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Everything posted by Anomal

  1. Please i need help... bec is crashing that much. :(
  2. Is there any way to use other colors for the admin rcon chat or sheduler of bec?
  3. Hey, my server got a pretty high perfomance and everyone is playing on it got more fps than on other dayz server... the pings are perfekt and there are no laggs. But sometimes the playermark reachs 30 players there are some desyncs, sometimes 30 seconds of desync... CPU usage @ 30 Player is at ~20% and ram usage @ ~10% Server is running on 5 cores Server got 1GB internet speed Here is my config: MinBandwidth=125829120;MaxBandwidth=2147483647;MaxMsgSend=92;MaxSizeGuaranteed=92;MaxSizeNonguaranteed=64;MinErrorToSendNear=0.029999997;MinErrorToSend=0.0019999994;MaxCustomFileSize=0;Windowed=0;adapter=-1;3D_Performance=1;Resolution_Bpp=32;class sockets{ maxPacketSize=1400;};serverLongitude=9;serverLatitude=50;serverLongitudeAuto=9;serverLatitudeAuto=50;
  4. When i'm starting the server, after it's first time connection to the database it shows up this error...
  5. Ok, thanks... than now i'v got the netlaggs and desyncs fixed... but what's about the hive error?
  6. Hey, i'v got a server with 8 cores, 32gb ram and 1gb connection... i'v got like 15-40 players on my server and it has got 65 slots. The players on my server are moaning about netlaggs. They got boostet fps on our server and the ping is pretty awsome... Sometimes a pretty little desync @30+ players What can i do against the netlaggs? Please help me :) netlaggs = pretty small jumpy laggs while running, like every 5 second
  7. Hey, since the new 0.3 hotfix i got this error in my hive console, what does it mean? Does it affect the server, how can i fix it? :)
  8. the desync happens every ~15 min for 10-30 seconds... Pings are still pretty awsome... some players have a ping of 25 while 32 players where online I'm not sure.. about the chain, but all players are getting the chains at the same time!
  9. i restart every 6 hours... server where running 2 hours @ 30 players desync
  10. Anomal

    gtx 760 4gb horrible lag

    I'v got the same cpu and i can play without problems... Here is the fix: Go to this folder: C:\Users\Anonym\Documents\arma 2 Open this files: ArmA2.cfg ArmA2OA.cfg And Edit this lines: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=XXX; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=XXX; To: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; Enter your game and change your Video memory settings to: Default
  11. Anomal

    Low FPS - 2 x Gtx 780, 3930k 3.2 ghz

    Here is the fix: Go to this folder: C:\Users\Anonym\Documents\arma 2 Open this files: ArmA2.cfg ArmA2OA.cfg And Edit this lines: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=XXX; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=XXX; To: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; Enter your game and change your Video memory settings to: Default
  12. Anomal

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Hey R4Z0R49 The players on my Server are moaning about, that they cant find loot in the main citys. They also telling me something about wired grafik bugs. My next problem, they are getting kicked all the time... XXX has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #329 XXX has been kicked by BattlEye: SetVariable Restriction #0 Are these the problem of my server files or just problems becouse of the new patch?
  13. Anomal

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Please dont shock me like that, every update is like the hell for me... everytime i update my dayz server it something doesnt work... xD But this time it worked fine!
  14. Anomal

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    lol!!! I'd installed the fix just before 15min, than a member of our community told me that there is already a new fix out xDD
  15. I'v already installed mysql, so i wanted to edit the mysql paths. I copied the mysql.bat into mysql folder too. But when im starting this bat it shows me the following errors: 1. The system cant find the entered path 2. The command "." is wrong or can not be found! 3. The command "." is wrong or can not be found! 4. The command "." is wrong or can not be found! Would someone please explain me what's wrong here... and how to fix it? Maybe someone would explain me how this bat scripts are working and which commands i need to know? And i want to add BEC Starter here... how do i add this? My BEC is @ "D:\GAMES\dayz\9447487\Bec\Bec.exe -f Config.cfg" And how can i add a auto restart on crash into this bat? @echo offecho Die MySQL-Datenbank wird gestartet, bitte warte 5-10 Sekunden.start /D. D:\xampp\MySQL\MySQL.batping -n 5 >NUL. D:\xampp\MySQL\cecho {0A} OK.{07}echo.echo.echo.echo Führe das Spawnscript aus.... D:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe --user=XXX --password=XXX --host=XXX --port=3306 --database=XXX --execute="call pMain(1)"ping -n 5 >NUL. D:\xampp\MySQL\cecho {0A} OK.{07}echo.echo.echo.echo Starte den Server...start .\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\expansion;ca;@hive;@dayz -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\basic.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz -noSplash -cpuCount=8 -high -maxMem=8192. D:\xampp\MySQL\cecho {0A} OK.{07}echo.echo.echo.. D:\xampp\MySQL\cecho {0B}Launcher läuft...{07}ping -n 5 >NULecho.echo.echo..D:\xampp\mysql\MySQL\cecho {0A}Launcher wird geschossen.{07}ping -n 5 >NULexit
  16. Hey, I still got the problem that the whole inventory is doubled after relogg on my Server. The probleme is still there when the server is running on OFFICIAL HIVE
  17. i tried bliss and pwnz0r, both same problem... And YES items where duplicating @ official hive too...
  18. Please, i still need your help! The items are still duplicating for everyone!
  19. Ok, just try it! :) 1. Login to our server with like 3x stanag sd 3x bandages in your inventory 2. Logout to lobby 3. Login and you got 6x stanag sd and 6x bandages in your inventory
  20. Hey, Sorry for that much post's, but i got panic becouse of my 40 players online :( Got my Server running now with, but DayZ Commander shows up the server as 1.7.7 The next BIG Problem, the inventorys are duplicating after relogging
  21. I think you didn't understand... EVERY time someone does a reconnect his whole inventory gets duplicated! O.o