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About Sploosh_

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sploosh_

    Random Kicks from Server

    I tried this, but it still doesn't help. I've had some long server runs for about a couple hours without issue, and with Steam running as an administrator, but playing is still a nightmare. Try: And see if it helps you. Its not helping me, but it did catch a couple files.
  2. Sploosh_

    Can not join any servers

    I see this around, which I tried, but it still doesn't seem to help with the random kicking:
  3. Sploosh_

    Can not join any servers

    I get this a lot. I've updated everything, use Steam, and even use the Steam Game cache check to make sure my files are good before running. This continues to always happen to me and makes the game unplayable. I feel your pain
  4. Sploosh_

    Random Kicks from Server

    Thanks. Guess I just have to get used to it, then.
  5. Hey folks, brand new bambi here. Recently I picked up Arma II and its sidekick on Steam to play DayZ, and I spend a good while fiddling with all the install bits. I've had some good play sessions to figure things out, but something is throwing a wrench in my game - I keep on getting kicked from servers. There's no difference between them, whether public or private. It just randomly boots me whether in intervals of 5 minutes or 50, and I've got a good ping and try to join low ping servers. Here's what's up to date and been done: 1. Running the latest Arma build 102285 version 2. Running DayZ 3. Updated BattlEye to the most recent version, both client and server to make sure. Any advice? Because I'd like to figure this out, and I'm not sure what is causing it. Thanks.