything posted by alanford

  1. Part 2 of the Balancing DayZ standalone discussion series. I encourage to post your opinions and ideas here. The more posts the more chances any of the devs hear us. In part 2 of the series we will talk about traversing the DayZ world. I am basing the OP around the data we know about dayZ standalone. Which includes a bigger map and bigger cities. I'll point out some of things I though off and add other good ideas provided by people in this topic. Many of the changes are small balance changes which could also be included in dayz mod. But some are big changes, which would require actualy developing time. ---- Orientation, navigating -The first thing and one of the most important things to fix would be the map markers. (the ones which point the way in game world and tell you the range to target) They really brake immersion, because currently you just set a marker and run. But if the map markers were to be removed, than running in a straight line would no longer be possible. (Well it still would, but much harder) Sticking to the roads would be much more viable. And roads are dangerous. With the new zombie handling roads would be a profit vs. danger decision. Should you follow roads and risk being seen by zombies and players, or go through woods and risk getting lost? The feeling of being lost in a dark forest in a dead world with zombies around and running low on water and food is really a thing that would fit DayZ perfectly. Incidentaly this also fits in with the swing from PVP to survival that is a constant idea in these series. Because suddently seeing a player wouldn't cause fear and hiding, but be a welcome sight. -Compass and GPS would suddently become important, while right now they are little more than props. But because of these changes finding maps would be important, thus maps should be made more abundant. -A question here is also if the map menu can be made to show different maps? Because if it can, than a really immersive thing would be different types of map. Finding a military 1:10000 map would be rare and much more useful than a turist broushure map. Incidentaly that falls together perfectly with the more difficult terain navigating. -People who invest time to learn skills like navigating using the watch, or the clouds (currently) would have benefits. And with the new bigger map all of these problems and things that I have written so far would be even more saturated. -All that has been written so far would work towards the feeling of a dead and hostile world, and would change the mentality of players, and even if only ever so slightly. Still it does make a difference, and server to move the mentality from pvp to survival. Ground vehicles Another thing to cover are the vehicles. I dont think many can be pleased with the current system, because it supports hoarding and completely brakes immersion. -Why would there be no cars in a big city? I dont think that is very realistic. But I also dont think there should be more vehicles so here are my suggestions: -Completely remove the civilian vehicle spawn and make repairing dynamic. So for example when you see a car in a city that isn't completely destroyed, you can start repairing it. --There definitely shouldn't be the predetermined spawn that are currently implemented, because than people just hog all the cars and hoard the somewhere up north, leaving the south coast bare. Not very immersive. New repair system -But like I said I dont think there should be many more cars, so I suggest that the repairing system be redone. Finding proper spare parts should be harder but less random: instead of looking in random industrial buildings the player should be looking into similar cars and getting spare parts from there. So for example if a player wants to repair a hatchback he should look around for other hatchbacks and loot them for engine, wheels, body parts, etc. That way cars spawn wouldn't be rare but fixed ones would be, fixing them would be MUCH more immersive. -I also suggest cars start to break down after a predetermined amount of time. Consider it like parts wear. A player repaired the vehicle poorly with no mechanical shops and its normal that they break down. So lets say leaving a car without maintenance for a week would cause it to stop working. That would prevent the hoarding of cars. There's nothing worse than a car just sitting in the northern woods doing nothing. I hate it. This also works very well with the new loot spawn logic being implemented in dayzstandalone (think loot in trunks of cars, easy to add an engine in front). -Also, depending on what year it is, fuel might be harder to find? Flight Here's a big fact: HELECOPTERS ARE OVERPOWERED Thats a fact. Period. You can get anywhere instantly, you can scout for camps get geared in the blink of an eye. And to top it all they have VTOL capabilities. -Now what I suggest are a couple of things, but basically this: make flight much much much more risky. Taking to the skies in dayz should be a really good one of a kind feeling. Right now it's meh. I have had 3 helis in the past week. Thats not one of a kind at all. -So firstly making helicopters much more rare, and MUCH more difficult to repair. That would fall together perfectly with the new repairing mechanics I have covered in the previous paragraph. Basically to repair one heli you'd have to scavange several. -How to make flight more risky though? Here's one thing: I suggest switching the focus from helicopters to fixed wing aircraft. Now why would we do that you ask? Simple: airplanes require more skill and practice to fly. You can always just sit in a heli, press autohover and take off. Not in a plane. Airplanes have to keep moving in order to fly, and landing one is difficult. (well not really, it's still easy mode in arma, but still infinitely harder than heli landing) Airplanes can not land vertically, so looting heli crash sites and tents is still doable, but harder. Having a pilot in your team is now actually valuable. -So planes are very risky, because you can crash easely and you need someone to go check the heli crash sites while the other person is landing etc. etc. You'd have to think twice before getting into one with a whole crew. -And in real life, civilian planes are infact way more common. And that is also why repairing a plane would be easier, according to the new repair mechanic I described earlier. Chain reaction car crashes on big roads. What happens when zombies come? Panic. Fleeing. refugees. Car crashes. Big car crashes. Epicly big car crashes. Add chain reaction car crashes on roads, and make them goldmines of loot. Refugees take with them all kinds of stuff. Flashlights, backpacks, food, lots of food. Drinks, canisters, axes, knifes, lighters. Everything needed to survive. We'll talk more about this in the loot part of the series, but since they relate I've made notice of them here. They aid the shift from looting cities to actually finding loot and surviving on the land. Now you can get basic survival gear elsewhere. Zombie hordes We will talk more about this in the zombies part of the series, but let me just make a note of them here, since they relate: Zombie hordes should roam the roads making traversing the dayz world more risky, again aiding the shift from dangerous cities to dangerous world. And maybe hower around cchain car crashes. Here's a big one as well: ADD REAL NIGHTS! Right now people who want to play at night can't, because other player will just set brightness and gamma all the way up and roflstomp them. It's basically HAxz! If you dont like nights go play on a 24/7 day server. Please devs, remove brightness and gamma hack from the game. ---- Part 1 of the series: shifting from PVP to survival. Part 2 of the series: -you are here- Part 3 of the series: loot mechanics Part 4 of the series: balancing the zombies Part 5 of the series: endgame Part 6 of the series: random stuff
  2. More like: The startup takes 1 minute! You need to cover me! There is a zombie horde around us, you got 30seconds! And than starting up the heli while your mates are dying. And you fuck up at startup cus u nervous. Now thats interesting.
  3. Part 3 of the Balancing DayZ standalone discussion series. I encourage to post your opinions and ideas here. The more posts the more chances any of the devs hear us. In part 3 of the series we will talk about changes to the looting system and mechanics. I am basing the OP around the data we know about dayZ standalone. Which includes a bigger map and bigger cities and changes to the looting system. I'll point out some of things I thought off and add other good ideas provided by people in this topic. Many of the changes are small balance changes which could also be included in dayz mod. But some are big changes, which would require actualy developing time. --- Basic survival gear The first thing that I'd like to talk about is the basic survival loot. And with that I mean the loot that you need to survive on your own without having to loot markets for lets say food. Currently the items that are needed are: axe, hunting knife, box of matches, a watter bottle. With these items you can survive on without any other looting. -I think this gear should be found in places like the chain car crashes I have talked about in the part 2 of the series. And in other places which do not include the bigger cities. -I would also suggest adding alternatives, for example a fire striker and maybe a lighter, adding bidons instead of water bottles, and instead of cans of soda add plastic bottles, which when drunk from get emtpy and work as water bottles. It just adds to the immersion. Small changes that would help making the world feel more organic. Loot containers Another thing I'd like to talk about are loot containers. Right now gear is just lying on the floor. Now we know that devs are working on making the loot spawn on more realistic places, like shelves and behind beds. So I would suggest adding cintainers, like drawers and cabinets which would function like car trunks and tents in which you would check when inside houses. They wouldn't be hard to add and would increase the immersion immensly. Another side effect of this, and ITS A BIG SIDE EFFECT would the that now, tents wouldn't be the only places where you could stash stuff. With the new map where there are a bunch of enterable buildings, you could just hide your gear in a drawer in some house. Who would ever find that? Better than tents. Chain car crashes I have talked about this in the traversing dayz part of the series but I am so excited over this that I just can't stop. This bring so many opportunities and new directions. It also falls together perfectly with the new loot in trunks of cars the devs have implemented. Add MAYOR loot spawn points in refugee car crashes. Make them over 200m long and put loads of stuff inside refugee cars. Tents, foods, weapons, gps, maps- Everything refugees take. Looting car crashes would probably in real life yield better loot than looting stores, because these were the first to be looted anyway. Looting and zombies We will talk about this more in the zombies part of the series, but the devs have implemented a new zombie handling system, which means zombies can be completely killed in an area. Make the loot behave in a similar fashion. Best gear gets spawned first than increasingly worse gear. So add a lot of zombies at good loot spawns and good loot. The first that comes and cleans the zombies out of an area gets the best loot. Than the others who come and dont need to kill zombies only get worse gear. It's an excelent risk vs reward system. That is all I can think of for now. But I will add other stuff later. --- Part 1 of the series: shifting from PVP to survival. Part 2 of the series: traversing the DayZ world Part 3 of the series: -you are here- Part 4 of the series: balancing the zombies Part 5 of the series: endgame Part 6 of the series: random stuff
  4. Yeah I do look at the diaries, and I am aware of the new looting system, I'm just posting general suggestions on how to build on the new system. Like if you read my idea on a reworked repairing system which would make use of the new loot handling.
  5. Yeah, you could just do that but if you were to run for a town thats 3km away you'd be bound to miss it by 500m, give or take, and would end up having to orient yourself using either triangulation or roads. Which is better than now. Thats a fair point. But still some wrecks would be there, and than you could loot 10 broken cars to make a working one. Fair point. I haven't considered cars being used solely for storage. And why would I suggest them getting locked? But still something has to be done to address the hoarding problems. We need to find a solution and if you have a better idea, please share it with us. :) Holy shit thats excelent news!!! I never heard of this. If this will truly be implemented that will be awesome! Yeah, but like I said this has to be addressed. Cheers.
  6. Part 1 of the Balancing DayZ standalone discussion series. I encourage to post your opinions and ideas here. The more posts the more chances any of the devs hear us. In part 1 of the series we will talk about the banditism and pvp in dayz. I am basing the OP around the data we know about dayZ standalone. Which includes a bigger map and bigger cities. I'll point out some of things I thought off and add other good ideas provided by people in this topic. Many of the changes are small balance changes which could also be included in dayz mod. But some are big changes, which would require actualy developing time. This has been largely discussed so far, and I've alreay made a topic about this. You can read it here. I'll just borrow the intro from there: So, we all know that banditism is rampant in DayZ and that the nm.1 cause for death is death by sniper and other players. This severely limits the survivalism aspect of the game. In the previous thread I claimed a good fix for the banditism problem would be making survival harder. I was wrong. The solution is sadly not that simple. Indeed, a real solution doesn't exist. Players will always enjoy the thrill of the kill. Which is fine. In real world there would also be killers. So why not dayz? And I've been thinking about this a lot, and I still dont think I have any good ideas how to deal with this, still, here are a few: ------ -I said that surviving should be harder, which was wrong. Infact what should have been the idea was: getting super geared should be hard. Normal weapons should be more commons, (small arms, maybe shotguns) but military grade gear should be rare as girl gamers. -Raiding military targets should be very hard and should require groups of people. Add military zombies with body armour that would instakill you if you went at them alone with just a small gun. So now suddently there are no more 1000 dmr and m24 and AM rifle snipers on the hills praying on bambis. -Another thing, make military ammo spawn rarer. This wouldn't so much help with the pvp, because now people would kill other people for ammo, but it would definitely make the bambi killer bandits think twice before spraying a whole clip on a bambi. It's more a quality of life improvement for new spawned players. A fun remark: with the new zombie system you could wait outside of military bases, waiting for a group to clean it and than go in and take the remains, if you wanted to. -On the other hand however, civilian guns should be more abundant. Small guns should be found inside houses, shutguns in bars, stores, gas stations. Hunting rifles should also be a bit more common I suppose. -A big thing! Add police stations. It's the most organic and natural thing to add. Police stations exist in real world yet not in dayz for some reason. Police stations should be gold mines of medium grade gun and equipment spawns. Body armors, better shotguns, some ar-15, revolvers, guns, smoke grenades. They would remove focus from just firestations and barracks for loot, and add much needed alternative spawn points. Adding different spawn points would eliminate choke points for getting gear. (For example just yesterday I saw in elektro firestation 30 bodies. I SHIT YOU NOT! 30 bodies!!) Also, as a fun thing: add prisoner zombies, just for the lulz. -And A thing I have covered in the traversing dayz part of the series, and will cover in loot part of the series, adding alternative places to get geared would also server to ease the stress on the cities, because survivors wouldn't need to enter them. -Add rewards for being kind. Maybe something like Finding a way for the game to determine when a player is stuck (swarmed by zombies and stuck in a house, maybe add a checkpoint on entry, exit to house and determine whether the player can get to that point or whatever) and than if someone helps the stranded player he gets rewarded. I will add more things as I think of them, because like I said, balancing the pvp and survival part of dayz is not an easy thing, and I'm sure you will have some good ideas as well. I highly suggest reading my other thread because people had some nice ideas there. ----- Part 1 of the series: -you are here- Part 2 of the series: traversing the DayZ world Part 3 of the series: loot mechanics Part 4 of the series: balancing the zombies Part 5 of the series: endgame Part 6 of the series: random stuff
  7. Thanks for pointing that out, I've clarified it. :) Yes I ment the ones which point the way in game. I know they only show in regular servers, but I still feel like they make the game too easy. And most server's i've visited use them. I might be wrong of course. And yeah, I messed up with the title But I cannot edit it anymore :(
  8. Saving a player right now is like as not going to get you shot when he wakes up. I know that giving some computer rewards is taking away from the game, but you must appreceate the fact that it is still a game. People are anonymous and killing the player who just saved you is nothing to them. Just another stranger behind his computer. It happened to me many times. Let me tell you a story about a huey I once had: Me and my friend found a huey. We were repairing it for an hour and finaly took off. We loot heli crash sites and airfields all day. We get a really nice loot stash. DMRs, m107, m24's l85's, ghillie suits, rangefinders you name it. After about 9h we decide to call it quits. He logs off and I go stash a heli, when flying over kamenka some kids start yelling help pick me up. I decide ok they are just kids and do a sweet landing to pick them up. They shoot me in the head. And that's how the story ends.
  9. Hey. So I share my PC with my roommate and he got my dayz acc banned on some server, and also got a global ban. I made him buy me a new AO key, so battleeye is sorted, but why am I still banned from the servers? Are those bans bound to IP adresses? Do I need to talk to specific server admins?
  10. alanford

    New CD key, still banned

    That is because the only solution is getting a new IP from my ISP and possibly reinstalling the game, so don't act like some bigshot who knows more than everyone else. I don't feel like explaining myself to you, but you do seem like a proper little cunt. So here is a free tip just for you, and I suggest you remember it well: don't speak unless you have something smart to say.
  11. So, we all know that banditism is rampant in DayZ and that the nm.1 cause for death is death by sniper and other players. Now, this severely limits the survivalism aspect of the game, because the only viable thing is to hide and hope not to get shot down by military gear. Here's the thing though, I am willing to bed you whatever that when rocket envisioned dayz, PVP was not even closely on the top10 of things he wanted for dayz to be. But sadly, with the lack of endgame content, the only real option you have is to gear up, go pvp and bambihunt with snipers, die, repeat. This all could be solved incredibly easily: make survival much harder. Right now zombies probably cause about 10% of deaths if not less. Why is that? Did humanity go extinct because they were so bored of the zombies? I dont think so, so why are the zombies on easy mode?! If the zombies were to pose a very real threat, and food would be scarce, than a couple of things would happen: 1.) people would be forced go group up just to survive 2.) bandits would have a much harder time, because only looting the survivors would probably not yield enough food/drink to survive. 3.) players would suddently focus on surviving and not killing each other And with the new server side zombies that wouldn't even be hard to do. And than another improvement I'd recommend: add a zombie spawn filter which says that whenever a zombie cannot access an area it cannot spawn in it. So for example fortifying an area would actually keep the area clear of zombies. This would further encourage group play. And with the new bigger chernarus map there could be space for many more bases, like prisons or castles, which people could encamp in, because of the harder zombies EDIT: Another thing: reward people for helping others. Maybe something like Finding a way for the game to determine when a player is stuck (swarmed by zombies and stuck in a house, maybe add a checkpoint on entry, exit to house and determine whether the player can get to that point or whatever) and than if someone helps the stranded player he gets rewarded.
  12. Another thing I'd like to see adressed: right now most of PVP is sniper based. Thats fine, I LOVE snipers. Snipers are my favourite weapons by far. But as it is right now, dayz pvp is not viable unless you posses a sniper rifle. --Of course you can sneak around and come from the back, but still you can't deny that sniper rifles dominate the PVP at the moment. One way to change this would be to make sniper rounds rarer. Make rare loot ACTUALLY rare. Think about it, right now, some player who have military gear keep hogging and hoarding all the loot, while bambi's stand no chance. Ever tried raiding NWAF with a pistol? I did. It didn't end well.
  13. Okay having read your replies I see the general consensus is, yes tougher zombies, but not too tough to cause pussy players to cry. But Killzone_Kid, here's the thing though: right now people QQ because of the change. They are used for zombies to be super easy, and they cry about the change-- if the zombies were stronger to begin with they wouldn't. So thats one big point you should consider. Also, I really like what TheBambiAvenger said: rewarding kind gameplay somehow - some perks or something. Another BIG point I'd like to make is that making zombies harder can not only be achieved by making them faster/do more damage. You could make the zombies swarm the player, and get them stuck somewhere, like behind a door. So that the players could than be saved by others for a reward or something. Maybe achievements, whatever. That would surely encourage sp,e epic The Walking Dead moments, where you actually got saved by other players. Give players some incentive to help others. A way that helping others would be more lucrative than just shooting them. Another way to make PvP harder would be to reduce the ammo found like tenfold, that way every bullet counts, and grouping up would be essential to go raid zombie infested towns. And sniping from afar would be near impossible, but for the most geared up bandits. YES! Of course the thrill of the hunt will always be one big reason to go and snipe bandits. And I wont say I dont do it. The feel when you 1 shot a player in cherno from 800m is just so good, but like I said, give me a candy big enough, and I just might consider shooting the zed next to the bambi, instead of him. Besides, that's in some ways even more epic, killing a zed chasing a bambi from 800. Like a guardian angel. Just think about daryl in walking dead, even badass people can save people.