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Everything posted by twingunz

  1. twingunz

    No Night?

    Some servers reset at night, you should be able to see the server time in the server list. night is 100% in game, also you might just of not waited long enough as the games time is also 24hour.
  2. Hope we get a quick patch today in experimental to fix the machete spawn, this should be done just for me. If it does get fixed today thanks in advance; if not worst devs ever! sarcasm
  3. twingunz

    Mosin or M4?

    I had that problem till i saw a post about the speed loader ruining the damage of the gun, don't use the speed loader and the gun magically becomes useful again (back to 1 shot kills) Edit: just realised you're probably talking about FNX then if so disregard me haha
  4. twingunz

    The Dayz Apocalypse Story.

    I don't really have any theories of my own other than the obvious green mountain ones but I would be interested in having the lore explained in game through visual clues, perhaps old newspapers (or newspaper clippings) as well, even have it so theres conflicting how's and why's to what really happened to let people come to their own conclusions, but if that ever does come in game it'll be a very long way off. perhaps everyone drank the kool-aid.
  5. twingunz

    Gonna be some ragin'

    hahaha great way to kill some time when waiting for the timer
  6. twingunz

    Gonna be some ragin'

    Make a coffee that's what i did after racking up the time, came back with like 30 seconds left and a hot coffee! i felt all win haha
  7. twingunz

    Mosin or M4?

    imo it's 100% dependent on playstyle, mossin is great for range (remove scope for close quarters) and still targets / M4 is great medium to close range and good for spraying down moving targets. i wouldn't say either is better than the other as they are very different weapons so just choose one that reflects the way you play.
  8. twingunz

    Gonna be some ragin'

    lol i got it up to 400 and something seconds when i was stuffing about, it seems to continuously multiply it's very nice!! me likes it a lot!
  9. Someone had a post ages ago about having a bullet removal system (for ones that don't punch through) where you would have to use surgical tools (or small sharp object) to remove the bullet or you get an infection was a good idea i liked it. I tried to find the post but failed.
  10. I can agree to this, i probably oversimplified my point as i can be quite lazy lol. I was just meaning all guns should be viable to kill someone, not balanced to the point it's a grade system for weapons like most games behave eg: lower tier weapons, medium tier weapons and higher tier weapons. instead i think a good shot with a 9mm should be just as effective for a kill as a good shot with a 50cal :P not have like a 9mm take 3 shots to the face because its a 'weaker' calibre. If they go down that balancing path i will be a sad tear filled man! I like the thought that firing a gun in game is almost the exact equivalent of firing it in real life.
  11. Doesn't matter who he kills or why, it's dayz "your story" he can even go kill bambi's if he want's, there is no wrong way to play
  12. twingunz

    maybe in the future we should get Blank bullets?

    or make elaborate plays in the centre of electro!
  13. I like how people always argue calibres about what would and wouldn't kill a man, you get shot in the body with any calibre of bullet in an apocalypse you're a dead man (for obvious reasons). Arma engines have always been based on bullet simulation (what makes them great) thus i feel that guns should behave like their real life counterparts. All guns should be lethal, no guns should be 'balanced'; that's my opinion on it.
  14. twingunz

    Good or Bad?

    The word "wrong" does not apply to DayZ, you made a decision in your best interests and you're still alive here is your badge!
  15. twingunz

    How do you run Dayz in windowed mode?

    I did a post about this ages ago, it's a lot of hassle and doesn't really work properly but theres instructions on how to setup your config file in this thread http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158754-full-screen-windowed/?hl=windowed good luck!
  16. twingunz

    Experimental Patch Stuffed = Throw up

    After the first few times of doing this i learnt, the system has changed learn and adapt. when you get used to it it's easy and better as atleast now we know when we are fully hydrated and energised, before was just a spam food and water carefree. New system is :beans:
  17. I've tested weapon in hands on experimental and yes you drop it when you log out (i had a mate logout to see what would happen) but when you log back in it will appear you do not have it on you but if you press tab it'll be in your inv (in it's own unique slot) just drag it out onto the ground and pick it back up and you're good to go.
  18. twingunz

    KOS, because you play too much Simcity

    People that complain about KoS have no idea on how to survive or how to play the game so heres some tips! 1) CoD and KoS have nothing to do with each other. 2) Stop waving to everyone like an idiot, no wonder they kill you. 3) if you're getting KoS'd you're not a very good survivor; you need to take control of every situation. 3a) if you want to help someone you need to get the drop on them first (take control) see how they interact, if they seem dodgy they are dodgy = kill them. 4) now KoS will not happen to you, welcome to actually being a decent survivor in the game; here's your club card. Theres some tips on how to win the game, now be on your way!
  19. twingunz

    Respawning in the Danger Zone!

    Yeah i get this too, it's odd i've even lost a few items because of it (and a sawn off *sob*), it's odd to say the least it's like it is caching an older copy so could be a server issue, i'm really unsure and purely speculating. It isn't happening to my mate though which is weird (or maybe it is and he just hasn't realised). Sorry wish i could actually provide some insight.
  20. Well i killed a guy with a single chambered bullet from one building (i was on the second story) into another (he was on the 3rd story) who was across the street sniping at me, so yeah the FNX seems a lot more reliable ... better than the .357 ... unsure yet, it's hard to give up a classy revolver!
  21. We will probably see a lot of tweaks to all the guns over the next few years i would imagine, even (sorry to dare mention it, i must be loco but) CoD updates their weapons after release, i wouldn't by any means think that the m4 is in its final form ;) The shotty and FNX just received some tweaks in last experimental as well.
  22. twingunz

    O- or AB+

    AB+ i would kill for as my last like 5-6 chars have all been 0- .... the game is trollin me as i appear to be forever 0- so stay away from me as i am too delicious!
  23. Don't blame the cat! instead throw it at your ISP :P
  24. twingunz

    Stupid hackers

    I'm impressive what can i say ;) haha Nah sadly my game time isn't that much (still huge though) i'm a lazy person my PC stays on always and i forget to quit the game i generally exit the server then alt tab so probably 50-100 of those hours are me sleeping or at work with the game sitting on the server list :P Edit: You made me check i had my game running even now haha i just racked up another 6 hours since last i played today *quits* thanks for giving me the heads up haha