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Everything posted by jamaljenkins

  1. I have been playing dayz for a long time with no problems. Now all of the sudden my fps keeps dropping below 10 every 30 seconds with a yellow chain and it last for about 10 seconds or so. Its basically unplayable. I've check just about everything on the forum and can't find anything that helps. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I didn't change or download anything, it just started randomly happening yesterday.
  2. jamaljenkins

    Strange FPS drop.

    I'm having this same problem with no solution. Ive tried so many things.
  3. jamaljenkins

    Fps drops below 10 randomly every 30 seconds

    Yes and I did a bandwith test and everything seems to be fine with my internet.
  4. jamaljenkins

    Fps drops below 10 randomly every 30 seconds

    Don't think so. I can play all of my other games with no problem and my internet isnt lagging at all.
  5. jamaljenkins

    Fps drops below 10 randomly every 30 seconds

    Seems to be doing it on all servers. I've been trying to fix it all day. I was playing yesterday with no problems at all so I'm not sure what it could be.