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Everything posted by Galcian

  1. Galcian

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I know that my CPU will run it ok and have enough RAM. Core i5 3570K @ 4.0 gHz and 8 GB of 1600 DDR3 (Upgrading to 12 or 16 GB soon). I have an old SATA 250 GB HDD which I'm looking forward to upgrade to a SSD. Have 3 TB combined in the backup drives, but I didn't set them up for cache swap, nor I believe it will be needed. The GPU is my only concern. I have an old Nvidia Geforce GTX 460 overclocked from 675 core/ 1800 mem (3600 mHz effective) to 810/1950 (3900 mHz). The overclock is with the card's stock voltages and pretty stable but I don't know how graphics intensive Arma II and by extension, DayZ will be. In the experience of those who have played, what framerate should I expect? I made this machine for Skyrim and since I finished it I played Minecraft or even Gamecube emulation occasionally. I was thinking on buying a GTX 660 Ti or an AMD HD 7950. Any recommendations will be welcome. :) Also, I haven't bought Arma II and the expansion because I have been holding out for the standalone release. I think it may not be worth it, even more when I have read that the mod has become stagnant. :/
  2. Nice info... at least this will sate the impatient ones appetite for information. For now. Give them a week to begin to clamor for Dean's flesh like the Z's in the game like they were doing for the past weeks... or maybe they'll just come into consensus and eat Matt alive. Maybe they'll use ketchup. Or Marmite. Yuck. Get your beans packed up, Matt and run to the UK while you still can. Mr. Hall is way too far away to be eaten by the impatient masses. And I don't think they like their meat frozen solid. (I kid, my best wishes to Rocket):P
  3. Galcian

    Run slower without shoes on.

    If I were to go by his Twitter posts, Rocket is a sneaker lover (stated he was cleaning his sneaker collection on St. Valentine's day) so... he may be down for this. I would like this. A good pair of boots for the burdened survivor, and sneakers of different styles to those who spend more time running lighter.
  4. Galcian

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Make a laser attachment for the weapons, even for the crossbow. Make it hard to find. Make it use batteries. Three different laser types: Red, Green & Blue. If you aim with it to the eyes of a player it will blind them a la Battlefield. And since guns recoil when shot it will never be precise after the first shot. Hell, I don't know if wind affects the shot direction. I want this game to make me search and use the available resources. I want to fear finding other players, I want them to be fearful of shooting because even if they are aiming at me, something may go wrong and their shot may miss. That cross hair takes immersion out of my game. I want my immersion. Remove the cross hair out of my game. And the ax? Well, you could always give a visual cue projecting the probable path the ax will go to before swinging. Lasts 2 seconds before fading. Just an idea.
  5. Maybe a database table with codes for gear (1) = Backpack, (2) = Enfield (3) = Ammo (Enfield) (4) Ammo qty (15) in which the player name and number codes are stored in each server to save space and the reference number is used to track the gear a player had when they logged out of the server. An example from the top of my mind: Galcian Last Played 4/12/2013 Gear (1) (2) (3) (4 *15) And so on... I'm not sure if you understand my idea but it would prevent server hoppers to go to empty servers, get uber loot and go back to gank in high population servers. Your opinion is appreciated and I don't know if it has been suggested but it would be a "control" of sorts to prevent abuse thru gearing in empty servers, and return to grief others. And since is a check the server does before logging off, you can preserve the gear you acquired legitimately in that playthrough.
  6. Hello, I have been following the development of this mod and the switch to a standalone game. I have been watching youtube videos and follow a few streamers now and then. And I will buy the standalone when it's released in alpha form, whenever that happens. I can wait. I liked the initial tension of the game and I remember well one of the patches that made too many infected spawn. It re-added the tension and despair needed for this game to be a smashing success. But I've wondered... let me explain since english is not my main language. I'm a fan of Resident Evil. Yes, I know, a different game, and the few last ones have been bad. I loved RE: 2 personally. I know it's another type of game. But it had variety in it's enemies. I'm not expecting this idea to be accepted and I don't know what future content the devs are planning for the SA, but I would love to see sick wild animals or natural predators from the region Chernaurus is based on, maybe a few infected animals that are more resistant to bullet impacts. Something that makes people SCARED of sleeping in the forest. A rabid pack of wolves, an infected bear... heck, a pack of dogs in the distance that can pick up your smell, especially if you have an open wound or are wearing dirty clothes. And if you manage to kill those animals, you could skin them (putting you at risk of catching some ailment or infection) for their leather or getting their meat (desperate times call for desperate measures). And if it's a big animal with a lot of blood maybe the infected would pick up the smell, or the other predators and walk to the source. Hell, I would even be happy if some advanced stage of an ailment or infection makes you hallucinate and see monsters, even regional or folk legend ones when it's just other players approaching and the player must be careful in their reactions against others so they hold their fire because they can't distinguish reality from illusion. I know that maybe will ignore the idea and I understand since this mod pursues realism, but it would be fun, even if it happened as an event once a month or even once a year. Also, another question... will the game have caves? Bats and other nasties could live there and it would make for excellent hideouts, or traps when the infected come for you. Thanks for this great game and for the chance to give some suggestions for this great project. I understand you have a vision but I felt like asking if you guys would consider it, even if given the scope of the project or it's direction it may not be feasible. Rocket and Co. soldier on, you have some fans here in Puerto Rico waiting for this game. :)
  7. Bears and wolves, while endangered under normal circumstances would be able to grow their populations again if there was no interference from humans and become a real threat. Besides, if the bears were immune to disease they would proliferate quicky and a bear can overpower a group of humans easily; even more being a lot with broken limbs and no awareness of danger... as infected are. I see bears would get free food out of this epidemic and would develop a taste for human flesh. The fresher, the better, eh? And wolves hunt in packs, that would make the a truly terrifying encounter either for players. Would be cool to get some input from the busy devs @ Bohemia. :P
  8. To the poster who edited: Bandits are not the same, mind you. It's not the same confronting an armed individual than an animal which is unpredictable, far more aggressive who stalks and prowls, is faster and stronger than a human.. and leaves no bullets behind if you manage to survive the encounter. It becomes an equal risk both to bandits and survivors. Also, no gunshots so there will be no warning when they attack.