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About ksnrichard

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  1. ksnrichard


    seems to be working now, I am trying to connect I see this could be fun
  2. ksnrichard


    All I want to do is play the game, I spent my money on this and would like it working.
  3. ksnrichard


    just doing it via steam, brought the game via steam
  4. ksnrichard


    What you mean by what am I launching it on
  5. ksnrichard


    Were do i find the update
  6. ksnrichard


    Ok i brought the game from steam, installed the mod, and cant connect to any game. I get bad version, or other errors any ideas guys
  7. I will earn my way up put it like that. I will not ask for hand outs just want advice and help if in trouble.
  8. ksnrichard

    I'm new and ready for the Fight

    I fancy jumping right in. I'm going to die at some point and fancy a challenge. I can't wait to see how it plays. It seems you make your own story and you play exactly how you want. Yeah it be nice to see the map from the sky. I would rather play this then Cod this seems to have substance and you something most games don't longevity.
  9. ksnrichard

    I'm new and ready for the Fight

    Yeah I also mean the game its self. Is it still very much active. Lots of players online. Its looks really good and I am looking forward to getting to grips with it.
  10. ksnrichard

    I'm new and ready for the Fight

    Thank you mate. Will have a look when I get home. Is it still very active.
  11. Hello guys. I am as we speak downloading all the stuff needed for this game. I have been thinking about getting it for a while and now bitten the bullet and got it. So what is the best thing to do when get online. Anyone fancy helping me.