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Everything posted by Akumos

  1. Title. Looking to apply a small group of friends to a private hive that is highly moderated to filter out garbage exploits/hacks. If anyone can point me in the direction of one, I'd appreciate it. Hopefully we'll be a good addition to the community of legit players.
  2. Akumos

    Seattle 123 teleporting

    A few days later now. I assume your server is completely free of hackers now that you banned three people for trolling in chat?
  3. Akumos

    Seattle 123 teleporting

    You realize I showed them our threads and we were trolling the chat logs? We're on Steam and Mumble together, there is no reason for us to ever use in-game chat unless we want to say something stupid to mess with people. We also played on the server for many hours in a row. Hardly any evidence. Come back and let me know when the person actually teleporting people does it again, should be amusing.
  4. Akumos

    Seattle 123 teleporting

    Ah alright, weird.
  5. Akumos

    Seattle 123 teleporting

    Did you hard reset the server or something? Not seeing any tents~
  6. There isn't a whole lot you can do, there are a bunch of different hacks and edits going around at the moment that are huge flaws in the game that need to be patched out.
  7. Akumos

    Seattle 123 teleporting

    Sounds good. Who are you in-game? To be honest, you guys caught us stealing your van and from your tents multiple times while flying the heli, or at least I think that was you. You just didn't come after us. I'll let you know if the entire server dies and someone is alive or something, that's about all I can do.
  8. Thanks, I'll edit the OP out.
  9. Some of these problems would be fixed if the game actually showed who killed who, I know there was a guy on your server about two days ago teleporting to players while invisible and executing them.
  10. All those videos you linked belong to Biff btw, that's not my youtube account. I don't think I could help you find hackers, they're mostly going to be invisible. I found the chopper to the NW side of the map, around 007 042, after exploring all of the edges. I found some large tent camp near there and assumed it was yours, along with a vehicle and a boat on the island to the SE of Elektro. You can keep me banned for a while if you want, I'd prefer you unban me once you sort this out though since I haven't actually been using any hacks. As I posted this I experienced a teleport hack and a massive death hack on another server, guess this is massive scale as of a day or two ago.
  11. Akumos

    Seattle 123 teleporting

    I didn't even know this existed, I searched for your server name and found no results. I haven't even been on your server at the time of a mass teleport. I've been stealing your vehicles, but that's about it.
  12. Nothing you posted is about me, you're linking stuff about my friends and what my friends said. That quote is taken out of context because the context isn't given, it has nothing to do about teleporting players. I said something stupid about a black girl one time and they joke about me being a racist slave owner to bust my balls. You still have no proof that I was hacking on your server or that I had "duped" items. -edit-
  13. Akumos

    Alt + F4 exploiting.

    You should instantly die if you alt + f4 out while unconscious.
  14. Except solo instead of in a group. Pretty much all of my time in towns is spent sprinting past known sniping locations.
  15. YES. This game feels too much like a deathmatch atm, this would make it feel more like survival horror.
  16. NO. People will shoot strangers anyway. It's a game, people don't trust others, there is no gain.
  17. Akumos

    We've got it too easy

    Zombies should spawn everywhere, not just towns.
  18. I spawned here earlier with a gun after logging out in a normal area. It was one of the Dallas servers. I had no idea what was going on and it scared me, I logged on in the forest next to some guy with a AK laying down. Apparently I was spawn killing people.