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About rak

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  1. rak

    Stuck on "Loading" screen

    If you're getting stuck at the loading screen with the bar, then the problem is you're on a beta patch not matching the server's. Today I got the problem as well, and it turns out I can join the servers running the latest beta patch just fine.
  2. What's up with the development of the DayZ? Are you all working on the standalone hurriedly that you stopped releasing new features/content for the mod? At least communicate your plans with us because without extra content, DayZ getting old pretty fast. I congratulate you on the 1 millon players, but some of them are already bored to death with DayZ in it's current status. If you keep doing this for months, I'm afraid you'll some of the hype.
  3. Chopper crashes, find you must. There's nothing else you can do, or ambush some players near NWAF. I had to kill one last week and he had a L85. You'll probably need a NVG for it though, and it's very hard to ambush a guy using thermal.
  4. rak

    Why this mod is failing

    I hope rocket has read the OP, because I agree with every sentence of it. There's nothing else to do once you're kitted, the only thing remaning is to kill other players. At least bring bandit skins back so we can go hunting bandits instead . . .
  5. rak

    Türk Dayanışma Birliği

    Oyunda bir sürü Türk var aslinda, ama daha tanisamadan herkes ates ettigi icin bulmak imkansiz. Side chat de kapandigindan beri iletisim daha da berbat oldu zaten. Ben ciktigindan beri oynuyorum modu, kuzey hayatiyla ilgili sorulariniz olursa yardim edebilirim :) http://de.twitch.tv/rakgitarmen Steam: rakgitarmen
  6. He's using the mildots to show the difference between both rounds. If he had set both to 1000 meters, then the round would have hit the same point with both guns.
  7. What if someone's game is crashing with intervals? Yesterday my friend's ArmA 2 crashed 3 times in 10 minutes but played fine after that. This will also decrease the reputation of that player won't it? I think this is going to be a nightmare when you start issuing bans based on this. You can't really distinguish between "legit" crashes or forced crashes, and this will probably end up banning lots of innocent people too. I think you've found an overcomplicated solution Rocket. Leaving people's bodies standing for 20-30 seconds in the server after they leave would be a much simpler solution.
  8. rak

    Best way to find Heli Crashes?

    It's all about luck. Get one those chopper crash maps, it will give you a general idea about where does the helicopters spawn. They don't spawn on the exact locations as the maps shows, but somewhere random in those fields. The highest chopper crash density is on the fields below Stary, but EVERYONE is there looking for crashes so it's not safe to go there. Try your luck near Gorka and Polana.
  9. rak

    Simulator sickness

    Turn off headbob in the settings and also turn off mouse free aim.
  10. If only I can get off the coast and those zombies with sixth-sense let me . . .