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Everything posted by twingunz

  1. if they implement something similar to the fourth wall mod then this whole debate is over i think it's the only true option to end this debate, so i vote for that. I like 3pp but not because i like to exploit it (in combat situations i'm pure FPS) just because when i'm roaming around it's more interesting than just my hands slapping me in the face for 10-15 minutes.
  2. twingunz

    Friendly's everywhere!

    as much as i feel people try and make KoS into a big deal i agree with the OP most encounters i have are friendly. i've KoS'd more people than have KoS'd me and i don't KoS often at all; only if i feel the person is a threat or acting suspicious. I think it's more the problem of people always remember the bad experiences so for every 50 people that don't kill them the one or two that do means that the 'majority are' because it's all you remember at the time because it is such a big loss..
  3. twingunz

    <<<< Delay is one of the biggest enemies! >>>>

    lol i had a zombie destroy everything on me once when it caught me at a drinking well pressed 2 to pull out my m4 when i saw it running and my char who was in the drinking animation glitched and decided to stand up then lay down so i pressed c to stand (and the zombie now laying right into me) so my char stands up then runs a few steps and dives onto the ground then pulls out his m4... it was a sad frustrating time for me. (the whole thing lasting probably 20-30 seconds of just unusual behavior) That actually was 1 of the very few times the game actually managed to make me mad, i didn't get mad when i've glitched and died countless times or had my char reset on a server restart, but just the uselessness of getting my ass handed to me by a zombie was humiliating i still cry over it sometimes :( haha But like others have said 'alpha' and Dean has said that they're going to be consistently working on making animations seamless so all in due time my friend all in due tiiiiiiiime!
  4. twingunz

    Where can i find weed in game?

    lol lone stoner, you wanna do the drugs keep it to irl as not much point in game imo! :P
  5. 100% agree, don't even start me on gamma exploit i'll be raging all night!! *snip* i started to rage ok,calm breath... yes gamma sucks! lol
  6. I'm vain and i play vain as well, i have basically everything as close to max as possible to keep the game looking aesthetic, even if i'm at a slight disadvantage to someone playing with everything on low i don't care and honestly in 170 hours i haven't been in a situation that i felt i lost purely for my graphical settings choice. Shadows 'Very High' all day! ​Edit: 9 times out of 10 i do not lose so i don't really see myself at a disadvantage it's more of a game balance or handicap for my pure skillz haha :P.
  7. twingunz

    Low CPU usage

    I'm pretty sure when shadows is set to very high it uses the CPU (i could be wrong going by memory here) instead of the GPU might try that to give it a test see if it throws some over to the CPU
  8. yep and it'll more than likely increase when it reaches beta aswell i'd say you got pretty much all this year before a price jump tho (a non educated guess)
  9. That would be cool but i dunno how a website could track all that especially if part of it is based on a trust system either way i hope they find a way or its incorporated into the login screen of dayz!
  10. twingunz

    It makes me sad...

    Does anyone actually play dayz or experience the same things as i do? Joining a populated server you expect a lot of active players however within 5 - 10 minutes of playing you move from bottom of the list to within the top 10 and any longer than 30 minutes i'm always within the top 5 longest players on the server... this is really disappointing to me just how many people jump in and out of servers purely for loot and why are they joining full servers in the first place wouldn't they think that the loot will already be long cleared in a full server? It's turned into an epidemic of people playing the game purely to hop servers for 'gear' than actually spending more than 5-10 minutes in one server at the moment i've been in cherno for 20 minutes yet to see a soul on a full server and i'm now 6th longest in a full 40 man server in less than 20 minutes. i'm certain most people in the forums aren't part of the problem but this whole trend of playing the game for gear is really ruining the overall experience and that makes me sad.
  11. twingunz

    It makes me sad...

    hahaha that's actually funny i do similar if i hit a military base and theres a few good things in it i don't need i take them all out and drop them in the small houses in the towns outside the military areas! reward the people actually looking for supplies and piss a few people off at the same time it's all win :P
  12. twingunz

    It makes me sad...

    Yeah i've done similar it's actually crazy if you press p and just watch all the people jumping in and out, craziness!
  13. twingunz

    It makes me sad...

    lol well me obviously :P i like this game because of the situations with other players thus not being able to interact with other players (good or bad) does make them game boring for me.
  14. twingunz

    It makes me sad...

    As much as i would like to believe that, it would also imply that over 75% of people are having desync issues i just don't think it's the case, part of it yes but overall i don't think that is what's happening purely for the fact if over 75% of the player base had desync issues that were that unbearable these forums would be filled with a lot more desync rage! But i do agree that desync is an issue and is probably part of the problem.
  15. twingunz

    Edged Weapon system

    Doctor Ned you can't say +2! or else i'll want my revolver with a enchanted grip that gives +3 to accuracy :P But i actually like the idea of sharp weapon maintenance! Beanz! Now just give me a machete or a paper slicer blade!
  16. twingunz

    In game messages

    maybe it's the interface size option? might of changed it by accident (i think that's what it's called)
  17. twingunz

    Character got wiped when server restarted

    yep that's a thing! I've lost 2-3 chars to this on server restarts but like Mr.RayRay (sorry Dr.RayRay) said if it happens sometimes you can get it back if you instantly log out and either join a new server or 2 wait a few hours then join a new server and it seems to pick up the information again seems to be a miscommunication between the server and your client. Doesn't always work tho worked for me a couple of times always scary when it happens, also try not to quit while it's loading in i've noticed that can sometimes wipe you too.
  18. twingunz

    What's worse? Being KoS'd or held up

    it's purely situational i think a new spawn has no reason to be held up so they may as well kill you for a chance for your loot. where a geared player would rather be held up knowing the bandit / whatever can't take everything, if you play your cards right the person might just take your beans and ammo and leave your gun and everything else normally if you just be friendly and obliging.
  19. Yeah i agree with Ted maybe even slightly less 20-30 if you're on a flat east-west is worse than north - south imo just because you can go pretty much flat the whole way north to south (edit: along the coast) but east to west is a lot more hilly
  20. furiously fapping over the mic while in hidden closeness to other players. I may be lying but then again on a cold, gloomy night you just might hear my heavy breathing and the sweet fap sounds. That is when you know the fapman is real ;)
  21. twingunz

    Biggest Killer in DayZ....

    Yeah i dunno about this ladder business! i've tussled with many a ladder and never lost a fight but you know i got exceptional climbing skills, however the flying through the sky and off ledges / through walls then plummeting to my death... that's another story!
  22. Haha no not really suited just change bills and money to loot and more loot :P but still it has too much epicness to be ignored (i'm surprised i was 1st to mention it tbh!) i'm tempted to play BL1 just for mentioning it, yeah i still got it in my playlists too haha. it's a strange effect this song has on me, proof that marketing works! lol
  23. Let's be honest theres only 1 game that has ever done a theme right, so f*ck it, steal it and make it Dayz's theme instead!
  24. twingunz

    Next patch: a big one?

    Honestly i think we will see weapons fairly steadily throughout the alpha as the animations / attachments and the weapon balancing all needs to be tested, but i'd be expecting 1-2 weapons bimonthly at longest tbh, especially considering we already got the magnum revolver and the double barrel / sawn off coming soon too all in a month from release. Just my 2 cents.
  25. twingunz

    The "pain" sounds

    really thats weird as i normally take pain killers after i get injured, i actually overcompensate as i take alcohol, then antibiotics, then painkillers pretty sure it does nothing doing all that but just incase haha! but even so i've yet to have it clear the moaning for me maybe i'm just too impatient either way the log makes them shut up after you've healed, thankfully!