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Everything posted by Oath3

  1. Oath3

    AA-12 in dayz?

    So the M107 isn't over powered at all? A gun that isn't even meant to be used on personal at all? It's an anti-vehicle weapon. But it's in DayZ :P An Auto-Shotgun should be added :P Our Military uses it, and this game has a lot of military guns.
  2. I agree with a lot of people here. I do not feel that I'm ever going to stop playing this game because of a bandit killing me. Them killing me makes me better. I learn from my mistakes. I don't walk in open fields anymore. I don't announce where I am. I don't do a lot of stupid stuff I used to. Bandits have taught me how to play this game. But I do believe Zeds should be more of a threat. Because if I had to deal with better Zeds and Bandits at the same time I feel like I could learn a lot from both and become an even better player. Make the Zeds tougher. The Bandits will adapt. They will find ways to kill us, no matter what you do to the game. Even if you turned PvP off they'd find a way to get Zed hoards to kill you.
  3. No matter what gun you use it will have the same affect on any face they hit :P I love killing people with pistols on any game I play x3
  4. I'm also addicted to DayZ :P I'm almost always on the game and sometimes I even don't go to school to play it :P One time I brought my laptop to school and even played DayZ during some classes :P
  5. Oath3

    Are people seeing what I type?

    Good thing I read this post :3 Not even I knew that one :3 Thanks <3
  6. Ohh okay x3 I must have misjudged the moral of the post :P
  7. Oath3

    When is it Okay to KoS?

    I KoS everyone and everything I see. I see an animal move. I shoot it. I see a player move I shoot it. If I play 3rd person. and I move. I shoot it
  8. 90% of the bandits I've met have been nice to me. When I'm a fresh spawn and I'm help up by a bandit. I'm giving a gun and some other supplies and they go about their way. I've been killed by heros more then bandits :P
  9. Oath3

    DayZ Standalone End Game?

    I think they should add Zombie dogs also. Or other zombie animals. That'd be cool
  10. I love being a bandit. I love killing everyone I see. That's why I play this game. But the best kind of bandit. Is the one who hides in a hero skin and still kills everyone. You're mad at him for being a hero and killing you. I just think he's a really good bandit who knows how to camo himself. Why wear ghillie when you can wear hero.
  11. Oath3

    Take note of where you DC

    I've done stuff like this before and it's not fun logging on to just die because you walked off a roof x3
  12. Oath3

    Tell me your best kill...

    So far my best kills was when I was sitting on a hill about 300m from Balota. There was what looked like a little power station and on the map I marked it as a downed Heli. Over 8 people showed up and I managed to snipe them all with almost all headshots. Only one of them wasn't. And that was because my hand twitched xD After awhile I noticed in side chat that people where saying it was a trap and to not go there. That I was hiding out somewhere in the trees sniping people who came near.. I then hear a Heli in the distance. I was hoping it'd come near me and land somewhere close so I could take it after killing whoever got out. As it gets louder and louder I hide into a bush. I see it fly overhead, and land in a field across from my marker I had made.. I took aim at the pilot as he's landing. He was a few meters from landing. He dies. The gunner then starts shooting at me and I manage to take the gunner out also. I notice another gunner getting out and making it into the trees before I can get a shot off. I reload my DMR and roll to the left hoping to get a better shot but I knew it'd take me out of cover. I wait a few minuets and I notice on top of the hill he was on some movement. I thought it was a zed but when I scoped in I saw it was him. I took 3 shots and 2 hit him, he was dead. I was happy I had killed everyone and planned on running around and taking the long way to get to the chopper so I didn't get snipped. when I finally make it to the chopper. I get in and notice there isn't that much fuel. So I figured I could use this chopper as some bait to get some more kills. Instead of taking off and running out of fuel. I get out..Get snipped :( And I'm 90% sure it was from the hill I had been sniping from.
  13. It's an idea :P It doesn't have to be implemented the way I said it. I'm sure they could find a better way. I'm just saying it could help. Hell, they could just lead you to a hatchet instead of a gun.
  14. It wouldn't have to be on the coast. They could pick a town thats on the complete other side of the map
  15. Oath3

    Fellow Highwaymen look here

    I don't see why it would, I think you'd be great if you're willing to learn and learn relativity fast then you'd be good at the game in no time :P I also suggest watching people play DayZ on youtube. That's how I learned a lot of the stuff I know about DayZ
  16. Oath3

    Fellow Highwaymen look here

    I'm more then willing to work on getting it going :) This is how I play the game so it'd be cool to play with other people who do the same thing.
  17. I love this idea. I feel it'd add more to the game. Something else you have to guard. Leaving a man there at all times to guard it can make doing other stuff that much harder which can be fun.
  18. Oath3

    Fellow Highwaymen look here

    This sounds fun :3 When I get home today, I'd love to join your clan :) This is how I like to play the game.
  19. Oath3

    How does everyone else feel?

    I like sitting on a hill and sniping anything that moves :3 It can be fun. I just dont wait for 3 hours. I'll wait in one spot for an hour and at the end of that hour, and I'm still alive, I leave.
  20. It all depends what I'm doing at the time. I try to treat everyone fair because it's a lot better to have friends after you help people then it is to kill everyone :P You're most likely to get help later on if you help people you see.
  21. Oath3

    you bumped into namvet yet?

    I'm the same way as you :3 I look forward to combat but I don't kill unarmed people. I only kill those I know have killed other people for no reason :3 I like rescuing people because it's better to have a lot of friends on a server for when you die and you need help later on :P
  22. Anyone here willing to also teach me about the game? :) I'm new, but the only thing I'm good at is hitting what I shoot at :P I'm not sneaky in anyway and people always see me
  23. Oath3

    Best AR for night fighting?

    I'm not very good at night time :( And I'm glad he made this post so I can see what to use during the night :3 Can anyone also give me some additional tips on what to do and what not to do during the night?
  24. This was a great story :) I really enjoyed reading it :D
  25. Oath3

    Define what a "Bandit" is.

    I haven't played a lot of DayZ. But I when I do play I do try and stick people up and take their gear. And if I can I let them live. So would I be considered a bandit?