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About geode78

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    steam: geode78

Profile Information

  • Gender
  1. Looking for a group of people to join up with, preferably 3-4 people. I can play any variation of DayZ you want, Epoch, Overpoch, Vanilla, Overpochins, etc. I've got the most experience on Chernarus, especially in Epoch, but I'm also somewhat familiar with Overwatch and Origins. I'm great with any weapon, especially snipers, and I'll gladly take a bullet for the team. Add me on steam: The Zenox
  2. geode78

    Looking for group

    If you're still looking for some people, add me on skype: The Zenox
  3. geode78

    ! Looking For A DayZ Epoch Clan/Group !

    I sent you a request on Steam, accept that and we can team up.
  4. Are you new to the game, or just wanting to figure out some stuff you still don't know? Want to team with somebody who you can actually trust? Add me on Skype (geode78) and we can join a server together. I can answer most of your questions, too. Also, if you aren't new, and just want somebody to play with, add me and we can play!