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30 Good

About Neinsager

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Germany
  1. Nah, it's fine - Shoran and Dryanta *are* male. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shoran http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dryanta
  2. So you are Shoran or Dryanta? Or are you Jowdrrl?! But you don't look female...
  3. Neinsager

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    I'm totally with you here! If I wanted to play Quake 3 or CS1.6, regarding the means of movement, then I'd play that! I was really looking forward to the next patch, but THIS ruins the whole game for me! This feels like your commen generic cheap FPS-game now and NOT like simulating reality. Come on, carrying 30kg on you back and a heavy loaded rifle in your hand and then make a 180° within a tenth of a second without any impact on your orientation or weapon handling? The sluggish feeling before felt right because that's the way realitiy IS - we have stuff like inertia, gravity and orientation problems in real life. So I *sincerely* hope that the controls are being reverted back to the way before, otherwise - and I'm sure I speak for A LOT OF PEOPLE - I am not willing to play any longer. Geez, there are a MILLION things to be done about the game, but noooo, instead of fixing bugs etc. we take stuff that is perfectly fine and completely fu*k it up. What the hell is wrong with you guys?
  4. Neinsager

    Digestive System?

    Oh god why.... No, really - I don't wanna watch my teammates taking a huge dump why I cover their dirty asses in the meantime. Realism CAN be taken too far. Frankly. there are MANY games that force you to constantly eat or drink something, without the need to relieve yourself. And why? Because it is not important for the game. And nobody wants it, except some "lol, I can toss the poop around"-kids.
  5. Neinsager

    How to make Server ?

    Actually, it's "Nazis", not "Natzis"! :D
  6. Neinsager

    Character wipes still happening?

    Probably had your geared char on a Regular server and changed to a Hardcore server, then (or vice versa).
  7. Neinsager


  8. Neinsager

    Ella's standalone guide

    No. You need someone else to draw blood from you and to give it back to you via IV. You can carry your own blood bag, sure, but you cannot administer it to yourself.
  9. Neinsager

    Map needs more personality

    I'd like to see more structures that you simply stare at with awe. Like the shipwreck, and, of course: the transmission tower on Green Mountain. That thing is so impressive that I sometimes are too scared to tilt my head back and even look up - with the moving clouds it looks like the whole tower is falling over right onto you. EDIT: There is a crashed helicopter about 300m NNW of the shipwreck.
  10. Forget it - going full retard is what he always does. It's probably not even his fault. Check this: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/177382-while-your-adding-in-content-can-we-get-some-cats/?p=1816697
  11. Neinsager

    Placing a rifle to your backpack?

    Having a long-range gun isn't everything. It's basically like in real war situations: You can never cover the whole scenery with your eyes or scope. If a sniper sits snuggly in some dark window or is hidden in some bushes there is usually nothing you can do except hope he doesn't hit you with his first shot. And even after that you probably panic and fail to locate him, too.
  12. Neinsager

    Can I recognize if someone logged?

    No, there is no spawn-time, but your character appears a long time before you gain control while the game is loading for you. During that time, you are a sitting duck.
  13. Neinsager

    Can I recognize if someone logged?

    I'd consider him a fool because he obviously hasn't learned yet that combat logging was disabled with the last update. Meaning: He is a coward, neither accepting his fate nor have the balls to fight back but simply tries the cheap way out. Chernarus is NO place for cowards, if you take my meaning.
  14. Neinsager

    Can I recognize if someone logged?

    When you log out, you sit down (like pressing F3) and look around in a silly manner.
  15. Neinsager

    Heart Attack Mystery Solved ( I think)

    Don't know what you mean by "heart explosion"....sounds painfull. But the only way to treat a stopped heart (flatline) / to get it running again is CPR and adrenaline, indeed.