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Everything posted by Ninja_Meh

  1. so after seeing the new update come out and reading the patch notes stating hacking issues had been addressed i thought why not have a bash in stable for a change, how wrong i was to do so... my first encounter with one of the scrub kind, was about 45 minutes into my first session, was in a room alone, no windows in sight just organising my gear before heading off the coast, then bam, im unconscious, ok i think probably just a house bug i wait it out, but then within 2 seconds i see my hotbar items dissappear one by one... once the last item is gone i miraculously instantly wake back up wearing someone elses clothes. it seemed the guy had been killed (as hackers tend to be awful players) and respawned and found the closest slightly geared player to rob. needless to say that is definitely not fixed. after that i took some time away (as i usually do when stupid stuff like that happens) came back in with some pals got geared up as usual and decided to check out elektro on an official hive server to try help out some new spawns or at least clear out some bandits. coming past the lake at the northern end of elektro to cross up onto sniper hill to get the drop on some bandits when i hear the first shot of banditry ringing out from upon the hill. great i think, ill make my way onto his six and try and take him out... not a chance, guy literally appears in front of me pops off a mosin shot, misses miserabely and i start to zig zag trying to get my sawn off out, he misses me again (as usual with crap hacker types) and then literally speed hacks up the hill out of sight. i get my lrs mosin out and shoot him directly. no blood nothing. next thing the guy who is 50 odd yards up a steep incline i cant even jog up has miraculously run up behind me with an axe which he is teleporting around me hitting me with. i tell him he is a c*nt for needing to hack to get kills he laughs says thanks i know bruh and i just exit giving him the pleasure of killing me while i sit down in the exit animation as opposed to killing me even trying to defend myself. long n short. hax seem worse than they were before. i only had id say 2 instances of hacker confrontation since release then two in the space of a week since the supposed fixes in place :( i hope sometime this gets a fix all round.
  2. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Can confirm rain is now bein g rendered inside of all buildings, but it does not seem to actually make you wet so it seems to be just a visual bug there. spawned naked as have a few, shortly after heard a zombie, couldnt see it, hit me a lot, still couldnt see it. bumped into a naked dude, he couldnt see it either. disconnected and will wait to play when things get a little better again lol, my 5 minutes on new exp was more than enough
  3. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    iv had more CTD's on this exp build than i have on any other exp builds put togther. it seems fairly regular but nothing specific i notice causes them...
  4. Ninja_Meh

    Arma 2 demo+OA+Dayz=?

    http://arma-2-free.en.softonic.com/ ther ya go
  5. Ninja_Meh

    Arma 2 demo+OA+Dayz=?

    http://www.bistudio.com/english/games/arma-2-series/arma-free still there, and you need it i think, not the demo :P
  6. no so far only a mili combat knife fits the slot apparently. kinda dumb cos tbh i can fit almost any knife down the side of a boot or if its a little large i can stow it in my belt line
  7. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    its not so much they suck at the melee, what your seeing in that video is the direct effect the navmesh system is having on server client intera ctions, on the guy who is tryna kill that first zombies screen, that zombie is most likely in a different position that he doesnt see, because since they added the navmesh i have noticed, whenever a zed aggros at me now, 8/10 i will never get my initial hit off on them, not because of my aim, but actually because even if i get the heads hot, they are actually showing on my screen in a different place to where the server has actually calculated them to be. people saying the melee is fine is one thing, but the hit detection IS being affected by the navmesh, because its giving the servers a lot more to think about for the pathfinding of each zed when it works. The reason i deduced this is that now i can run right up to a lot of the zombies, while they idle, right in front of them, and then when i get there, they will aggro, run straight past me aboiut 10-15 metres to where i was when they actually saw me and aggrod, but the server hasnt done all this in sync and then suddenly even though the zed is on my screen about 10-20 yards away, i then get hit by its actual location right near me. im pretty sure that invisible barrier you guys are noticing is like i said a horrible bit of lag between server and client (which also could be a cause for all these horribe in game freezes as well) i think your quite wrong there. since this patch i have had it where zombies that are displayed as right next to me on my screen are not hittable for a good 2-3 seconds. having adjusted a little to this means i can better calculate how long it will take before a zed will register my swings, but that is not the fault of any person it is in fact a fault of the games syncing issues which incidentally has been made worse with implementation of the navmesh i agree wityh you that they dont lol the navmesh does have to do with the hit detection almost entirely, the only misleading thing about the video maybe is that they dont show a lot of the other things navmesh does, but then, i cant blame them as what with the gimpy movement controls and the large snyc differences caused by the navmesh addition and the server strain it adds does make for a pretty bad update so far. granted it is experimental branch so no one can really moan its a bit fucked up when things change, that is the whole point of experimental, but still they are in fact correct to assume that navmesh DOES have correlation to hit detection. probably along with a few other of the changes, almost every change made in game at the moment will always affect both how clients interact with each other as well as how server side zombies interact with client, as all the changes add a little to the servers load, which currently is still not running multi threaded multi core support. we can only hope this fix comes soon, as it will open the doors for a lot of shit yo
  8. also the new addition to being able to stow your combat knife into military boots means you can free up som invent space for other things and still be able to use a knife to skin and quarter wild animals, win win in my eyes
  9. Ninja_Meh

    [Suggestion] Trade UI

    i cant see why they took out the ability to acces player bags until they are unconscious, in mod it was greatly useful for pairs and teams, and not to mention once i managed to sneak up on a guy once when i was fresh spawned, open his bag which had a revolver in it, and kill him with his own gun, the former argument makes sense although the sneaking up stealing gun thing is a bit much as you would clearly need to make sound to open a bag. but still having no option to enter bag invent accept when player is dead or unconscious leading to annoying ground drop trades and stuff is annoying, especially when server lag can lead to your dropped items getting lost in odd places away from where you actually are and sometimes full loss of items altogether.
  10. inb4 dayz is an unoptiomized POS posts roll in
  11. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    um, personally i think its just a case of the big changes happening to the server core architecture lately has been having a lot of different effects, server restarts i think will always be a thing, as a means to clean destroyed gear and vehicles (when they come) among other things including corpses. i may be wrong, but i think thats the main reasons restarts need to be in. although hell maybe they are working on ridding servers of restarts.
  12. if you get good pings to uk servers i highly suggest UK410 im pretty sure it is totally vanilla, the guys in there are relatively sound (in terms of global chat not getting spammed to bad by a-holes) and there is a nice mix of friendly and banditry maggits to bump into as well. i made some cool team mates in there after getting tired with standalone all the time. great server and totally vanilla. have had some great experiences on there. only warning is that blood test kits on the server seem to be bugged because of something to do with the server version they are running so to find out what blood type you are, you actually need an empty blood bag, a transfusion kit, and well over 4000 blood so as to be able to fill your bag and find out what type you have. other than that, its great. hell i even have a small little camp there if you wanted to have a meet up some time and help me expand my base coverage. I tend to like having a number of small well hidden camps in the central map so as to make vehicle part scavenging easier and stuff instead of having to risk dumping parts in the invent of a vehicle you find, i tend to find vehicles, note the location, then scavenge all the needed parts into a central camp, then go out with low quality gear equipped and all the parts to fix the vehicles and bring them back to base :P
  13. Ninja_Meh

    2 DayZ SA copies, 2 Steam Acc., one computer

    im surprised you would have to use different user accounts, i would of thought the fact different steams use different keys to differentiate between accounts that would of forced steam to either A) rewrite the key in registry each time a different account is used (like in arma) or B ) write both keys into registry and call on either one depending on the account asking for access through steam. I hate user account clutter on PC's and having to create a secondary user just to switch steam accounts STRICTLY for dayz seems odd, when arma never worked like that.
  14. Ninja_Meh

    What's worse? Death or Unconciousness

    i never noticed that function yet, although i guess i never thought about it or tried. will have to check that out when i next get in game
  15. Ninja_Meh

    What's worse? Death or Unconciousness

    i believe you get the chop kindling option if you have either a hacksaw, any axe variant or a machete. im not too sure about kitchen knives or combat knives and the like, but i know i have been able to gather kindling without an axe before, you do need an item that could feasibly chop or saw wood to do so. i personally think kindling should be gatherable by hand, if you go out into a fishing spot or something, and look to make a fire, you certainly dont need much strength at all to break twigs and small to medium branches of bushes or trees. however to chop large lumps of firewood, needing an axe is a given. I can only see that making kindling obtainable without any kind of tool almost nulls the point or use of morphine, although for one splint you can have 2 morphine so it kind of is balanced to a point. just would be nice if you get legs broken, to not have to crawl around just to find something you can then use to get kindling.
  16. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    i get the whole WIP thing and i know obviously the movement will be seeing various changes it would seem, but the ability to be able to strafe at the jog pace being removed is ludicrous. also i just am not a fan of any kind of forced movement speed like the slow crouch and slow weapon raised state, if these things are to be forced it should really be by an endurance/stamina mechanic, as opposed to stance context. i would have no problem with being restricted to how far and how often i can sprint and jog etc, but to limit the movement just from a base control perspective is outright jank, and then will be made more of an issue when a stamina mechanic IS implemented. being able to sprint a set distance before receiving a speed de-buff makes sense. making your gun control harder if you jog for prolonged periods should be enough to force players to slow their movement, as opposed to the current, raise weapon = move slower unless using turbo/sprint. i mean for me that's probably the most annoying change, that the raising of a weapon creates a change of pace, its understandable from a sprint to have to slow to a jog but if your jogging already why should it then force a walk... it just doesn't have a sensible basis unlike slowing from a sprint to raise your weapon, which everyone can agree has to happen, and does do now with the raise lowering working when sprinting. But again with this mechanic, if i want to be in a jogged combat stance and then lower my weapon, i will be instantly in a sprint because of the removal of the toggle ability when gun raised. this again just makes accurate movement inputs needless complex with little to no "gains" of any kind, and as i have stated as well i really think the emphasis on how a player moves should be dictated mainly by the fact your accuracy is shot to shiz if your running around all over the place, and players who move with less speed and more caution are rewarded by having a much more controlled and steady aim. to me that seems like a no brainer especially when you couple it with the implementation of a fatigue system or whatever. edited: in case of too much grammar nazis and spelling communists
  17. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    mmmm, as interesting that is to read, if i really want to be stealthy when i decide to crouch or whatever, i will do so myself with my toggle walk/jog control, forcing it on me and then making me either use the sprint function or the turbo option just makes little sense. people can argue the toss but tbh, it really is a players fault if they make a bad control input and give away position as mentioned in that post. fact is before when you could be in crouched stance and break to a sprint and when coming out of the sprint drop back to crouch was a smooth sensible gameplay feature that is currently now awful to mimic. with the logic used for the changes by the team, and the other people supporting such changes, when stamina comes in you will literally be forced to just walk everywhere cos.... whatever reason can be made to justify it based on "realism" i feel its a step too far in the wrong direction personally. making controls that dictate HOW you can react in certain conditions is one thing, but making them dictate you do stupid stuff in the middle of a gunfight or melee instance with infected is just annoying.
  18. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    forced walking in a game that was a walk run toggle feature is nonsensical... also the crouch jogged pace is not really that hard to do, nor is the pace such that it would be impossible to achieve... meh
  19. Ninja_Meh

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    i would much like to see variants in civilian gear clothes with designs on not just colour variants also more civilian gear with higher capacities, eg trench coats, and other long variant jackets. definitely some more interesting and stylized trousers and shorts. SHOES loads of different bloody shoes, which i REEEEEALLY feel would be great if they had varying sound outputs so certain foot wear was actually worth having for differing reasons, maybe even having sporty shoe variants that gave a slight buff to speed or something, not huge but just enough to make it worth wearing different things as for weapons, i long for a vast array of craftable items, in place of bloody guns. granted guns have a certain role in the game, but i think people should be given far more creative license to make varied ranged and melee combat tools. its a lot more believable than finding guns lying round just here and there. guns should be a truly distinguished show of some serious survival time and so on in my eyes.
  20. Ninja_Meh

    Coming back from the dead as a zed

    funny how the "lore" says survivors were immune, cos last time i played the mod, you had a fairly high chance of infection after contact with viral zeds... seems the "lore" can make itself up as it goes along these days lol
  21. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    it was hardly an instant sprint in the first place, the transitional value of it from any stance made it a useful and believable mechanic, I dont see it resembling any twitch shooter gameplay, for one, when you do sprint you have a lot of momentum that can lead to dangerous accidents and other things. im not really into any FPS games either and the one i do like (Killing floor) definitely is not really twitch shootert at all, in that you cant even sprint at all, but this is not that game
  22. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13602 i agree, and made this feedback option for any who feel it is a bad move
  23. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    i know for a fact that mechanic was in the mod of arma, and just kind of made sense really, and to lower again was double tap ctrl, where now we have space, either way, joging with a weapon raised shouldnt be restricted to having to use a sprint command, thats just silleh
  24. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    yeah im not overly bothered about total realism, but lets face it stripping the use of the walking/jogging toggle function to basically only being use able when your moving with either no weapon in hand or weapon lowered just seems non sensical, in my eyes anyway. it just makes little sense to use the sprint function to achieve something that made sense as it was. im all for changes that enhance gameplay, but for me personally most of the movement changes have detracted.
  25. Ninja_Meh

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    on new patch, you dont sprint with axe raised, its now combat jog. they have fixed the lower weapon issue to be able to sprint, which in actual fact means you now sprint when lowering your weapon with the implementation of NEEDING to sprint to use jogging in the first place. when im moving i should not need to move forwards faster to side step faster... its just not as nice as it was. this is just my opinion of course but i think if these changes push to stable sometime, it will show a lot more people that are of a similar opinion.