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Everything posted by Reqq

  1. ONE EYED BANDITS Squad Recruitment!!! Background Info! Ok the One Eyed Bandits Is NOT A CLAN its a squad of 5 people we used to be in a clan but the leader didn't like where the clan was heading (bandit Play Style). So we made a squad instead, we play everyday at All hours. We play on 2 Different servers. Servers we Play on! Dayz pt! - Extremely Good server with So much To add! - The server Includes - [Extra Barracks and Buildings and Crash sites] AI Protected Secret Weapon Cache (Super Hard to Get by the AI) Skins and Clan Bases (WE HAVE A CLAN BASE WHICH IS IMMENSE!!!! Player Protected!) Also New Weapon Enhanced Vehicles with new Secret Weapons! Come At Me Bro! - Extremely Good Server with even More to add!!- This server Includes - Custom AI bases, HARDCORE AI patrols,-SO GOOD, Custom weapons Bases And Buildings, Patrolling Ai Which get in cars and Helicopters and patrol, And INFECTED CAMPS!! The Squad! Jonseao- Funniest Guy Ever!-Very Experienced and a Very good Combat Player Jared- Squad leader- Extremely good Combat Player Is All About Keeping His squad alive and Working together Keeps the Shit In Tigh Me- Im a a cunt - Jokes im Good at Combat and no what to do when shit hits the Fan- Adam- Also Good at Combat Scenarios But he talks alot (but hes getting better haha) Timmy - Hes a Good Player Can hit shots From quite Far Range! What Where Looking For? Where Looking for Good players who are experienced in all combat Scenarios and Are Mature, We need players that Are Either Eu or Us or CA but can play on Different Servers and Dont just stick to One Because they have loot We like to have 2-3 to play on. We Dont want to have to teach you how to play Dayz. You Need a Good Mic or Decent Headset Can Use Different Types of Weapons Effectively How To Join Contact me Email - [email protected] or Come on our Teamspeak. teamspeak-3.clanplanet.co.uk:10051 Poke Either Jonse,Jared or Reqq
  2. The teamspeak is teamspeak-3.clanplanet.co.uk:10051
  3. yeah well be on mate just hop on
  4. Sorry man, You need to have Dayz to be in a clan
  5. TeamSpeak Name:Reqq Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...)Im really Good At Pvp Can communicate well and Good it Combat Scenarios Age.15 Location [Example: US, UK]UK, Can play all Times Expericence playing DayZ.like 7month played nearly every mod Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10*6-7
  6. Preferably UK OR EU but WHOS GOOD SHOOT ON SITE EXCEPT NEW SPAWNS DO GOOD STUFF- Take Over Clans - Salvation island Dont Fu.ck Around Get down to business to Take control of a server. IM UK 15-16 ASSAULT OR SNIPER
  7. Reqq

    [Reckless] is recruiting (Bandit). 18+

    In game name: Reqq Age:16 Activity (How often are you on?):all the time Will you be getting the Alpha standalone?:Defo Is getting raid call an issue for you?:No Specialty (Recon, Sniping, Close combat)?:Sniping or CQC
  8. BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WERE ON NOW WITH A BASSEEE!!!
  9. Reqq

    (CLA) looking for Military Veterans

    Join this clan CLA Boot camp was Awsome. Im training to be a PFC and a Marksman!
  10. Join this clan been in it for a Day there really Cool, Boot camp was awsome!
  11. Reqq

    Group of 4 "UK"

  13. i Suppose... I dont know why i left just felt it wasnt For me :/
  14. ************************************************************************************************************************************* Our TeamSpeak 3 Server is now active !! Any player or team can join, the TeamSpeak server is open to the public. If you wish to have a private passworded room, send me a PM and I will create you one for your team. I suggest you all stop using SkyPe and join our Teamspeak !! IP:es.clanwarz.com:1103 Password:cen123 ************************************************************************************************************************************* :beans:Hey everyone :beans: we have just started our own server we have had our clan for ages but we have now got our own server.The server will be run by Silent warrior There is a great community spirit here, both in game, and in this thread. We have a perfect mix of bandits, care bears, and players who are in between. If you are looking for a hack free, well admined server with a great community, then come to us! ************************************************************************************************************************************* ************************************************************************************************************************************* - Private Hive // - 50 slot - TimeZone Offset = GMT-6 (This gives us daylight during the peak times) - E.U. Server - Hosted in England - low ping & high spec dedicated server box - Auto Restarts every 3 hours from 00:00 GMT. *NOW WITH COUNTDOWN WARNING MESSAGES* - Destroyed Vehicle Cleanup and Creation scripts are run automatically on every restart - 6 Flyable Helicopters - 6 Flyable Aircraft - Double Vehicles - 5 lootable Heli Crash sites - 25 lootable Military Crate's *NEW* - Veteran - Waypoints = 0n - Crosshair = on - 3rd Person = ON - Side Chat = ON - Custom DayZ Code - Death Messages ************************************************************************************************************************************* HOW TO JOIN!: OR FILTER Carebears