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About Olandsexport

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  1. Olandsexport

    That's right...

    [attachment=1177] All credit to Havve Hogan of Tupper Ware Remix Party
  2. Olandsexport

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I applaud this patch... starting gear is great.. makes your first few hours damn hardcore and realistic. Those hospitals are going to be some busy now eh! Complaining about it being too dark? Here, start with a flashlight then... lol The only thing I don't like about this one is the attack range. I got trapped inside a room and they hit me from across the room in the doorway. A little much, perhaps.
  3. Olandsexport

    Preventing Accidental Suicide

    First, I applaud the op on taking an optimistic approach to the situation. Well done. I'll be looking for this type of change to be addressed in ARMA3 development at a minimum. Not sure if modders can touch that menu in ARMA2. It has happened to me and it's frustrating.
  4. Yep, the asshole seed has been planted, over the past week, I've heard of nothing but problems. It just happened to me moments ago. I was re-skinned to a priest and jumped out to avoid whatever other bullshit was coming and ended up in the debug ocean. It's a shame that a few can ruin such an awesome game for so many. Fortunately this is alpha, and I have high expectations for the security and full port to ARMA3.
  5. Olandsexport

    Tents Outside Map

    They won't be deleted. Be careful though' date=' people do search for off-map tents and vehicles. [/quote'] Interesting...
  6. Olandsexport

    Question about vehicles

    Yes, vehicles and tents are server specific. Only what you're carrying on your body and in your pack is not.
  7. Olandsexport

    Zombie Agro

    Last night (I'm not sure if this was a glitch or by design), I was able to evade zombie agro during a heavy rainstorm at night. Otherwise, I heard that running out onto a dock or container pier along the coast (counts to them as water?) will stop them dead in their tracks. (pun intended). Otherwise.. I hope you have a lot of ammo, run into a building (barn etc) and cap 'em as they slow to a walk trying to get in. Good luck. No, I'm not even sure if they have a "vertical" sense, in that if you are way up above them and making noise, they can hear you as if you were at ground level. I can't 100% confirm that, however.
  8. Olandsexport


    As stated above, grocers are great for finding all sorts of cool equipment. The red buildings that look kind of like school halls also have watches, maps, and compasses. A little bit of patience and some luck is all that's needed.