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Everything posted by Oath3

  1. Thanks for explaining what it is and what it does :3
  2. Can anyone explain what DayZ Commander does? I've seen a lot about it here on the forums.
  3. Oath3

    Everybody heads for cherno!

    I like to head near Balota. I like that general area. It gives me plenty of space and cover to camp & snipe or even hide stuff. The Balota area is where my friends and I normally hang around.
  4. Oath3

    2 Pistols... in Gear...

    Thanks for posting this, I've wondered this for awhile but never got around to asking about it or even trying. Helped me also ^_^
  5. I'm at school so I can't wait it right now :( But by judging from the comment I will most certainly be watching this when I get home x3
  6. I was watching Frankie play DayZ and he helped a lot of people out. I've also seen Rhino help people :P So I figured I might as well try it out and see if it was indeed better then being a bandit. And I must say. It can be better to help people then shooting them in the face.
  7. Oath3

    Why is the forum so dead?

    Well it sure looks like this one didn't take long :P And it's been said a lot now, but it's just that 70% of what's posted now has already been asked and no one wants to repeat themselves.
  8. I'm in love with the DMR. I love how it makes my ears bleed every shot.
  9. The cruelest thing I've ever done to anyone was back when I played Arma 2 free. I was on a zombie sandbox server and I had just spawned near Balota. Anyone that's played this kind of server knows that you start out with a gun depending on the class you chose. I started out with an SVD. I went to a hill that was overlooking a power plant looking area. I was with a guy I had met on my way to the hill and he also had a sniper. He had a DMR. We took our positions on the hill and marked on the map that there was a heli near us. It was 104m from me and it said "Heli, no fuel". So every time someone came over, we shot them. After about 10 separate kills people caught on. So we then moved to a different position in the Balota Air Strip. We marked a heli on the map and people came again. We killed around 8 people. We then hear a heli flying around. I then read on side chat if I killed the guy I was working with then they'd give me a lift. Then without any hesitation, I turn around, shoot him twice in the head, and tell the pilot that he was dead. After about 20seconds of waiting I see the chopper and he lands near me. I snipe him out of the chopper, and both the gunners he had with him. They start to rage on side chat. I mark the spot of the chopper and manage to kill 15 people before I run out of ammo. I ran up to the chopper, start to fly off. And I noticed the guy I had been working with. He gets in as a gunner and we fly around the map gunning people down. We run out of ammo after killing 12 people. I then randomly eject out of the chopper above some trees without telling the person I was flying with. The chopper crashes and burns with him inside. I then say in global "Oh yea, today I'm a bandit". Because most of the people on the server where people who where always on and I was a regular. I had always helped people and I felt so bad after saying that x3
  10. Oath3


    I've yet to see flying in Arma 3 :(
  11. I'm also still looking for him :( I hope I find him :3
  12. Oath3

    The Bandit Recon Skin

    I want this skin all the time x3
  13. Oath3

    The Bandit Recon Skin

    That looks really cool :D
  14. Oath3

    Not played dayz, and i love it!

    The new specs will handle the game fine x3 I play DayZ with only 2gigs of ram :P
  15. Oath3

    car covers for hiding your vehicle

    I think that this is a great idea. It'd be cool if you even had to make it. Which would make them that much more rare and cooler to have
  16. Oath3

    Dayz's- Believe it or Not

    I wonder if he jumped off after or got shot :P
  17. I think PvP is a great part of the game. But I'd rather get into a huge group with friends and have a huge firefight with another group over a heli or some loot. While worrying about getting shot the zombies would also be a problem. That's the PvP I like. I don't really like to KoS people or be KoSed. But it's a part of the game and we will have to live with it instead of bitching on the forums every time you lose some loot because someone jumped to the trigger when they saw you.
  18. Oath3

    A Funny Story...

    That's the TL;DR version I read also :3
  19. I do want to try this out :) I just need to finish my Let's Play that I've been working on. I'm on the last episode of this series. After that I'll join :3
  20. I played it in 2 study halls and the only real class I played it in was Basic Photo :P Which I've completed all my work in x3 I do value education :D But..It's DayZ :D
  21. Oath3

    Are there still camps?

    I don't use camps as much anymore because mine normally get found. I never put them in that good of a spot :P
  22. Oath3

    Dayz's- Believe it or Not

    If I see anyone with an M107 and I know I can get a shot out and kill them :P I'm taking it.
  23. Oath3

    AA-12 in dayz?

    I don't see why they shouldn't at-least try it. There are those people who sit on hills and snipe people for hours with a one shot one kill gun. So if there are huge weapons like M107's and AS50's around. And snipers are ever so powerful. Why not give the people on the streets a great shotgun? I mean, there are shotguns in the game. And every "class" of gun. Assault Rifle, Heavy Machine gun, Sniper. They all have that one good gun that you always go for. Why not give the shotgun users a gun to look forward to looting? And just make the spawn rare, so not everyone is running around with one. And to the people who hate it and say it will be the weapon of choice for Spraying and Praying. A lot of people do that anyway, with any gun, at close ranges when they get scared and see someone suddenly. Why not have a gun that hits? x3
  24. Oath3

    Standalone Zombies a bit OTT?

    I feel a "Quick-Grab" if ever implemented would be cool if they limited how much or how often you could use it :P Otherwise looting wouldn't be any fun if I didn't have the scare of being attacked while looting