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Everything posted by twingunz

  1. twingunz

    Melee weapons clumsy?

    Yeah melee is weirdly balanced atm if i don't have an axe i just fists of fury everything punching is easy to aim with get a head shot they fall down and keep laying into their head and they'll just keep falling back down after they get up, it's weird that it's easier to fight a zombie with my bare hands than it is with a knife, hammer, wrench, whatever... or maybe i'm the reincarnate of bruce lee!
  2. i don't think you understand what people are hired for, do you really think an animator is going to be working on fixing core systems? or just stop all of his work because something else that is not his task is broken? no, he is not he's going to do his job that he is paid to do which in his case would be animate, just like everyone else will continue to do. Core issues are resolved by the people paid to resolve them can you imagine if 10+ guys from different departments that don't know what they're doing were all trying to solve desync issues at once, that'd be a mess and be more time wasteful than resourceful. The fact this update has a load of different content shows everyones working hard and doing their job and the game isn't coming to a stand still which fixing all the issues you mentioned and stopping people working on their designated jobs would cause the game to come to a stand still, do you really want that?
  3. What is Dean Hall doing with OUR money? since when is it our money didn't you buy his game and receive it in return? This is not kickstarter, you are not funding this project you bought a product, do you demand to know what coke and mcdonalds do with "our" money as well? Wow some people think they're so entitled, learn business as you really have no idea what you're talking about.
  4. twingunz

    A badly needed attachment

    foregrip 100% yes. i play CQC style and it bothered me when i realised there was the stock for it but not the grip, i very much hope that this gets implemented as us CQCers need some love too, we ain't all enjoy the sniping!
  5. twingunz

    Alpha poll

    lol this guy.
  6. twingunz

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Having skins instantly takes away the fear and anxiety of making contact with another player, you wont need to stalk them, you wont need to touch base with them and you wont need to trust them because based on their skin you already have those answers with a 99% certainty, a skin base system means there's no risk and all reward which is a boring game mechanic imo. I think it'll just take away from a large part of the fun that dayz has to offer, which is uncertainty.
  7. twingunz

    3rd Person and KOS are connect

    lol 1 sided poll is 1 sided!
  8. twingunz

    Illusion of Death.

    I'm not 100% sure what you're exactly saying but what we have now in SA with the medical / food / water is all just a foundation and with hunting / crafting coming as well, i think the Dayz devs work knowing that foremost this is a survival game and i think for the games lifespan we will continuously see that added to.
  9. twingunz

    What is This BullSh#T???

    easy, it's magic more precisely it's the work of voldemort using his evil trickery, that sly fox
  10. twingunz

    Second thoughts about my banditry..

    haha! sorry i'll make it better with beanz!
  11. twingunz

    Second thoughts about my banditry..

    Lol errrr... what does utilitarianism or moral relativism have anything to do with what i said? i'm not sure if you're baiting me here (if so good job it worked haha) as both are so far from what i said lol all people are hypocrites it's not about generalization it's about human nature, just as it's in our nature to lie, cheat and steal when in our best interest; add into the equation that the games based in a post apocalyptic world then that 'truth' of human nature magnifies itself even further. You seem to be talking about moral values, moral values contradict human nature that is part of the reason why all humans are hypocrites, especially for the fact if you're discussing morals you have to factor in that morals are personal and can't be applied to everyone unlike human nature which applies to us all. we don't have to agree to get along! (which in itself is a hypocritical statement :P)
  12. twingunz

    mystery about Svetloyarsk

    I'm pretty keen for it as the new towns / upgrades they've implemented so far in SA are awesome making places feel actually unique, hopefully all these new towns (and eventual all the old ones) will have interesting layouts! Theres so much empty space on the map and i know it's supposed to be like that but just having more to see and do is a huge + in my books! P.S agreed big graveyard would be epic haha
  13. twingunz

    Second thoughts about my banditry..

    You're not a bandit and you're not not a bandit your just a dude bro, a dude just dudeing around the world tryin to survive with deeds of kindness and deeds of murder! I don't understand why people play a set way (hero/bandit) people in real life are hypocrites all our morals are grey even when we think they're not, because people are situational one day something that is a no is a yes the next day, It's better to play how you feel sometimes friendly sometimes not as long as you're alive you're doing it right!
  14. twingunz

    I CombatLogged

    Arj? shouldn't you be writing jokes not killing men for their tuna? If it's not a person i don't think it's 'combat logging' especially if you've desyc'd ... damned if you do damned if you don't!
  15. I think it's more that this patch is what the team worked on when he was away. I presume what he meant when he was tweeting is when he gets back he would be focusing on fixing the combat logging as a priority that's how i took it at least. Remember each staff member is hired for a particular job so animators will continue to animate, designers will continue to design and coders will code etc, not everyone works on the same problems and i'm guessing Dean has taken on the problem of combat logging onto himself or he didn't want it touched until he returned to oversee it.
  16. Copyright, mod was free thus copyright is pretty much void (they still could sue if they wanted tho) BUT as soon as Dean takes money which he obviously is for standalone then they would sue the Beanz off of him.
  17. twingunz


    I'm down for this take my beanz! I think i read somewhere that there is or going to be an addiction system kind of like in new vegas's survival mode.... or maybe i'm just confused and got my games all mixed up!
  18. Magnum Revolver... that's all i need to say really you can figure the rest out i'm sure as the title is pretty obvious :P Currently you can't spin the cylinder of the revolver so if the gun only has 1-2 bullets it will always presume they're queued up next, it'd be boss to be able to spin the chamber, it would serve no practical purpose at all and in real life i can't foresee any situation where the cylinder would not be properly loaded. BUT (again) it would be Boss as and i could force people to play russian roulette and that's what's most important in life.
  19. twingunz

    Reduce travelling time

    I always liked the idea of space and time travel myself you know? just appearing wherever i want at any time... or flight like superman that's cool too not as good as teleportation but hey i'm not greedy. I honestly don't think there will be anything other than bikes (obviously i'm excluding vehicles) and i'm pretty happy with that you get to silly it'll be like an RPGMMO and everyone will have their 'mount' let's not go down that easymode path in a survival game, if you don't like long hikes then this just simply is not your kinda game RUST apparently has a smaller map.
  20. twingunz

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    I agree with everything you said except... oh wait, nope, i agree with everything you said! People need to stop calling it zoom / zooming though and call it focus / focusing or something, seeing a lot seem to think that "zooming" is unrealistic when i think not being able to see 20 feet in front of me is unrealistic, BUT if we use our gypsy magic and change the word "zooming" to "focusing" i think people will better understand that it's not your eyes physically ejecting themselves a foot from your body! (sorry i got in an off topic rant) Good post you used facts science and pictures i did want a graph but i can't have everything BEANZED!
  21. twingunz

    Update ?

    YEP confirmed right here on this exact same first page ;) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165681-any-idea-on-when-the-next-patch-is/
  22. twingunz

    Pointless Idea is Pointless (Russian Roulette)

    You came to just break my heart, i see haha I live in Oz where everything except bread and milk is illegal, thus most of my gun knowledge is from movies but if the chamber is open isn't that when you spin the cylinder? (again going by movie logic!)
  23. twingunz

    Where can i find weed in game?

    Hey don't take me wrong i got no problem with the idea or whatever, i just don't think it's good for this style of game is all.
  24. twingunz

    Pointless Idea is Pointless (Russian Roulette)

    :P sorry if my word choice offends you, feel free to imagine any word you feel would be less offensive to your eyes ;) I've provided you with some options: Radical! Hot Property! Tubular! Beanz! The shiznits! Now some more conventional choices: Awesome! Good! Great! Fantastic! Simply Splendid! Wonderful! I hope this helps :)
  25. twingunz

    Any Idea on when the next patch is??

    I was hoping today, but doesn't look like it not sure what time is there i think it would be friday day though? so maybe ... but more than likely early next week? *shrug* your guess is as good as anyones right now