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Everything posted by Spyder_

  1. Greetings players of Dayz! My name is Spyder. I am here to try and promote a server that I have been with for awhile and want to share with all of you. This server is run by my best British buddy, Opticz. He is a very nice gentlemen who has been an admin for as long as I can remember. This server is a active admin run, script supporting, overall friendly server (unless you are not friendly to us, therefore you shall wish thee had never been born). If this server sounds like it meets your needs, open this link to get to the ZeroDead Forum Page. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/133008-zerodeadnet-shiny-new-dayz-community-private-hive-welcoming-all-players-new-old/ We also have our our own Teamspeak3 server as well. The owner of the Teamspeak is a very nice man as well, he's been my friend ever since I discovered the server. Teamspeak adress is on the forums page. And remember, coordination is always better on Teamspeak! Thank you for your time and please try to find the time to join our server and hang out. I trust you will not be disappointed. Much appreciated! ,ZeroDead Staff Member, Spyder.