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About monkey001

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  1. Pm sent. Whatever happened ,it's too late now,I do trust what my clan members told me tbh they are mainly grown men and don't seem the type to lie nor do you but i am unsure on a few of your members but that was your judgement to choose them. Whatever the case I enjoyed it while it lasted and again best of luck in 2015 :)
  2. Oh it's said admin ban. Seems stupid to play on your server now when members of my clan can't join in for whatever the hell happened last night. So I'm asking if I could have a refund as I'll probably be the only one playing if I did join and best of luck in the future.
  3. Out of interest why have I been banned when I wasn't even playing the clan vs clan game?? It's a shame it has come to this as I enjoyed playing the server especially as I donated to it.
  4. Had a really good time this weekend,so many laughs :)
  5. Yes it was me :D Took so long to see them and for some reason you can only shoot out of some not all the windows in the barracks,in the end I had to shoot out of the door pecking out slowly,hoping that I don't get one shotted. Had to be one of my best day's on Dayz,it scared the crap out of me. Badass was at the other end of the barracks and couldn't see them(i think he was too scared :D)
  6. Was having a loving time with my 15 bandit kills and 5 days alive till we was bombing down the berezino to solnichniy road to run into a group of bandits opening fire on us like some kinda of mafia movie, I cried a little afterward lol I'm now planing my attack :D
  7. I have to agree it is a good server and hayward has helped me out a bit.Many thanks. WesleySNIPES great name btw nearly all the posts you made are moaning and I can't see the reason why tbh, I'm personally not that bothered about which admin or whatever their loadout is tbh end of the day they pay big money to run the server so unless you have donated to help you can't really say anything,if you have donated why not just talk to the admin about it whilst you was on ts?. If the admin was in constant PVP action then yes I would be pissed off but that is not the case,there are plenty of AI bandits to kill without haven't to worry about human pvp's. You also failed to say that when you shot chaz you yourself got killed,chaz was helping a fresh spawn btw that I told to try the server on his first spawn.
  8. It was a hacker badass I switched TS to check with the 487 lads ,we got mortared :( although I wouldn't mind knowing if a NPC or player stole both of cars yesterday,however I hope we have found a solution to NPC's taking them. Flaschenkind what is your ingame name? A few guys I asked to try out the server was killed and I'm sure they just spawned in.
  9. Nice work m8 look forward to jumping back on :)
  10. monkey001

    invisibility issue

    Sorry about my language... Can anyone shed light on this problem I lose hearing and sight icon (doesn't move up/down) and the debug monitor. I seem to be getting this a bit more on one of the servers I play on than the others but as good as it looks/sounds it's a right pain as you can't collect loot and I have had 2 random deaths from nothing.
  11. Spot on cheers :) GUID:dbcac5c3ced0cf4995ae5a8f0f2082d4
  12. Ah it's cool had a bit of a bandit bashing night :) I take it north of cherno was meant to be burning tonight as it was and the amount of bandits around there made it a lot of fun. Would seem that the zombies do not attack the bandits and we was up in one of the added apartment block on the top floor and we couldn't figure out why the zombies was agro below us the it turn out 3 zombies was in front of a bandit coming up the stair to hunt us down managed to get one but got HS by a 2nd one I didn't see. Had a lot of fun tbh. One other thing I did noticed was the bandit bodies de-spawned very quickly and it gets pitch black at night maybe a torch on spawn(up to you just a idea) Any chance myself and badass68 can get whitelisted if we aren't already. Many thanks Edit scrap the bit about the bandit vs zombie bit i just read the hints on the OP.
  13. DAM.... Looted NWAF got a ton of stuff,was even hearing gun shots around me jumped into my car and deciede to peg it back to my camp 6k away in the forest,just pulling up into the forest and BAM 4 AI(i hope it was lol) opened fire :( I take it the bandits wear survivor skins and gillies as i just managed to get 2 kills on respawn in electro before the third got me.
  14. As long as it isn't buggy and half done I'm ok for the later release date. Out of interest is june release of the final build or the alpha?
  15. monkey001

    DayZ SA: 'Small Fee for Updates'

    Lol if it was true,i would rage.