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About Wasteland_Wanderer

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  1. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey guys awesome work you medic's are doing, so much so it has inspired me to put down my guns and commit myself to aiding others also. I am currently located in and around the Cherno church and my IGN is Nato_The_Wanderer, I play unarmed and only carry blood bags and medical supplies which are freely available to anyone! I play on the following servers Dallas FRA, ANZ1, 2 and 4, and sometimes US 25, you'll know I'm in town cause I'll be spamming chat. If all goes well (enough) I'll put my steam name here and start making some out calls too. See you in game Nato_The_Wanderer
  2. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Helicopter tips and gltiches to watch out for!

    Thanks for the helpful post Bees
  3. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Dallas 4 - Info and Discussion (now a Beta server)

    Once again thanks, it is good to have a server to call home =) Hope to see you in game.
  4. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Dallas 4 - Info and Discussion (now a Beta server)

    Thanks so much Drifter! i wasn't expecting you to set the ping limit back! Was there a legitimate reason why you set it lower? Because I wouldn't want your server to take a performance hit just for us couple of guys.
  5. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Dallas 4 - Info and Discussion (now a Beta server)

    Hey Drifter, first, thanks for the awesome server you're hosting, we've been finding in runs fantastically. We would have liked to stay but me and a few mates who connect from New Zealand are now unable connect due to the ping limit. The problem is we just relocated all our gear to your server and now we can't get it out. Is there anyway we could organise a time when the ping is set higher so could relocate our stuff out onto another server. We usually play around 7pm NZ time, which is around 2am Dallas time, when your server is relatively empty. Cheers
  6. Wasteland_Wanderer

    [GUIDE] Configuration Tweaking

    ^Ah that's cool to know. I thought it was redundant because or OrdeaL's suggestion (who is most likely more in touch with the Arma 2 engine than I am)
  7. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Framerate [PLEASE HELP]

    My original post has been stickied in the trouble shooting sub forum now :D If you're looking for it
  8. Wasteland_Wanderer

    [GUIDE] Configuration Tweaking

    These are a collection of tweaks to help get you're DayZ installation running smoothly and still looking great if you don't have an awesome high end system. 1.) Launcher/Shortcut options If you have a steam version just copy and paste the following into launch options for Operation Arrowhead. If you've got a non-steam version, make a shortcut of the Operation Arrowhead .exe and after the end " in the target line paste the following -nosplash -mod=@dayz -world=empty -nosplash: removes startup splash screens -world=empty: makes it so a heap of junk isnt loaded up in the background of the menu screen EDIT: -cpucount =X , and -maxmem=2047 can also be added in the target line arguments, there is reason to believe that these are outdated and Arma 2 will automatically detect these for you (OrdeaL), but frame rate improvements have been noted with these arguments (thanks to Unforsaken Assassin). -cpucount=X: ensures X number of cores are used, e.g -cpucount=2 a dual core cpu, -cpucount=4 for a quad -maxmem=XXXX: sets the MAX amount of RAM made available to the engine 2.) Config file values Open explorer and open this file in notepad (whatever) C:\Users\"your name"\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\"your character name"\"your character name".ArmA2OAProfile Change the following lines to look like this mouseSmoothing=1; makes you mouse way smoother :P probably the most effective tweak for increasing user response shadingQuality=0; the shadows still look like shadows Bonus: These two in combination increase/decrease your field of view. This seems to be a good proportion for a 1920x1080 res. fovTop=0.97500002; fovLeft=1.5599999; Check this link for a thorough explanation. Setting up your FOV 3.) In Game Options Video memory - Default Set that sucker to default, Very High = 512MB default will detect if you've got higher. Post processing effects - Off The blur is cool, but removing this will give you a good amount of frames vsync - Off 3D resolution - set it to be as close to the natural resolution of your monitor as possible, preferably set it to the same. This is a must to make your game playable, not looking seriously blurry or using too much processing to make it look super sharp. View Distance - 1000 to 3000/i] I you never really need more than 3000, and 1000 is still very playable. I heard a rumor the view distances may be enforced server side, can anyone confirm this? More coming later tonight when I get home, have to see my settings to refresh my mind for each setting. In most cases there is hardly any difference between normal and low. Also check this page for comparisons between video setting levels and decide for yourself what you're willing to sacrifice for performance, Arma 2 Benchmarks - I think Fillrate Optimization / Pixel Doubling refers to what is now called 3D Resolution Nato
  9. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Framerate [PLEASE HELP]

    When I get home tonight I'll post my tweaks to get it running nicely. Hang in there
  10. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Dead Body

    What about animal carcasses? I was using a boar as a halfway point for vehicle parts, but then it disappeared :P Man I fit a lota stuff into that boar!
  11. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Getting Bored

    Those were good times!
  12. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Would you kill a bandit?

    out of interest how far does direct communications reach? Does the distance also apply vertically? say if im on top of a lighthouse and the other guys way below me
  13. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Would you kill a bandit?

    ^I think this would be very hard to implement as it would have grey areas like if a player was surrounded by zombies and you wanted to shoot them off him, or even if you were shooting over a players shoulder at zombies in the distance. Also it still relies on on the hostile player to take the first shot. I think the only safe option, that doesn't break immersion or balance is to remove the bandit skin. One idea I thought if is that you would have to hold you crosshairs/ironsights over someone for a certain amount of time before being able to shoot them, if they saw you were aiming at them (waiting to be able to take the shot), they could aim back, at which point your timer (before being able to shoot) would match theirs, essentially being a Mexican stand-off. Would there be any way to abuse this? It would be bloody hard to hold aim on someone at distance This is a pretty crazy idea and I'd still probably prefer no skins no nothing just cut throat as.
  14. Wasteland_Wanderer

    stuck on loading

    Can I ask Gobo, The 1.4 patch isnt live yet right? because it looks like there may be a fix coming for this very soon. That or try what others have been saying, restart game, computer and router and see if that works
  15. Wasteland_Wanderer

    Steam Installation?

    This is how I got it to work with a steam install, do the following: 1.) Make @dayz folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead 2.) Make Addons folder within the @dayz folder 3.) Extract all downloaded files to this Addons folder 4.) In steam, type -nosplash -mod=@dayz into the launch options for ARMA2: Operation Arrowhead 5.)Load ARMA2: Operation Arrowhead through steam and choose the Launch ARMA2: Combined Operations option Now once its loaded up to the menu you shoudl see @dayz in the expansion tab Go to multiplayer, enter dayz in the mission search filter and you're away! p.s. nice sig Griff :P