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Everything posted by Shrapnell

  1. I want melee weapons. HAMMERS. AXES. HATCHETS. SHOVELS. PICK-AXES. MACHETES. BATS. CROWBARS. KNIVES. 2X4S. POLICE BATONS. The list goes on and on. Do you want them, too?
  2. Shrapnell

    SA: Will we get lots of melee weapons?

    I love to be able to get one of those ripper things from Fallout.
  3. Shrapnell

    Need testers for website about stories from DayZ

    website is like sex <3~
  4. Shrapnell

    SA: Will we get lots of melee weapons?

  5. Some people like to sit back, laugh with friends, and play a GAME.
  6. Shrapnell

    Dayz SA to be a failure

  7. Uhm. No. People us TS3 because they can chat with people playing other games and some playing with them.
  8. Sooo, if these guys get what they want, I can't talk with my friends because I'm playing DayZ?
  9. I was playing on a Namalsk server. I was running across the bridge, when all of the sudden, I got pulled up into the air, floated for a while, than fell to my immediate death. Was I teleported there, or was it a bug? I need to know, so that I can know whether to stay away from the server or just avoid the bridge.
  10. so, i was down in my basement last night and was digging through all the rubble i found a few human bones, but who gives a shit, they've been there for like 5 years now, so fuck off bones then i found my dead wife's old favorite toy thing she collected for no fucking reeeaaaassssooonnnn it was these stupid lego things so i was thinking other than that weird bunker-base-dig thing, will there be more temporary/permanent barricading materials? will we be able to barricade areas and sort of make a temporary home? or will we be limited to living in our little nutfuck trenches? ps keep your milk outta my cereal, no off topic
  11. Shrapnell


    You are still an asshole for doing that.
  13. .. what would it be? Imagine if you had all the resources needed to make a unique, makeshift weapon at your hands in DayZ. Imagine if you could take a bat, a hammer, some nails, and fucking make a bat.. with nails in it. Imagine if you could wrap barb-wire around a 2x4 and put some spikes in their too. Imagine if you could saw off the barrel of your gun, tie on a hunting knife, all of that sort of stuff. What the hell would you make? I'd take a sledgehammer, a nice, simple one. I'd wrap some barb-wire around the 'sledging' part of it, maybe tie some sharp razor to the end of the handle.
  14. that looks like mr nelson's little baby when he was 1 now mr nelson's little baby son thing is 5 years old and works in my basement, mining from gold
  15. Shrapnell

    those goddamn bugs

    /falls from barn steps, like 2 feet /breaks legs
  16. Shrapnell

    US303 You will be missed!

    no one gives a shit
  17. no those bones are just mr nelsons hes been dead since he committed suicide when i found out he had been scamming me by making me pay sticker price plus he said he wanted to be buried in my basement it was in his will
  18. im not anymore because shes dead
  19. Shrapnell

    What's wrong with Berezino?

    Most of the time, I just head to the best place where I spawn. My game has a habit of spawning me near Elecktro, and I just give it this 'i dunt giv a fuk' attitude, rush in, and try to get some shit. If I get a different spawn? I'm a lot more careful. Cherno and Elecktro spawns for me are just 'who fucking cares lets just run in this one time'.
  20. it was the shape of a male sexual organ but blocky i fucking hated her thats why when we went swimming down in lake erie, i pushed her under the water and kept her un- i mean, uh, i was devastated when she accidently drowned in lake erie
  21. Yes. We must pay for Rocket to undergo surgery to become that in real life. www.kickstarter.com/turnrocketintobeauty
  22. Shrapnell

    Oh I wish I was a...

    yes, i stole it from you because i am in your mind you know whenever your head tells you to kill that guy next to you and bury him under the floorboards? thats me <3