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About wo1313

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello, i am a new Dayz with just three days experience but i caught up really quick and managed to get myself some good loot and survive on my own. Today i was searching for a tent to store my Enfield in as i am using the lovely AKM.. i spot three guys and as usual, i identify myself as friendly.. they immediatly start shooting miles away.. i managed to kill two but i had to run since i was on the evrge of dying.. i lost consciousness a couple of times before giving in and leaving my hiding to die by a makarov shot.. Basiclly this was all intended to show why i would love to join one player, a group, and maybe even a clan.. so if anyone is up to teaming up on public hives.. i would be happy to join u...PLEASE no clans requesting applications to join,, i just want to hop in and get something nice started and keep it up... i basiclly want to be rest assured that when i die.. me and my fellow survivors will have a lovely tent full of all the shit we want on a nice public server that we can go to.. :D Name: Walid Age:18 Teamspeak:Yes Bandit: No Languages: English, French, Arabic Time: i can manage to play anytime If interested add me on steam (wo1313) email walid_olaiwan@hotmail.com
  2. IRL Information Name: Walid Age: 18 Location: Lebanon Timezone: GMT+2 Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: yes i do Game Information IGN: walid_o13 Steam ID (if applicable): walid_o13 Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): I am an exellent looter.. jsut love to sneak around zombies and other players.. got myself the ebst weapons in jsut two days of gameplay so that speaks for itself but died looking for a tent :( (read below) Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): With just three days experience i caught up really quick and managed to get myself some good loot and survive on my own. Today i was searching for a tent to store my Enfield in as i am using the lovely AKM.. i spot three guys and as usual, i identify myself as friendly.. they immediatly start shooting miles away.. i managed to kill two but i had to run since i was on the verge of dying.. i lost consciousness a couple of times before giving in and leaving my hiding spot to die by a single makarov shot.. This is what brought to me to conclude that i need a clan.. People i can count on to support me.. and i would be happy to be the same What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Getting grade A weapons.. drawing away zombies and then disposing of them.. looting parties.. defending against bandits (favorite part) Thank you :)