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Everything posted by Morup

  1. Intense is definitly the word for this server. As if trying to survive against zombies weren't enough. Bandits seemed to be even more random then before and now there are more of them. They are still deadly as before or maybe even deadlier. Just when you think you are clear to loot that freshly killed bandit, three more come out of the woods and you have to think to yourself. Is the gamble worth the gear I have farmed? In quotes of the movie 300. Madness?... This is Dayz! The only thing I dislike about the update is the choppers. Even though they arn't much of a threat. They are loud. It feels like it takes away from the sneaky lone wolf aspect. ( which I enjoy so much :-)
  2. This is the best server I have been on. I would rate this server 5 stars. Friendly admins and atmosphere.... err... well as friendly as the zombies would allow it. This server is not too difficult, but no walk in the park. The bandits will really make you want to band together with friends. They carry good loot, and are tough to kill. Making them a excellent target for well geared players. Admins are good about watching for hackers and are not afraid to talk to their community. Sometimes even asking people in game what their thoughts are. The negatives. I have searched far and wide, No bambi yet.