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Posts posted by GrampaMurkedU

  1. the game is extremely demanding. you just seem to have got lucky with a cheap pc that can run it.

    Could be. It was a "special" package supposedly. I have since begun playing bf3 and diablo as well and those run fine too. When I first decided to try gaming on it someone told me it would be fine for awhile till the games got more demanding. I think I paid about 700 for it.

  2. Well what I can offer has been mentioned above, but I can say is expect to die. and to die a lot

    I hear this alot but im just not experiencing it. It can be tough when you first start a life but I must be missing something beyond that?

    Now in dark souls I died A LOT

    What am I missing? Picking the wrong servers perhaps? Or maybe this game just isn't as tough as it's made out to be?

  3. Im new as well. I've got about 20 hours invested in playing and I have yet to see any other players.

    There does seem to be plenty of players but with sooooo many servers its spread thin on many servers.

    Thing I cant figure out is I chat or type and no one ever responds. I hear them and see their chat but its like im a ghost or something

  4. Holy crap. What's the deal about warz? Im just a gamer, I don't give a damn who made what game. If they're fun I wanna play em. I don't get hung up on silly fanboy nonsense. I've had every system since the Odyssey and I don't intend to skip a game because it's on the "wrong" platform or made by the "wrong" developer.

    In short I know nothing about warz and I've only just begun playing this one so keep your panties on.

  5. Yes I've played a fair amount. I just got kicked out again. Geez

    I pulled up the map then went to scroll through the players in game and got the boot. Ive noticed when I go into the menu is when it happens and it happens frequently. Very frustrsting.

    Im just getting used to it and I want to play damnit. Im tired of starting over for no reason.

    I just wanted to ask someone how to use blood and I got the boot.

    Should I try warz?
