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Everything posted by itsmee

  1. itsmee

    Veteran + 3DP server list

    DE26 is 3dp:on and ch:off UTC-11
  2. itsmee

    Change UTC?

    Change windows time of the server
  3. Maintenance Changed server time for both to UTC-10 See pic below..(Attachment) Wartung Serverzeit auf DE Hauptspielzeit angepasst.. jetzt UTC-10 Siehe Bild (Anhang) Itsmee
  4. Maintenance Time is fixed now. Reversed time was wrong word. Its set to be -8 hours to normal german time. UTC+2 Itsmee
  5. Servus Kyorikei.. Mh weid.. thanx for the info. Yes i should be UTC-6.. ill check the settings later. By the way crazy times on dayz are quite normal :p How you like the server ? Any other problems?
  6. Hi there, Thanks for your reply :) Its important to get feedback to improve your gaming experience. And yes youre right... Normally i warn before closing server. But im in my office and dont have the game installed there. :) Ill do me best to avoid those problems in future. Granted! Have fun :)
  7. Maintenance Just updated the server to Beta 3701. Have fun! Serverwartung Server wurden gerade auf Beta 3701 geupdatet. Viel Spass weiterhin. Cu itsmee Edit: sorry for reboot.. had to fix security hole!
  8. Hi Guys, Currently im using HLSW lite to check my server.. But im looking for an app that gives an alert on my phone if the server is not running/crashed/offline. Anyone knows an app for this? Btw is there a way to access rcon acces through phone? BE Rcon for Android or else? :p Cuu
  9. Tip: if you play regular on our server, then checkout the Top10 player ranking on www.spielviel.de
  10. Maintenance Hey guys, Sorry the server just needed some few restarts for setting changes and time correction. Both server are running now with time UTC-6. Enjoy the game.. Cu itsmee
  11. hi dida.. Thats like i want to do it. But i setup the servet yesterday up to 3am and he dont want my settings. Ill do it, until im not so sleepy anymore :p DE25 will be 3dp:off & ch:off soon.... stay tuned
  12. Maintenace Hi, Currently servers are finetuned.. please report lags, problems, whishes or suggestion in this thread. We're happy about every Feedback.. Serverwartung Hi, Derzeit werden die Server feinabgestimmt. Lags? Probleme? Wünsche und Verbesserungsvorschläge? Wir freuen uns über jedes Feedback. Cu itsmee
  13. Nope its not final.. there are new vehicles avaible now. (i translated only the english version to german)
  14. itsmee

    [Suggestion] Index of Guides

    Unsticking wouldnt be great.. then everyone have to search for
  15. itsmee

    [Suggestion] Index of Guides

    I can make a list of all guides, but maybe create a subforum called "DayZ Guides" or else and move all existing in this board?
  16. The english original version got lost cuz of the rollback .. maybe anyone saved it somewhere? If yes please send it to Sa-Matra or post it below.