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Everything posted by StrelokAUS

  1. StrelokAUS

    It was a nice 1v2 ..then PLANES

  2. StrelokAUS

    [Video] NW Airfield Extraction Fail

    don't run over da Zs
  3. So I've made my way from Elek to berez, got an AKM and a Mak and a few extra supplies. Got to berez and my no.1 goal is a bigger bag than the default one. Loot the first general store and nothing, loot the military tents and theres crap in there as well, so i proceed to make my way to the apartments next to the 2nd general store. Keep a constant eye on the apartments I spy a guy wearing an Alice and all he has for a primary is a Winny, JACKPOT. I take some cover behind a fence and use 3rd person to scout over the fence looking for any movement; only to have a hopper come from behind. I run off and deal with 2 zombies and make my way back to the apartments. I edge my way closer to the building where i saw him in and i notice movement at the door. I see his gun sticking in the doorway and i carefully see whats inside. I see him lying on the floor and i try to take his pack but i can't, as the poor bastard is knocked out. Not wanting to waste time 3 mak shots in the head and the alice is mine XD life is good
  4. StrelokAUS

    The worst ever bandit.

    he probably got lucky and found that on someone else, lousy wookie is lousy
  5. Its one of the bigger bandit hot spots 1. Military tents and loooots of them with plenty of good spawns (large groups of people will farm these for ages) 2. Its close to NW:AF
  6. StrelokAUS

    DayZ Screenshots!

    friend found an FN-FAL with NV scope
  7. StrelokAUS

    DayZ Memes

  8. I think Zed aggro is a little iffy atm, I was a good 60 or so metres away from one and its head was looking in my opposite direct. i was crouch running and bam he's after me :S
  9. StrelokAUS

    Day Z Space Program

    lol epic
  10. StrelokAUS

    I feel bad, but..

    nicely done
  11. StrelokAUS

    Looks like I found a hacker! (Editing)

    Yes that was painful, we were north of Staroye (tracked it on the map) no way he could know we were coming without using something. And its sooooooooooooooooooo unlikely he'd have a tent right there
  12. StrelokAUS

    Elektro Siege

    was a good fight, I was sitting on the hill where all the hay bales are watching it with my DMR. Then I died when i decided to shoot some bandits and I swarmed by zombies