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Everything posted by BigJames89

  1. BigJames89

    Anyone ever get robbed trading?

    Yeah, if you're worried about risky trades, just trade with Dave or Swordsworn.
  2. BigJames89

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    Coyote Backpack and M9sd for the FN Fal?
  3. BigJames89

    Trading HMMWV for AS50

    I believe a have one more AS50 if you still have that Humvee.
  4. BigJames89

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    Scratch out the Fal Mags as you've already traded those to me.
  5. BigJames89

    Traders and Traitors List

    Here to confirm the above post, and of the three people on that server (including Dave and myself) we run into a guy with an SVD dragonov.
  6. BigJames89

    Anyone ever get robbed trading?

    Usually to avoid getting killed by someone is to make sure the trade is on an empty or near empty server with nameplates, that way they cant hid an "army" under the server population. Our you a can bring a friend or two to make sure the trade goes smoothly.
  7. BigJames89

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    NVG, RF, Ghillie for CCO SD
  8. BigJames89

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    Turns out I have some stanag and stanag sd, ill trade you later today or maybe tomorrow, depends on how much time I have. My offer: Stanag SD G36c w/Normal Stanag DMR/no ammo Ghillie Suit x2 My Want: M4 CCO SD M403
  9. Experience with origins: 1 week Experience with Chernarus: 2-3 Months Experience with Breaking Point: 0 Experience with Namalsk: 3 weeks - 1 month Timezone: GMT -6 central time, US I play VERY often (whenever i have freetime)
  10. BigJames89

    Looking for a group/squad/clan

    Electro's Most Wanted|ShortFuse are recruiting still. Skypes: jreid998 and purpleskyowner Teamspeak: Crimson.typefrag.com Bandit clan that has room for heroes, we do public and private hives.
  11. BigJames89

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    I may or may not have stanag sd, but i have a variety of other weapons to trade for the m4 cco sd.
  12. BigJames89

    Traders and Traitors List

    I believe you did update me, just posting.
  13. I got nv and some m5sd mags, how does 1 nvg + 3 mp5sd mags for an m4 cco sd sound? Also I'm not able to make the trade until around 6pm, gmt-6 PM me on the forums or add me on skype: jreid998
  14. BigJames89

    DO i need operation arrow head

    Dayz Commander makes it so much easier, plus you clan launch dayz without running steam on dayzcommander
  15. BigJames89

    Trading for Satchel charge

    I am currently trading for: Satchel Charge [x1] Bear Traps Soldier Clothing What I have for Trade: Coyote or Czech Backpack AS50 w/ m107 mags DMR (Though I am having trouble getting into the tent with the dmr in it) M107(Though I am having trouble getting into the tent with the m107 in it) l85a2 Holo M4a3 CCO MP5SD6 M9sd Ghillie Suit M14 Aim This is on PUBLIC hive not private, so any server that is low pop would be good to trade on. PM me on the forums or add me on skype: jreid998
  16. BigJames89

    Trading for Satchel charge

    No longer in need of Satchel Charges Bear traps however and soldier clothing would be nice.
  17. All bandits rise for the bandit national anthem:
  18. BigJames89

    Best and Worst Spots to Abort/Log-Out

    Office roof in electro however is hands down the BEST Place to spawn in.
  19. BigJames89

    Best and Worst Spots to Abort/Log-Out

    Pine Trees not too close from populated area (with map) = Best abort Office or bottom of dobry (near the pine trees) = worst abort
  20. BigJames89

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 DaveAzocier (He gave me a little more than I had bargained for as well, so id give +1.5)
  21. BigJames89

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    AS50 for the satchel charge (m107 mags)
  22. BigJames89

    Trading for Satchel charge

    Well, the location and server would be on my terms and I would have a good amount of people covering me with AS50s, DMRs, etc. And I would already be there with nothing on me but the requested item.