Hi all i'm new, sorry for my english. Well, i think the SA will be great but i can't hide my delusion for several things. I mean, i've seen so much to understand that we will play a dayz mod with more cool stuff and bug fixes instead of a revolutionary zombie game. It seems that rocket and his stuff didn't want to risk rewriting the game totally, or maybe, they no have the abilities to do that, or the "rights" if you understand what i mean... If i was "the dayz mod creator" and if i saw such an enormous feedback from people, i would have looked everywhere for partners, investors, using all the energy for a more ambitious project, not just an upgrade for fans. You can't use again the arma 2 engine, really, for me this is a bad choice. And more important, Chernarus again? Ok you added new areas, but for god sake, you have the chance to create the greatest game ever, and you just don't waste 1,2,or more years to build an entirely new structure/enviroment. And this is not a money problem, this is because you don't want to...unbelievable for me Sorry, i know that it's easy to speak in a forum and the facts are other things but believe me, i loved the mod, i love and accepted all bugs because i know it was a beta. Now, a year later, like other people said before me, i see the game taking another direction. Anyway, i will play the game and buy it, but maybe i was expecting something different, i don't understand of this rush. This is what i think