Hi Tyler
1) What do you mean by "better player?" Try to be specific in your answer so we can help answer you more specifically.
Do you want to
1) be a bad guy, 2) be a good guy, 3) be a neutral guy?
Tip: Go to large town, Cherno, electro, zeleonogorsk and berezino (has shop and firestation) and empty ALL of the loot/trash from these buildings until you find a tent; shop, pubs and other "household" spawns (houses). While you are doing this do not aggro (excite) any zombies and use a hatchet to keep quiet. Do not alert any players to your presence. When you clear ALL loot and trash from a building, after a few minutes it will begin to respawn again. As I said, keep doing this until you find a tent. You might also need a bigger bag which you will find in the shop or in the military spawns. Remember to clear out all the loot and trash from the building to get fresh loot periodically.
Also check out the industrial spawns for things like car parts, tool boxes and other tools.
In these towns go to hospital and pick up at least 2 morphine injectors, spare bandages, antibiotics and blood bags. Keep a food and drink handy.
When you have found a tent off you go into the wilderness or find somewhere in the town to hide your tent. When you have put your first tent you can start stashing weapons, ammo and important supplies. This gives you a nice foundation incase you die. You dont want to be wandering around with all your gear because you will most likely die and lose it all.
Now you have your tent you might want to look for a vehicle.
Dont aggro zombies by crouching, crawling and walking slowly. Running on pavement will make more noise, dont do that. When you aggro zombies bad guys camping will come find you and troll you.
For now just hide from other people, they are not to be trusted!
Anything else at all I am most pleased to help!
I have not played DaYZ mod for over a year so some of what I say might be out of date!