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About Blackwell

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  1. Blackwell

    Not really a dayz problem, but..

    oh my god, that actually works, thanks a lot man!!!
  2. So it's not really a DayZ problem, more like a ArmA 2 problem. Because I'm such a cheap bastard, I play DayZ with Operation Arrowhead and Arma 2: Free. Yesterday, I reinstalled my Windows, because it was running very slowly, and formatted my HDD. After that I installed the games I play, I had no problem installing OA because it's on steam, after that I went to the official arma 2 site, downloaded arma 2 free for dayz, got the installer, and when I started to install it it stops and requires a CD-key (I already had one before, cause I played dayz before). The problem is not there though, it redirects me to the URL free.arma2.com/activation to get a new cd-key. So the problem is, I can't acces the site, the site's been down for days and I don't know if it just me or what should I do. It's a bit frustrating :/ And please don't come with 'buy arma2 u ch34p bastard codfan' etc. tl;dr: need cd-key for arma2 free, site is down, wat do.
  3. Blackwell

    Need Ghillie Suit, Range Finder and DMR

    OK then, I'm becoming really desperate for a range finder, if you manage to get one and a ghillie you can have the M107 and choose between M4A1 CCO with 5 mags and AKS-74 KOBRA with 2 mags.
  4. Hi, what I need is: - a ghillie suit, - a range finder, - and a DMR with some mags. I can offer for that: - M107 with 2 magazines. - AKS-74 Kobra with 1 magazine, though the magazines for this weapon are quite common. If you want the M107, you'll need to give me all the three items I need though, because the weapon is very rare and the damage it deals is 37552 blood, so it's a fair trade. For the AKS-74, only one of my requirements is enough, but I won't refuse it if you give more. :D
  5. Blackwell

    Two Mercs for Hire

    I play only on public hive, and hate private hives personally. well that -600k humanity bit scares me of betrayal and such, maybe I'm just paranoid lol.
  6. OK, so i found a vehicle in a server, and repaired but I still need 3 car wheels for that, If someone has 3 car wheels which is pretty common but I need one ASAP will get a M16A4 ACOG. It's a powerful weapon, plus you'd get like 6 mags for it, and the mags are easy to find. Optional, if you would get me a Fueltank too, you'd get an AK-47 with only one mag too, but it's just optional. If anyone has it, please contact me. Blackwell
  7. Blackwell

    SVD Camo pretty common

    well since I found 3 svd camo's with every svd spawned 1 svd mag, so I took one SVD in the backpack with three mags, then the m14 aim, but I only had one dmr mag for it, then went to the airfield (NOT NW airfield) the one north to berezino, in a town called something like krasthnotav or idk, searched for loot but needed to waste all the ammo on the zombies, cause they broke my bones.. but later, I wanted to go to stary and went through the forest in black mountain and found 3 camping tents!! luckiest find for me so far, in there was alot of dmrs and mags, m4a1 cco, svd camos, etc, so I took the dmr with 4 mags, and the m4 cco with 9 STANAG mags, omg. so happy atm :D
  8. Blackwell

    SVD Camo pretty common

    I play on public hive servers, not private hives, that's why I found it pretty weird, and it was a shame that I could only take 2 weapons from 4.
  9. Hi, so today I was going through berezino to find a car and saw some black smoke, I went closer and there was a crashed heli. So I went there and killed the zombies with a winchester, and what was there? 3 SVD Camos, 3!! After that I found a M14 Aim, I opened up dayzwiki to see which one is more rare, and both was rare, so I came here to the forums to see opinions, and I see that the SVD camo is not worth it for how rare it is. I have been playing for max 2 weeks and the only snipers I've found are SVD Camos, is this coincidence or what? And which one should I keep, and how many? I have 2 slots for weapons, so 2 svd camos for trade (Im afraid of ambush trades with bandits though) or 1 svd camo and 1 m14 aim?
  10. Blackwell

    Bandit Forum

    damn I met a bandit today (for the first time:D) so I spawned near elektro, went in for some loot (it was a low population server, so I thought who would kill someone with no gear), I found a toolbox and a lee enfield was heading towards the fire station. When arriving I heard a plane flying by, and when came closer it just flew above me (first time seeing a plane too, it was fun:P) and after that some gunshots by a bandit, judging by his scarf, but I think he was signaling for the plane. The gunshots attracted alot of zombies, and when they went after them I shot like 4 bullets after the guy, but I didn't hit him. I ran inside and he shot a whole round at me, but failed. I ran up the staircase and found an AKS74 with a whole magazine (my first full-automatic rifle, I was so excited:D) and I went prone with Z, and when he came up I started shooting him, but he shot me in the head instantly dying. It was a fun adventure :)
  11. Need a medic ASAP, lost alot of blood due to zombie attack and took a long time to reach a place to bandage myself. Location: Firestation in Elektro, top floor of the tower, alone, starting gear (no bloodbags.) It's on a public hive server, and I've got like 3-4k blood, so need help as soon as possible! Any medic reading this should PM me, I'd be very very grateful and would find something to give.
  12. Blackwell

    A good server?

    I'd love to, but I can't. Where I live, only German servers give me good ping and gameplay without lag. But I appreciate the offer, and maybe I'll try it out. :)
  13. Blackwell

    A good server?

    Hi there, I'm a new survivor, joined just weeks ago, but can't seem to find a good server. On public hives, when I get some good gear, like a winchester or revolver and such, hackers just teleport me somewhere and kill me. Private hives are sometimes bad for me, because if it's nighttime I can't play on another low-ping server with the same gear/stats, though I'd like to start a new life on a private hive server. Just don't know which one, because the ones I were in, were full of hackers. And I don't know how to join whitelisted servers, because I don't know my GUID. It doesn't appear when I join, nor when I type #beclient GUID, so I'd use some help and some advice on which server should I join. :D