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Everything posted by ghettodayzbambie

  1. ghettodayzbambie

    My custom key bindings.

    Hi there. I have spent a lot of time in game trying to optimise my keybindings to suit my style of stalking prey. (zombies). Before anyone has a tizzy and tells me I am daft, spare a thought for the effort I have put into learning the ropes. (two weeks ago I had never played a FPS, other than a bit of a dabble on Krysis at a mates place) Left hand: From right to left. thumb = 1, next = 2, next = 3 ... Numeric end of IBM 104 clone. (http://en.wikipedia....IBM_PC_keyboard) here we go: control key digit Fast Fwd 2 3 Left 1 4 right 3 2 (pointing finger look enter 1 (thumb) headlight del 1 stepover 0 1 Prone 4 4 Crouch 5 3 Stand 6 2 move fwd right 5 (little finger) slow fwd down 5 move back up 5 gear Ctrl L 5 Those are just the basic move functions I have locked in. Next DIY project is a whole new keyboard with repostionable keys so I can have as many keys near my digits a possible and within the degrees of movment the digits prefer. So far I have been matching controls to keys that are roughly in the right area. This is a hack to get thebest out of the IBM 104 layout. When I build the new key pad I can go through the whole process again and define new key bindings to clusters of keys in the right positions. (phew, I managed to get that out.) Is this a waste of time? Quite a bit of thougt and testing on the fly went into setting the controls up like this: For instance, keys I need to find in a hurry seem to be easier to get if I move my digits up (away from me) to them. AND if I need to look to see them, they are not hidden under my digits. (I swapped the Pro/Crouch/Stand keys with l/ffwd/right alot before settling on the latest setup. (sure I am not "touch typing" , yet...) Keys I really need should be under a "resting position" of my digits. So I naturally know where they are. ...soooooooo, if Arma 3 has a new key setup (!?!) I will have to have a rethink. (is arma 3 going to be part of the picture???) and as always, have nice day.... (borrowed from FPS russia, respect) Mr amway.
  2. ghettodayzbambie

    the Dayz of the Triffids

    Triffids anyone? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triffid I'm all in. How do we make this happen? Amway.
  3. ghettodayzbambie

    the Dayz of the Triffids

  4. can the ADMINS of SERVERS, PLEASE update their game name/title/ tag/ label i.e (1.62/100296) whatever it's called.. OA version Beta version Dayz version. (vanilla, origins, what ever) I am not asking you to change anything, just show peeps what they NEED to log in. It's not a big deal. (I hope...) Thank you in advance...
  5. Hi. A. The text under the cursor that comes up when you point out another player. (what is that called???) Can you turn that off? (because it's a pain when you are proning and some guy walks up to you because they have scanned with the cursor and found you) I am TRYING to stay away from other players!!!! B. The REALLY annoying text chat on the low left hand of screen. While roaming in the dark on my really small screen it's like a beacon. Can I PLEASE turn that OFF? I don't care what other idiot s are doing miles away from me. Let me guess I am in the wrong forum.... Kind regards, Mr Amway.
  6. ghettodayzbambie

    SPAM. Can I turn it off. Small LCD, it's a pain. and Shite.

    I found a setting to make the on screen txt less intrusive. the interface size. (click, woah, thats better!)
  7. ghettodayzbambie

    Scoped Lee Enfield

    Is it my imagination or is the winchester 1866 almost as good as the SMLE? (It was a last resort due to helicoptrised weapon hoovers...) I had quite a good night downing zombies at a bit of a distance with it and would welome a mild scope for it....
  8. ghettodayzbambie

    Server info labels need updating!!!!

    Good for you, well done. Anytime you need beans, soda, bandages, broken bones set, ammo... Good luck to you in game. Me Amway
  9. Yes, it's me again. servers were down (Dayz origins. (this is still applicable to Dayz vanila?...)) Admins were, I think, updating their servers to the latest dayz version. I try to log in a day later and get nowhere. I check my OA update version, my beta version and my dazy version. Yep. same same but different. Still no go. So can the ADMINS of SERVERS PLEASE update their game name/title/ tag/ (1.62/100296) whatever it's called.. OA version Beta version Dayz version. (vanilla, origins, what ever) I am not asking you to change anything, just show peeps what they NEED to log in. It's not a big deal. (I hope...) and just to keep the voices inside my head quiet I am instlling dazy commander to find out if I can get better info on the severside of the game. Jesus can someone write an ap that tell you what the server is running? Really simple. Like CPUZ... Server scope.??? When software spawns countless third party aps you know they dopped the ball somewhere. (It's as plain as the lee enfield stuck in your face (was that nine or ten rounds I banged off just befor you ran up the stairs of the "firehouse".... ))
  10. ghettodayzbambie

    Manual Install blues. I need the info, man.

    Right. nice one. Anyway I managed to get back into the game after reloading the new origins mod and whoop I'm off again. so it was just some sort of updating glitch. Thanks for the help! More moaning soon, urch urch, ow, hunph hunph, ow.... grrrr grrr humph... ow.... Grooow. grooow... hunph.... (prone prone prone...)
  11. ghettodayzbambie

    My custom key bindings.

    Whip that thread back inline. *(SFX :whip crack ) The AWASD key set up SUCKS. In my HUMBLE opinion. (Or ASsWAD if you care to rearrange the letters.) I used it at first then moved to the numeric pad and custom bindings. I have changed my keybindings again. And again. Really homing in on the right set up for me that works. Adding functions on the PGM is clearing out space on the keyboard. But WAIT there is more. Pistol Grip Mouse (PGM). with REDUCED "speed" so that cursor to mouse is 1:1. (clear all that BS off your bench with one swipe...) Used a microsoft LED mouse with three butons and scroll whell. Next one will have SEVEN buttons.... That is the second working model. Pretty neat huh. It sure does work. To clarify my Keybindings: +++Using the Numeric END of the IBM 104 keyboard. +++The keys are not off set and are arranged in col/rows. +++I am most concerned with movement, look, etc I have transfered "move forward" to my mouse thumb key. Next PGM thumb button count will be five. fire and reload on trigger. Maybe swap in a third trigger... the Repositonable keyboard is on track. Have worked out the ke matrix then discoverd it don't matter that much. Will just use select and data lines that are easy to use and the devil can mix it down. So there we go. any questions? Amway. PS the PGM is to cure my "dead hand" after playing for more than eight hours straight at a time. I love stalking. can we have zombies in the forests...
  12. ghettodayzbambie

    Scoped Lee Enfield

    Scope for SMLE would make my day. really. and fricking bayonette. with a "fix bayonette" button for quick on the fly fix/unfix. to rush the nasties... and a whistle.... to let peeps know it's time to go ove the top... and no I do not think it strange to have a scope AND an bayonette for the same rifle! (just in case you were thinking that) Mr Amway.
  13. ghettodayzbambie

    New Player

    Advice! woo yeah.. You will be amazed how close you can prone to zombies. At night chuck a flare then hit the ground. if you have a plan you are good to go. If you try to put your handgun in your pack, so you can use your torch, make sure it's not full! or it's goodby .45 automatic.... If you get caught in the open by a zombie just run. You probaly won't be able to whack it close up. Just run. Want to lose the trail of zombies? Zigzag through a cluster of pine trees and then prone away then crouch and run for it. If you are on a server with name plates you are NOT safe in the dark. You may think no one can see you but your name plate will give you away. (dumb eh...) Sorry about the info load. I just got caried away! hmmm... Mr Amway.
  14. ghettodayzbambie

    Prone to sprint controls are daft.

    Hello. A) Prone to fast forward transition is clunky. too clunky. B ) why does "optics" + " zoom" prevent you from getting up and sprinting??? (put the gun down and run like hell) C) Why when proning over an object do I stand up???? The whole point of proning is to NOT stand up. The controls are not rational. (well some of them) They do work but not in a fluid way. ( I have tested this a lot) The crouch to sprint and back is annoying when you are left standing after the sprint. (get down you twit!) A clear and concise method for the movment and targeting would be a great asset. one that takes into account what type of combinations of moves a player prefers in certain situations. ie. Crouching past a window, Proning to sprint to prone. crouch to sprint to crouch etc. I do a lot of proning. Proning past zombies really gets my blood pumping and the game play is in the zone. But the amount of times I have been "stuck" in the controls and needlessly gettting hit because I can't get up and evade a zombie has started to grate. Getting stuck with your eye zoomed into the sights is evem more frustrating. (put the gun down and run!) So yeah. Any ideas? Or do I just suck it up? Any positive feed back welcome. Spam comments are not welcome. Thanks! Mr Amway.
  15. ghettodayzbambie

    Prone to sprint controls are daft.

    OK, thanks, not offended. So it's not just me then. phew. I thought I was just being picky. "polished mechanics" sounds tantalising! I wish I could be a controls tester. Bring me in! Hey a Q for you. What the heck is "evasive forward" for???
  16. (Ahem. The brontosaurus....) Start in Seven, I like it there. quiet. nice beach's...great hotels. nice zombies. Get some gear. My normal stuff. SMLE and 1911. heaps of ammo and food and soda. Yip check. Say hello to a fellow survivor, he says he is friendly... (ha!) So he takes off, heading roughly in the same direction I am going. But I skirt along the forest line on the mountain side of the road out of town.... Being sort of quiet and chucking flares around.... (oops) I make it to a village. (a looong way out of town) Chuck a flare and turkey shoot the zombies to clear the place and have a bit of a scrounge... Uh oh it's patient Zero. mmm, time to bug out? Oh no, I decided to try to shoot him a few times. Maybe I could actually kill him??? So there I am standing* silhouetted against a building by a flare, in broad flare light. and... then... Blam blam blam... Very loud, very close, wild shot's but I get clipped. I'm down. Crawling. Two more shots. even closer. Executed. I am dead. Pushing up daisy's. fin. out. Shocked. Startled. Annoyed. That GUY!** It was that guy. The FRIENDLY guy. (a lousy shoot too, shot at me five or six time.I was standing still, a perfect target) So what did I learn? Before popping out of the woods: Prone! SCAN! Scan scan scan. Prone prone prone.... Prone scan prone scan prone scan... softly softly.. (I had actually proned into the village BUT I did not scan the area around it! and the flare was just stupid.) I was alone, acting like a moron, an easy kill. I made it easy for someone to take a chance and kill me with little problem or risk on their part. If only I had kept my guard up! Mr Amway. (Deceased.) *Standing is a really bad idea. Standing still is worse! ** Guy as in none gender specific way of saying "other player".
  17. ghettodayzbambie

    My first actual being killed* experience.

    No name plates!!! no sneaking up on me. no scanning for name plates. This is GOOD! ha ha. I am proning around watching people running from the conga line! too cool. You can't see me! and if you can't see me: you can try to "hey buddy, I am friendly, can I look in your out bag?" BS. and I am not "buddy" and secondly no you can't look in my pack. And if you come any closer I will shoot . SO yeah. ditch the name plates/player tags. and get IN THE GAME. Lets make this REAL. I wan to hide and watch (SAW, sit and wait) to see how people work and if they think no one is watching, you can see exactly how the do so. The name plate popping into view is just dumb. I may as well put on a floro hi viz vest.... with a sign saying come and murder me. Stay close but out of sight. Dicth the nameplate rubbish. Monitor the actions of others from a discrete distance. And when you finally let them find you, and want to be friends, you can tell them what they have been doing for the past four hours... The good, the bad and the ugly... and the moronic. Name plates = lack of stealth = no close monitoring = crap game play. And if you really like hunting having a "wild animal" name plate pop into view is just NOT HUNTING. (mr hunter I am over here!!!) Mr Amway.
  18. Hi back again. So yeah, anyone want to lend us a hand over here? So the deal is I have manually installed everything. Because I can. So why when I have all the latest updates can I not get onto a server. bad version, little red crosses etc etc. do the arma2 version upgrades not make you BACkWARD's compatible with older server versions??? this is just weird. So I have ver 1.62 and beta patch 102936 why can't I connect to a LOWER version??? that's the whole idea right? yes/no? Why do I have to ask these PAINFULLY obvious questions? Am I missing something here??? do I have to load ALL the beta updates??? I mean, surely not. You jest. Heck I am going to try it. I will look for an old beta on a server and match it. see what falls out of the tree. Mr Amway. PS oh yeah thanks for all the help to date. I feel special....
  19. ghettodayzbambie

    SPAM. Can I turn it off. Small LCD, it's a pain. and Shite.

    ok thanks. Check: name plates, Veteran servers, can't turn of blinking lights... Sounds good. Thanks heaps! Mr Amway
  20. ghettodayzbambie

    the Dayz of the Triffids

    Yes! Good point. Partial blindness from the Tiffid attack is GREAT!!!! In your stumbling to get away you are stuck on a fence, rail, wall, thinking you are running away when you are not... actually. AND The plants are SILENT. so you could walk around the corner and walk into their stinger range, they hear you, and zap. you get a slimy cold banana skin to the head and seconds later you are blind. Run for it. and hope you are moving away from the horrid walking parsnip monster. Silent good hearing fast stinger slow venom. (a good hit is blind/death in minutes, a glance is temp blindness in minutes... Start your B plan) Anti venom? intra muscular self admin thingie. Ideas! Mr Amway.
  21. Hi trouble shooting fellows. I would like someone to point me the right direction for info: I want to understand how and why arma 2 uses, program files AND my documents with multiple copies of the actual arma 2 .exe / arma 2 OA and other folders files etc. Please don't BBQ me the usual silly comments. Hold thy tongue. Just the info or directions to find it thanks. Manual install, no commander or six. no 3rd party stuff. dayz origins mod. (like it) FYI. I am not experiencing issue or problems. Just on a fact finding mission. Cheers!!! Maybe I should go to the Arma 2 forums... Hmmm.... Amway.
  22. ghettodayzbambie

    Arma 2 installation folder regime. Any clues?

    Ah, So I have now managed to copy my custom key bindings from one profile and put into another profile. Sweet. So I can back that data up into a text file for safe keeping. Excellent. When I make my new custom keypad I can remap controls onto new key arrangements. My profiles were in my docs. Not in program files. FYI. Small victory there. yay!
  23. ghettodayzbambie

    the Dayz of the Triffids

    OK, I am confused. Why is it off topic? Yes I am a bit dim. Re skinning the zombies into plants is not much of a change. Or is it? Oh no I have changed my format style getting flack. (rats, peer pressure strikes again) hmmm....
  24. ghettodayzbambie

    Still struggling... (ok, HELP!)

    Why the HELL is HOW you type up your comments SUCH a big deal??? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/129329-bicycle-lock-and-lights/ I just do NOT get it. Threads get co_opted by unrelated BS. COME on. Can we move past the oh no too many spaces in my reply. Just be thankful you can read and write!!!! I read manuals and regulations etc that are DENSE and getting some space between lines is easy to digest. Other people here probably do the same. SPACE IS GOOD!!!
  25. ghettodayzbambie

    Bicycle Lock and lights!!!!

    You stole my bike !!!! I crashed into a fence at night!!! Bikes hubs don't click when you are pedalling. only when you are coasting. (rachet free hub) Skid steering. (lock the rear brake and turn into the skid) for emergency turning, and hacking it up. Awesome. and I want a chopper!!! And next question. If the server resets do you lose all your not on you person items??? (do I lose my bicycle) Cheers!!! Kind regards, Amway.