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Everything posted by Anomal
Hello, I hope you guys bring us linux server support with 1.0... ? PS: I love DayZ and your work, but actually im pretty upset/sad about the fact that you guys released xbox version before giving linux server support. In other Hand, many stuff where not working correctly. But you start working for xbox and maybe even ps4 at same time, instead of fixing PC version first. :(
just bring crossplay!
Hello, I have alot of friends that are playing DayZ on Xbox. Also alot of guys that want to play it on PS4. I want to play with my friends, like i can in some other games. I think its easy to give Crossplay Acces to Playstation, Xbox & PC. Just give every user the ability to turn on and off the crossplay feature. Or host different servers, some with crossplay and some without. So everyone could choose at their own, if they want to play with controller or mouseplayers. /edit it also would bring in more rp flaire, because you need to use ingame voice. :)
pls bring linux support for server!
please - bring console and pc to the "same" game version - add servers that support crossplay - give us players the chance to choose between crossplay & non crossplay servers. The game would be alot much more fun, if we could play together. 🙂 It would harm no-one and its not unfair, because everyone could choose by his self.
please - Allow raiding only with sledgehammer and hacksaw. - lower the spawnrate for sledgehammer and hacksaw to 1 per sector. - Make them beeing broken after one- or two-time use. - Disallow repairing hacksaws and sledhammers as well. So basebuilding would make much more sense, even on official servers! 🙂 Basebuilding would be much less frustrating then.
please - Allow raiding only with sledgehammer and hacksaw. - lower the spawnrate for sledgehammer and hacksaw to 1 per sector. - Make them beeing broken after one- or two-time use. - Disallow repairing hacksaws and sledhammers as well. So basebuilding would make much more sense, even on official servers! 🙂 Basebuilding would be much less frustrating then.
NO ONE have to be "FORCED" just give a simple turn on/off option or different kind of servers. And in PS4 oder Xbox One you also can play with mouse and keyboard... on pc you also can play with controller. So there is noone forced and there is no pain if you can choose. I want to play with my friends without buying a console, damn in other games i can. im playing atlas, rocket league & the new call of duty with them, its great.... sad that we cant have the dayz experience together.
Bohemia Interactive: “Although technically quite feasible, we would rather not mix PC and console players, as this would lead to a noticeable gameplay imbalance.” Just make a toggle button or different servers, so everyone can choose between crossplay or no-crossplay! (If the player chooses by his self, unbalanced gameplay is not that a problem.) I have alot of friends playing console, i want to play with them. I love dayz, but i have barrely no-one to play with on computer. Im sure other people are on the same spott... PLEASE BRING IN CROSSPLAY :( GOD DAMNED OTHER PEOPLE PLAY FORTNITE IN CROSSPLAY! Fortnite: PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, mobile <------- MOBILE!!!!! Dauntless: PS4, Xbox One, PC Rocket League: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 SMITE: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 (September 17) Paladins: Champions of the Realm: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 Realm Royale: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 (October) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Xbox One, PS4, PC (October 25)
Hello, Bohemia could you please host some "privat" (no hive connected) servers as well? I want to play vanilla, without mods and changes. But on official-hive basebuilding makes no sense, because people can easily server-hop into player bases. Some easy fix would be to host some server that are not connected to the hive. Pleaseeeee help us to feel dayz vanilla basebuilding. :)
Can you please tell me some, vanilla ones with players on it? Im sick of searching servers - please no stamina modifactions
NO DOWNLOADS - TREIBJAGD - TripleStamina|StartGear|MoreZ|SetSpawn|NoWipe|Events
Anomal posted a topic in Server Advertisement
TREIBJAGD - TripleStamina|StartGear|MoreZ|SetSpawn|NoWipe|Events Just released the server password a half hour ago! Its ready for your fun - we hope you'll enjoy. We are a german multigaming clan, existing for 3 years now. People in TREIBJAGD are mostly 21-45 years old. We got active admins, waiting for your requests. TeamSpeak: schutzhuette.ts.io Discord: https://discord.gg/PN4KQfa DayZ: Informations: - 100-120 Slots? - DedicatedHardware - Huge Redesigned PvP Areas With Extra LOOT @ NEAF, Balota & Cherno - Tripled Stamina - Starting Gear - 2x More Animals - 2/3 More Zombies - Custom Spawnpoints -- You spawn at NWAF - Custom Carspawns -- Up To 33 Cars Spawn Max 3 KM Off The Coast - Custom Crashsides -- Crashsides Spawn Max 4 KM Off The Coast -- 5 random- and 2 fixed crashsides - Custom Buildings -- More Military Building At The Coastregions - Custom Loottables -- The Lootsystem Has Ben Reworked -- Less Military Loot And Flipped Tiers -- More Basebuilding Items - Mini-Nights - Some Snowflakes - Own Backup System - Set Your Group Spawn! * - Events ** * If you are playing whitin a group of three or more players, that already have a base built up atleast ~200 meters off the next military loot ( ! ) - You can ask one of the following admins: [TREIBJAGD]- Ano, Feuer, Platin1481, Red Lefuet to set your own spawn. If the base conditions are all correct, admin will setup your groupspawns. They will be applied after the next server restart. YOU WILL SPAWN COMPLETE NAKED! Thats our compensation, otherwise it would be overpowered. ** We will prepare challenging and easy Events for you. All events except spontaneous mini-events will be announced 5 days earlier within the ingame chat. --------------------------------------------------- See you soon! (If you have any problems of find bugs, please ask for a admin in steam or teamspeak) -
NO DOWNLOADS - TREIBJAGD - TripleStamina|StartGear|MoreZ|SetSpawn|NoWipe|Events
Anomal replied to Anomal's topic in Server Advertisement
We have got a Discord now: https://discordapp.com/invite/PN4KQfa -
Have no problems on our server... you have to add a backup system! Let a batch backup every 3 minutes
Server can crash while building walls and pickup logs... Only chance is to have backups. Write small backup batch to make a backup every 3 minute, there you go! :)
Hey, I used the COM-Tool (Offline Tool) for spawning Tents and Buildings to Military Bases. After i forced my server to give me a new export xml's i did replace them. Now items do spawn, but its not military loot only. It seems like everything is just spawning randomly. Like: Car Wheel, Shirts, Guns, Hunter Jackets... etc. How can i make my tents & buildings spawn military loot only? (I only spawned military buildings) The second issue i have: Some of the spawned tents/buildings are flickering/clipping... (sometime you can see through) How can i fix this?
How to add items to spawned cars inventorys?
Hello, I have this idea and i want to know how to do it. At first, the most important is that it should run without additional files for clients. No workshop download! Can i write into my init.c and some .txt files player groups and spawns? I mean if some group of atleast 3 players wants to have group benefice like own spawnpoints, one can types into the chat /creatgroup "NAME 1" "NAME 2" "NAME 3" to creat a new group/tribe/gang/clan - whatever you want to call it. With /inv "NAME" and /kick "NAME" you can get people into our out of the group. Now the real goal of this is that i want groups to have their own spawnpoint with some conditions. The leader (or other ranks?) of the group should be able to use !setspawn, so they will spawn at "home". This should apply to all group members that has been invited before. I thought i could save players id and coordinates into txt file for managing groups and spawns. What do you people think, is this even possible without giving extra download to clients? Extra: People that got their spawnpoint could spawn without gear, but people without spawnpoint have low gear. That would balance this out in some way. Some conditions should be that the spawn cant be set closer than 1,5km to military loot or another one that you only could set a spawn when you have build atleast 3 walls and 1 door around you in 25 meters... Just thinking ^^
when can we expect 1.0? Its 8pm already... still no download for me
its 13.12.2018 now... come one release! xD
I did that... :( I can browse server now after i edited steam setting to ping only 250 server per minute... but still it crashes sometime anyone can tell when its realese?
pls fix crashing game in server browser :(
Everytime is try to watch offizial serverliste my games crashes. But i can view lan and community... (newest exp patch) I3-6100 16GB DDR4 GTX 960 Settings: High - Max
So sad... 1.0 fast push just because of console and MONEY!! I loved this game, but this concern is making me sick. C'mon do release Vigor (DayZ 2.0?) instead of completing this game... Instead of putting a new team to a "dayz remake" you should put some more resources into THIS game. You'v got so much money because of early-acces sale... just dont fuck around - and keep it going and deliver what we paied for?!
How can i make cars spawning on their event spawns with having everything repaired/attached? They also should have items in car inventory, but it always just spawns the first one. Pleaseeee help me out :) EntityAI offroad = EntityAI.Cast(GetGame().CreateObject("OffroadHatchback", player.GetPosition(), false, true)); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackDoors_Driver"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackDoors_CoDriver"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackTrunk"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackHood"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("SparkPlug"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("EngineBelt"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarRadiator"); offroad.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarBattery"); offroad.SetAllowDamage(false); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("WaterBottle"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("EngineOil"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("CanisterGasoline"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("NailBox"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("NailBox"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MetalPlate"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MetalPlate"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Hammer"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("hatchet"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("MetalWire"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad); offroad = offroad.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("CombinationLock"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(offroad);
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