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Everything posted by joopz23

  1. joopz23

    Taking a look at my motherboard and

    I don'y know why, but I think graphics card look so sexy and that one looks da beast!
  2. joopz23

    Will it fit?

    I, but so will I :P Guys I've spoke to the manufacturers and they said "It will fit, but the psu would need to be 750W, is this true"?
  3. joopz23

    Oldest characters

    0 dayz, my character is void. :)
  4. joopz23

    Will it fit?

    Thank you everyone, you have made me feel a lot more confident with this! Ihope to meet some of you in DayZ this summer!
  5. joopz23

    Will it fit?

    I have E-Mailed the website, i'm awaiting a reply.
  6. joopz23

    Six core!

    Okay so originally I was going for an I5 3330 Quad core, but then I noticed a pc that would save me £200 and it has a beast case lol. So the six core is also cheaper, I understand people look up to intel more, but for the sake of saving £50 and getting 2 extra cores I thought was amazing. The question is, if you didn't have too much money, what one would you get? http://www.freshtech...desktop-pc.html Or http://www.pcworld.c...291826-pdt.html
  7. joopz23

    Six core!

    I'm not ready to build my own yet, that's why I'm using that site.
  8. joopz23

    Six core!

    Okay well, the case isn't going to prevent my gaming lol. So the case can be sorted. I just don't want to buy something then find out I've made a mistake :P
  9. joopz23

    Six core!

    ##I have the disc at home, but all in all the one from freshtech is better for money, correct?
  10. joopz23

    Stories of First Time Banditry

    Lol, just had a vision in my head from that.
  11. Love this quote "I completely lost all worries about him, since I thought I was a boss with my AK-74".
  12. joopz23

    Considering to play DayZ with a friend

    Nice spyware. rofl.
  13. I'll wait since not getting my new pc till around july so suits me XD
  14. Don't play DayZ yet, but when I do. I'd love to see this.
  15. Lol, looks set up to me. Didn't see a headset though?
  16. joopz23

    Run slower without shoes on.

    I would say many people are like this.
  17. Hey guys. About 4 months ago I watched a video on youtube that Frankieonpc1080p uploaded and found it real interesting, so I watched all his episodes. Then I watched Jackfrags and really wanted to play some DayZ and found out my pc is a pile of junk, so I watched a video jackfrags uploaded called "How to build your own steam box" I saw that the fps runs good enough to play DayZ Mod. If I was to build that pc would it run the standalone? I heard it will be easier to run the standalone. Just want to make sure. I will only have enough to build a pc like that since I'm 15 and don't have 1000s. What I'm asking is; will the pc out of his video run on the standalone? Thanks. Components Components: 1GB XFX Radeon HD 7770 Intel Pentium G850, Socket 1155, Dual Core, 2.90GHz LiteOn IHAS124-04 24x DVD±R Fractal Design Core 1000 500W Storm Silent LPJ19-25 MSI H61M-P31 (G3) Motherboard 4GB Corsair Value DDR3 PC3-10600 (1333) 500GB Seagate ST500DM002 Barracuda SATA 6Gb/s, 7200rpm Windows 7 64BIT Professional P.S I'm not one of them immature 15 year olds that ruins your game XD
  18. joopz23

    Help with pc?

    Okay so I've been told that jackfrags pc won't work or something O_o So can someone help? I will be able spend upto £400, I live in the uk. I know £400 is not much, but I know you can build a pc for that price, I'm not doing it for some insane HD on DayZ etc I just want it as a pc that will run on DayZ. so £400 budget. If anyone could take a look around and send me some ideas I'd be very thankful.
  19. joopz23

    Help with pc?

    No you won't help me or no you don't *think* there is such thing?
  20. joopz23

    Building pc for DayZ.

    Here is what Jack advised on the video; Components: 1GB XFX Radeon HD 7770 Intel Pentium G850, Socket 1155, Dual Core, 2.90GHz LiteOn IHAS124-04 24x DVD±R Fractal Design Core 1000 500W Storm Silent LPJ19-25 MSI H61M-P31 (G3) Motherboard 4GB Corsair Value DDR3 PC3-10600 (1333) 500GB Seagate ST500DM002 Barracuda SATA 6Gb/s, 7200rpm Windows 7 64BIT Professional Costs around £330 - $500 He ran through the most laggy place on DayZ and it ran at like 30 fps.
  21. Hi I know this is a long time away 3-4 months in fact, but once I get my new pc and start playing DayZ I'm looking for someone to team with, so if you're gonna be playing around then, let me know.
  22. I don't acturally play DayZ Yet because my pc is junk and can't handle it, but in the next 14 weeks I will be. I watch many videos about it etc.. And I would love to see some sort of throwing knife?