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About djbrombizzle

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  1. Well TLM at least you told us INS is still an admin finally...you flip flopped your story more times then a politician does! Maybe you should run for office? Nah not you, INS should
  2. Yep good post there laugh... Like others said if I don't like what is going on, I can go play elsewhere, but why does TLM think he needs to lie to everyone? If he wants INS to stay an active admin that's his choice, his server. So time to man up and just tell people how it is TLM...
  3. Were not discussing what the menu was, or how it was made... This is a forum topic talking about ONE mans behavior, as an admin....abusing his powers really badly for his own benefit, and for the clan he is in.
  4. You sure about that TLM?? I have evidence to the contrary of what you just said...just be honest with everyone for a change.....
  5. Well seems like admin abuse on servers these days is rampant! reference here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/127566-the-laughing-man-prive-hive-admin-hacking-video/
  6. Update for those following this thread... It appears HeadoftheINS is still an active admin over there, but has changed his name to "That other guy" If your playing on there watch out, same guy, same attitude/aggression.... And still not banned, and still an Admin People are posting complaints on the TLM forums about this guy, they just don't know hes the same person.
  7. Watch this video of INS in action: Repairing a russian chopper that was a spawn that needed repairs, you can hear INS yelling at me to get out of the way and when I question why he flips out! This is obviously him repairing the chopper real quick. Here is a second video: This is that same chopper that he repaired using his admin menu...What happened here is that he teleported the wrong person to us while in the chopper. This resulted in a very quick and painful death for us all. But who cares when you can get a officer of your clan, who is also a admin, to TP us back to our bodies? This is exactly what he did and is shown clearly in this video. Also he is still actively trying to cover up his actions by telling everyone in the teamspeak channel to once again be quiet....
  8. Well now this has all gotten very interesting hasn't it???
  9. How can you be so sure?? As someone has stated before this is the reality... -Post #38 - by novogeek
  10. Exactly!! Well said People also need to realize that admin powers and abuse are looked at more closely in Dayz then in other games such as Battlefield 3, Call of Duty, etc...This is because DayZ is a survival game, the whole point of the game revolves around keeping alive and getting better gear. Not like other games where all you do is kill, kill, kill then die and you get to select a class for your gear. Also what INS was doing is a such a HUGE deal because he was arming the clan he was with to the max, thus ruining the game not just for me, but others. Even if this was a one day thing (as others claim) do you realize how unbalanced that one day of doing that made the game? Oh lets see about 8 people running around the server with MK48s, Ghillie Suits, M24s, M14s, etc...What do you think happens when they get killed? Yep that lucky guy gets his gear! SO now all these people are basically getting a ton of higher gear because of people getting high end weapons that are not legit. Then the admin would just teleport people to his new location and give more weapons, process repeats. You see how even doing this for one day is bad??? TLM if you are really serious about cleaning this up and keeping your server #1 in DayZ this is what I suggest you do: 1. Ban INS - will show the community that even people close to you that if you get caught abusing your server and admin abilities that your gone 2. Wipe clean the server - Reset everything, gear, tents, vehicles, etc...Give people like a weeks notice so that they all don't freak out. But I think people will generally agree after this its a good move. 3. Restrict admin abilities to what they used to be, minus the admin map
  11. I have brought it up before in TS to another admin, Tekz... I thought it was going to be handled internally, but we all know how that worked out. Look I am not trying to hurt your servers, if anyone is blowing this up its you guys! Laugh recorded and posted a video because enough was enough, would I have done it that why? Probably not but it did, now you have to deal with it. This isn't a debate on what an admin should or should not be able to do, this is about one man who constantly abused his powers. From what it looks like you seem to be trying to cover this up way to much, its a very simple solution, apologize for his actions and remove him, done and done!
  12. During my time in the DOC first hand witnessed head of ins use his admin map to track other players on a regular basis. Further when he would find these other players by some miracle he would be the first to ban them for bitching about him cheating. Moreover every morning he's up bright and early looting peoples tents with his admin map he goes right to the ones with good gear and takes it for himself. Also ask him about the time he took all 5 suv's that spawn on the server and hid them he found them all with his admin map. Countless times he leads the clan superstitiously right to high value vehicles yelling at anyone who questions him to "shutup don't ask questions who's the admin here". You keep that guy around if you want but he personally did ruin the game for me and anyone who was a victim of his cheating. Those videos wouldn't even be on the internet if the other admins had taken action against head of ins everyone knew what he did and nobody wanted to stand up to him.