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Posts posted by ksnrichard

  1. Commander if free and downloads quickly, PC gaming comes with a certain degree of glitches and problems, just comes with the territory

    seems to be working now, I am trying to connect I see this could be fun

  2. I fancy jumping right in. I'm going to die at some point and fancy a challenge. I can't wait to see how it plays. It seems you make your own story and you play exactly how you want.

    Yeah it be nice to see the map from the sky.

    I would rather play this then Cod this seems to have substance and you something most games don't longevity.

  3. By active i assume you mean the server pop? Well ive never actually played on it but im sure many oldstyle hardcore DayZ players crave a server like this, so i would imagine a server like this may have a good population, but no promises.

    Yeah I also mean the game its self. Is it still very much active. Lots of players online. Its looks really good and I am looking forward to getting to grips with it.

  4. To start off you need to find a good server, now by ALL MEANS do not join a server advertising "Apaches, 600+ Vehicles" or any bullshit like that, find a good hardcore server, something with low vehicles, you want the true DayZ feeling, not an Arma feeling. Quite honestly i couldnt reccomend an exact server, but avoid the servers i described the best you can. Ill look around and see if i can find a good server for you.

    Edit: After five minutes of searching i found this, these guys look like good admins, and 42 vehicles is still pretty high from the original vanilla DayZ buts it probably the lowest you will find anywhere now a days. But get whitelisted on this server and give it a shot!


    Thank you mate. Will have a look when I get home. Is it still very active.
